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Race Dog
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
KTM 990 Adventure
Molopo BASH 2014

That time of the year again and as usual I could not get to planning my route in advance.  :-[

The week I was supposed to leave I started fiddling with Basecamp and as usual ran into some issues (most of them due to ignorance  ;D), for some reason the 660 just always has some little niggles. I phoned Garmin and had to reload all the TOPO maps and this did not make for a good start to a long trip. The route I decided on was as much gravel as I could possibly muster with only short tar distances in between.

Loading the maps became a huge pain in the ass, again I tried Garmin support but to no avail despite a lot of promises and, and, and...  In the end I phoned Pauli and after some explaining he managed to find a way to get the maps loaded. It’s too bad he works for himself he would be useful at Garmin support. Thanks for that Pauli  :thumleft:  as usual you came through - .

I was hesitant on marking just any routes – I think a lot of us had thought about that dreaded word SAND :patch: :peepwall:.
And in the Kalahari there would be a lot of that.  I plotted the route with some reassurance as Transporter would be riding with me and at least I would have a buddy on this trip.

The Route:

I was looking forward to travelling this part of the country, you always hear about these places and never get around to seeing it. That in a nutshell is what the bashes have become for me personally – a “reason” to see some place I would otherwise not get to see.  Wednesday I heard Transporter was out and it was a blow as the route included Kenhardt roads and I still remembered Pote hitting that gate on route to the BASH at Noordoewer and breaking his arm.  A riding buddy just makes sense. I had no option but to make peace with the fact that it would be a solo trip yet again.

I packed Wednesday night and set off just before 08H00 on Thursday morning.  It was a clear cold morning and not much wind to speak of. I have long wanted to take the road that led from Colesberg to De Aar this was my chance.

Why have a GPS you ask well:

The road to De Aar turned into a 2 spoor road and had some nice humps – what a way to start a day.

De Aar has a huge power distribution point (Hydra), it amazes me what infrastructure we have in this country

From  De Aar headed to Britstown and from there to Vosburg  and then on to Van Wyksvlei

Wonder how much rain it took to make these pools in this barren landscape?

I filled up at Van Wyksvlei – what an eerie experience the whole town seemed to be as drunk as can be.  I promptly thought of it as Bacchustown from now on.

While paying for the fuel an old oomie asked if I was heading for Kenhardt and sighed – Jy gan ma taai ry die eerste 40km ou seun  :eek7:.
I sat on the stoep of the Coop till the shade gave way and headed off to Kenhardt – thinking of Pote in a not so good way...

After the “rough” part of the road was over I flew past a monument on the side of the road – made a U turn and went to have a look.

I was in awe at how much Lucas must have loved her...

By now it was HOT

I reached Kenhardt where I had booked and was contemplating pushing through to Kakemas, while waiting for Suzette (help me out Heimer) I heard some all too familiar voices from the bar.  Fender, Mapsource, Louwtjie and Blinkes were already out of bike clothes – I decided to call it a day and rather push early the next day. 


The bikes were safe and I had a bed for the night, what more could I ask for?  The hotel was old but clean – I was looking forward to the others arriving and spending the night meeting old friends again.

Want to know what secret advertising looks like:

I had a nice cold shower and went exploring Kenhardt:

Talk about fire and brimstone sermons – here they skin you alive:

Uuuuuum – sure this tree has a story or two

What amazed me was the condition of the school and hostel – newly painted and in GREAT condition – We in Colesberg BATTLE to get any money from the Education Department and here were new Netball and tennis courts, the school and hostel newly painted and all the windows in tack...

The rest of the Cape gang arrived and everyone took to the watering hole

It soon became apparent that the “gang” had had their fare share of tyre troubles etc the day before – hence I doubt if Heimer’s plan of via Noeniput would happen.  I would push off first as I wanted to visit Augrabies and then head to Lutputz.  We said our goodbyes and of I went.

When they find water they USE it...

Approaching Kakemas

First for me

I must have looked like this

I left Augrabies and at the gate saw 2 “guys” with Suzuki’s heading in – only later that night I realized via FB it was Michnus – they were heading for Namibia
What difference water makes...

