Low flying 800GS

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Let me firstly say, it's a great looking bike!

BUT I need to moan again today.....
This morning was the 2nd time the Kamakazi Pilot on his new 800GS came past me just between Alendale and Buccleuch Interchange.

For the 10 seconds I could see him (before he dissapeared from sight) he had about 17 near misses, which one was me. Weaving like someone posessed!!

Came so close passed me he could have swiped my keys out of my ignition if he wanted!

I hope you come to read this, and if you think I'm a tosser for moaning, and if you have a family think of them when you are endagouring your life like that!

IF it is a dealers bike.... I hope your Dealer Pricipal reads this!!  >:D

Any event the 5min you gt to work quicker is not worth your life! there's a time and place for everything and doing in excess of 130km/h in PEAK traffic is not on!!

PLEASE don't become a statistic!