Magaliesburg Meander - 2009-08-30

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Looks like a great time was had by all

Dammit ! - missed yet another good one

I really have to spend more time on the forum so I don't keep missing these
Seeing Jules have an "off" is a very rare occurence

Looks like it was a great ride, sorry I could not make it.  :(

Next time....
GundaGunda said:
Would I? said:
The photos are great!!


Nice to have an expert along - You should do this for a living !

:biggrin: :biggrin:

Love that one with the kids on the railway track. I would never have thought to drop the camera to get that perspective.

Thanks, I wouldn't mind doing this for a living!  :mwink: ;D  a bracket has cracked off my Zorst :-[ anyone know aq good Zorst bracket welder?

Another nice ride!  Would have loved to join you but I've got other priorities on Sundays.  ;)
Hey all - it was very lekker
nice to meet some new faces

Well done Firecracker - for a first ride you did
extremely well 
Thanks to everyone for yet another fantastic day, with great company.  :laughing4: what he said -  Firecracker, you were an absolute star - well done! :thumleft:
Hope we will have many more adventurous hours in the great outdoors of Africa together.  :hello2:
Thanks for the awesome ride everyone  :thumleft: It was made even better by the fact that the BMW did not need to get towed home........ All those KLR's around were making me nervous  :p

Good to see some old faces and to meet some new ones.  :ricky:

Ay-yay-yay-yay!  Looks like so much fun, and Pistonslap's photographs are brilliant! I sorta planned to go but suffered from a terrible case of swine flu (yes, I behaved like a pig the night before  ;)).
  a bracket has cracked off my Zorst :-[ anyone know aq good Zorst bracket welder?


airage in pta west!

012 3771374

look slike i missed a lekker ride!

Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement, help (picking up the bike - it hapened so often i think everyone had a turn!), tips, especially to point my toes Gunda, definately will try that the next time my bike sleeps on the job! :)  Li thanks for doctoring me!

A little blood has now been spilt by rider and bike, I think we are square, and hopefully less spills will ocur :)

You guys are such a fantastic group of people!  Thanks, I had a great day! :)  See you all soon.  :ricky:

Thanks for letting me sleep WouldI? who knew shopping could take so much out of you!?
madmike999 said:
  a bracket has cracked off my Zorst :-[ anyone know aq good Zorst bracket welder?

airage in pta west!

012 3771374

Thanks will give them a buzz :thumleft:

look slike i missed a lekker ride!

roxenz said:
Ay-yay-yay-yay!  Looks like so much fun, and Pistonslap's photographs are brilliant! I sorta planned to go but suffered from a terrible case of swine flu (yes, I behaved like a pig the night before  ;)).

Thank you Roxenz but hardly brilliant that title is reserved for the creatively talented folks out there, I cant ride when Im stoned and pissed so my pictures suffer .... :mwink:
Fire Cracker said:
..... especially to point my toes Gunda . . . .

Yup - you would have scored far higher on the dive into the long grass had your toes been pointed. Apart from that it was not bad.

"Forward somersault with a half-twist into long grass in the tuck position. Degree of difficulty 2.5" 
great brings back memories i used to live in honeydew we often road that route
Looks like you all had a nice ride, hopefully I'll make the next one.