Onto Lutzputs


Spare a thought for the men who built these railroads in this warm inhospitable landscape

Onto Noenieput

The farms were FAR apart and makes you think what if.....

I reached Noenieput quarter before two – the pumps were locked so I walked into the Coop.  Not a sole in sight registers open and everything for the taking. I waited on the stoep. At two o clock a guy arrived and said he was the clerk the other oke would be here shortly. I waited another 15 minutes – the first guy then came out and said he would fill me up.  Eish... I asked how many bikes had come through that day... “None” It was not nice to know that in 200km I had not even passed or seen another bike never mind car or bakkie.

The HP was due for a birthday so I kept an eye on the odo – I stopped to take a photo, just then my youngest brother’s WAP came through his son was born that morning. Congrats Rudi

Welcome Hunter van der Walt

Now it was getting desolate

From about 40km from Molopo the roads turned into this with loooong sections of thick sand

I came upon this family and asked how far Molopo was from there
The reply was: “the bottle store is 5km”

I made it:

The Lodge:

Notice the height of the mirror – ideal for that long over extended brazillian

Some random pics

Briv and Mrs

Wonder how many people noticed that the table was a “blaasbalk”

Capie’s roughing it

The new model just arrived in the Kalahari they were VERY impressed

Drazil has the info on this – please tell...

My shower mate

Some bikes were how we shall put it – clean....

What a nice bike

Around these parts NOTHING goes to waste

After extensive research Goodyear was the only tyre that could handle the 2 donkey power pull away

What is wrong here?  Where is this owner of this bike – Ohhh yes he is the one walking up and down buying drinks for the guys doing the repairs.... Louwtjie you GENIUS...  (5 plugs)

The way back – Askham – Van Zylsrus
The roads were very fair – sandy but fair

Closer to Van Zylsrus the sand thickened – I was amazed at how easy the HP handled it. I seldom had to slow down below travel speed...


The thickest sand and it was THICK was the 25km from Van Zylsrus to Hotazel
That section was what I thought sand would be like for most of the trip.
It reminded me of the “BRUL sand” at Witsand during the sand course with Country Trax.
That being said – the foundation to sand riding was laid there and I THOROUGLY enjoyed the whole trip because I was not intimidated by sand any more. Also I think the HP makes anyone a better rider.

Mining has turned Kathu into a new Kimberley

I stopped off in Kathu to see where my “mom” lives let me explain...
My uncle who adopted us lost his wife three years ago and found his High School sweetheart who also lost her husband via Face Book – they married Dec a year ago (at 70) and have been living between Colesberg and Kathu. It was the first time I got to see her house etc.

I left Kathu for Lohatlha where I was stationed in ‘93

I ran many a mile beyond that small koppie

The old entrance gates where we used to go in and out

Going back was a surreal experience – the troop at the gate let me inside without even signing in the register. SHE had no weapon, pink nails and could barely understand English. When I asked her where 61 Batt insignia was – she said they were disbanded and sent to their own camps – meaning Potch etc.
I was to a certain extent sorry I went there – I should have remembered it as I knew it and had a sense of pride in it.

I left heavy hearted for Postmasburg, filled up and went off to Papkuil

The roads started changing back to stony loose gravel

The WORST section of road was between Papkuil and Douglas it was TERRIBLE – tyres everywhere as it had claimed victims. From Papkuil I went via Douglas to Hopetown, Orania, Colesberg

The total distance was 1790km.
Thanks to the organizers it was a blast as usual.
AWESOME  :thumleft:
Baie nice ride report.  Jou pics wys die landskap en atmosfeer mooi.  :thumleft:
Nice work Nimmo, and lekka to meet again :thumleft:
Lekker om jou raak te ry Nimmo

Nice ride report
Daai HP2 lyk darem mooi in sy "natuurlike habitat"  :thumleft:
Dankie Nimmo.  Het lekker saamgery  :sip:

Is meer en meer spyt ek het nie gegaan nie  :deal:  :-[
Mis ek nou vir Vaalbaas en die oop lang pad
Knap gedaan Nimmo
Goed om te ointmoet.
Jy ry alleen maar lekker :thumleft: