Yes I also loved it Thanks MateCrossed-up said:Loving it. All the best going forward.
Yes Ideally you luggage should not go past your back wheel and the best weight is about 35 KG. In my case I had about 50 kg and a top box past the back wheel. Also your luggage should be as low as possible for sand riding but with all the mistakes I still made it through Africa X 2-Cheers my PelLukasB9 said:Really like the photos of the fisherman on the lake :thumleft:
So I assume if you repacked the gear for the sand you change the packing somewhat for the conditions?
Plesier my maatDuster said:Nice Schalk, ek geniet die saamry. Dankie vir die deel.
You got the right machine for the trip. Just do it and Malawi is not far.Ian in Great Brak River said:I have got to get up to Malawi ... looks great.
Plesier my maatgwild said:As always enjoy this thread. Jy maak my jaloers. Enjoy keep them coming
Thanks my man for the kind words. Life some times work out different from how we plan it. Turning back made it more tough but more adventure. I would not have seen Rwanda and Uganda if I did not come back again. Getting the money for the next leg of the trip will also be part of the adventure. All the best.Habangana said:Amazing stuff Schalk, very inspiring. I love the way you write and the photos. Much respect and admiration for following your dreams, reading this thread was a joy, a peep through the window to a world that awaits each of us, so much promise. I am really sad that you couldn't make it to Europe especially after 13000 km with 2000 km to go. Good luck with the book (pass it on to Yamaha) and hopefully that multinational sponsorship comes sooner than you expect. I am looking forward to the next leg of your journey and will keep posted.
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Dit lyk my jy is 'n avontuurlustige meisie. GroeteHappyfeet said:Ek het my Paddi duiksertifikaat in die Malawi meer gedoen. Awesome land en jou RR bring mooi herhinneringe terug. Dankie, sien uit na die res!