I think it's just the seasonal thing - it is very quiet in the Ride Reports section right now. I guess Roof of Africa is coming and people are also trying to wrap up things at work before holidays, so not much traffic here right now - not just your thread, but in general - you can see 3-4 active threads where there is a comment from somebody on each specific day, and there are also much less ride reports - compared to lets say may/june, when people are wrapping up riding season. I feel for you, it is frustrating putting quite a bit of effort into a report, and not getting any feedback. Look at it this way - your thread has over 25000 views, which is a best record for a long time - so I don't think you need to worry too much.
I for one do appreciate your updates. I have to say though, that similarly to Hillman, Uganda was my favourite country with the best vibe (much better than Rwanda or Kenya). At the same time I fully agree with you that it is the one country where people seem to actively seek to kill you on the road - not sure why. My experience was different probably because I used very rarely main roads, and stuck to the boonies, where there was almost no traffic. And I spent over month there so had more time to really enjoy it. If you would have been able to spent time there, rather than just ride through on the main highway, I think you would also come to appreciate it more.
I guess your experience highlights how different ridding through Africa can be if you approach it differently. If you take your time and venture off the main roads, the experience is very different than when you ride relatively fast straight up/down and stick to the main roads. In the second case you have to deal way too often with officialdom like border crossings or police checks, while in the first I rarely registered them - I haven't paid single fine (and bribe) through my whole trip through Africa, and I wasn't sticking to the speed limits at all. As you mentioned yourself - those guys on XR125 had probably enjoyed the ride properly.
But I understand that your objective is different - ride around the world, and the time is scarce. I don't have that ambition - I've done a bit of travelling and in my experience only South East Asia comes close to Africa, so I'm content to limit my riding here.