Magaliesburg - Chase the Train #2 - 20090329

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Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Kymco (all models)
Well well, without the mudmonster on her team, and if you cheat a little, Ole Puffer (Or Little Suzie, more accurately ) is quite easy to beat.

But first things first. Thanks to some welcome late joiners, it was quite a sizeable pack that set off from Heuningklip Sasol – I think about 12 bikes – the usual suspects and mixture of makes and models.

We headed off to the old train graveyard to show some of the people who had no been there the trains, but were not allowed in:-

“Sorry, but the Transnet, she say you got to have the letter to come in,” so we headed off to the same crossing point we waited at last time, but this time with about 45mins to wait for the train.

We decided to send off the slower, lazy, impatient and babelaas riders first with a 30Min handicap. Chalsam and I set off with a 15Min start, and Jules, Justbiking and the other speedies were going to wait until the train arrived and leave with it.

But Suzie was in no hurry today. Chalsam and I reached the level crossing at Tarlton and Suzie was nowhere to be seen. We decided to backtrack to Tarlton, thinking that she must be waiting at the siding, but she had stopped up-rail from there. Just as we heard the train whistle I got a call from JustBiking in Magaliesburg asking where we were. It seems as if they had gone through and missed us.

For me it was great. I rode next to the train all the way from Tarlton to Orient where we zoomed ahead on tar getting to Magalies just as the train pulled in.

In the meantime the folks up ahead were understandably agitated after over an hour’s wait for us, and were keen to move on, so we set off on phase two of the ride, but unfortunately a nail in TravelGravel’s rear tyre just outside Magalies set us back a further 45 Minutes, and it was already 1:30 before we crested Breedt’s nek and after 2:00 by the time we reached the second service road on the Brits/Rustenburg line.

We rode about 20Km of that road, almost dead straight, but there are a few challenging bits where the vegetation, mostly stinky khakibos, seems intent on grabbing your handlebars and footpegs. There are also a few places where you ride on thick railway ballast and you just have to let the bike dance about underneath you.

From there onto the dry and dusty West Canal road and finally the tar at Harties, reaching O’Hagans after 3:30. 

I don’t think I have ever enjoyed anything as much as the first drink out on their stoep.

A big thanks to the Dogs who came along today – I enjoyed it thoroughly, but I will sleep well tonight – I don’t know why it feels like we rode so far ?

The track we rode was precisely as planned at:-

Hey GG,

Sorry I couldn't make it.

Looking forward to seeing photos!

I was camera-less today.

(Mine is in for de-dusting it’s innards and “re-colimating” - whatever the hell that is )

But a coupe of cellphone snaps

JustBiking and PotHoles waiting at Millside.


Train in the distance at Tarlton Station


Leaving Tarlton


What a great days riding. GundaGunda thanks for organizing and to everybody else thanks is was a lekker day 

The dogs at the Millsite regroup point
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<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

Jules and Gunda doing their magic "predict the train"  :biggrin:
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

Gunda had split us into a slow group leaving early and a fast group waiting for the train. Gunda and Kenny left about 10 min before the fast group.

Finally the train arrived and we set of. Everybody was rearing so the pace was brisk so not too many pics until Magaliesburg.  GundaGunda and Chalsam set off a little before the train and waited at Tarlton. They backtracked an we probably passed while they were under the bridge as we ever saw them along the way.
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

After a few drinks at the Magaliesburg hotel we were off again but not too far before TravelGravel realised she had a puncture. Now to sketch the background, TG's favourite saying is that only KTM's get punctures and BMW's NEVER get punctures. Now as we all know the law of averages has a way of sorting these things out and today was the (her) day  :biggrin: To top it all she made the same comment earlier to the group and it was about to bite her in the back  :imaposer: :imaposer:

Here the guys are giving instructions while the girl is fixing the puncture. Adv - thanks, your tech-day definitely paid off  :thumleft:. Listening to the comments I wonder how many of the guys can fix their own punctures  :imaposer: :pot:
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

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Puncture fixed and on our way to Breedt's Nek

TravelGravel with Dapper Muis following
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

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The group having a quick stop on Breedt's Nek
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

and GundaGunda having some fun...
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

Coming down Breedt's Nek

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Kili Kid
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Roxenz and pillion
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

Jules had to have a green milkshake to match this KLR and "Monster" theme
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

A lekker ride - thanks everybody.

Thanks all for a fantastic days riding.  This having been my 1st ride with other dogs, it was great to meet and spend the day with you.  Looking forward to the next one.

I've been trying to upload some pics from today but that little white square with red cross keeps appearing where the images should be.  I want to have script with it's pic below ... please help !!!
saw you lads on the road.  waved to jules.  BURP and a '94 maroon TA,  between magalies and the n14 around 1-ish. 
Tx GG, great ride!  And super meeting everyone on my first ride with the dogs - will be back!   :thumleft:  And the puncture fix training session was a real bonus - very impressed..  :3some:
SADivemaster said:
Hey GG,

Sorry I couldn't make it.

Looking forward to seeing photos!


Babelaas is no excuse  :pot:

But Jules made a good point yesterday. You must choose between chasing the train and riding. The train is too unpredictable and starts too late.

But the route is good as it has variety and a great gravel/tar ratio - maybe some time in the future we forget the train, start early and do the route just for the route's sake. 

But for me that 10Km riding next to the train was very special - an amazing machine and I hope they keep it going for ever.
Ganjora said:
saw you lads on the road.   waved to jules.   BURP and a '94 maroon TA,  between magalies and the n14 around 1-ish.   

Yeah, you unfriendly b*****r. Why didn't you stop for a cappuchino?  :pot:
. . . . an the Bike Gods can bring you down to earth with a bump.

Came back from Lesotho brimming with confidence in my riding skill. Never even nearly dropped the bike on Heuweltop, and did some pretty fast riding chasing Malibu's F800's butt with no problems at all.

And then yesterday I have three serious TLT's

First was coming down Breedt's nek that I have done many times with no problems. Was too close to TravelGravel's dust and lost it on some stones and ended up doing fancy footwork in the ditch to keep the bike upright.

Second was a bad hop over the middelmannetjie north of Mooinooi. Over did it and a big bush grabbed my handlebar and gave me a bit of a tank-slap. Ended up with pretty flowers stuck in the GPS mount.

Third was a back-wheel washout on the canal road. Went into the corner too fast and overcooked it. Managed to get a foot down and keep the bike upright, but it was a bit scary. At least I now know the limit of my Siracs on loose gravel.   

Eish !
GundaGunda said:
Third was a back-wheel washout on the canal road. Went into the corner too fast and overcooked it. Managed to get a foot down and keep the bike upright, but it was a bit scary. At least I now know the limit of my Siracs on loose gravel.   

Was right behind you, and that little 2-step was quite elegant.  Suspect you may be a sensation on the dance floor!

Thanks GG and all the others - twas a great day out.  My son (pillion) thoroughly onjoyed it and couldn't stop babbling about all he's gonna do when he gets his own bike (bit more than a year to wait...).

I'll post a couple of pix this arvie.
Lekker guys...

Took D for her first quiet ride yesterday, and she coped very well.... now to just get the arm stronger and she'll be back to fighting fit! 

Looks like you guys had a fantastic day!

roxenz said:
Was right behind you, and that little 2-step was quite elegant.  Suspect you may be a sensation on the dance floor!

Two-Step ? Felt more like an uncoordinated gumboot dance to me.
Thanks Jbking for the help in posting pics.  Didn't take as many as I would've liked, but here's what I have.

Initial meeting point at Sasol Garage

Gunda Gunda pacing the tracks waiting for the train

Here she comes ... eventually


GG ready to hit the gravel again en route for Magalies regroup

Team work

Kili Kid


Roxenz ... well done through here with pillion

Just Biking

Everyone cleared this small obstacle successfuly... we did almost have one swimmer though  :biggrin: Will leave it up to the "near victim" to elaborate if they wish to do so ;)

Thanks again for a great day.
chalsam said:
Thanks Jbking for the help in posting pics.  Didn't take as many as I would've liked, but here's what I have.

Chalsam - no problem

Some lekka pics....

Just a few cellphone happy snaps...


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