MotoGP vs WSBK

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Race Dog
Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
Western Cape - Somerset West
Valentino Rossi... The Doctor is KING again!! What a brilliant ride this morning.

Has anybody ever done the comparisson of WSBK vs MotoGP?? My newbie understanding is that MotoGP is total new development... brand new purpose built bikes which somewhat project what may be seen some day in  future bikes... probably 10 years out, while SBK bikes are basically the most highly refined and tuned versions of factory standard bikes that you and I could buy... although it would cost millions to do all the enhancements.

I am thinking...

- Engine size is basically the same, but what differences are there between the engines of say the Yamaha MGP vs WSBK bikes? Or is it simply a different world... nothing similar?
- Am I right with the opening statement of purpose built vs tuned from standard?
- Are these two using the same tyres?
- Have anybody compared lap times of these bikes if measured against each other... and how does the times rate against Formula One cars on the same tracks?

All the boffins out there, please share some of your superior insights and knowledge.
