Mozambique, 2x 1150GS, 1x 990 and lots of fun.

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Race Dog
Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
Ducati Multistrada / Enduro
Eventually the day came when everything was packed and were ready to go.

Attendees: Me, tr0jan, JohnST and our pillions.

Destination: Motel Do Mar, Pont Do Ora, Mozambique
Milage: 685km

It started early morning (6am 18 March 2008 to be exact) and wet.
We have been watching the weather for the last 2 weeks to see if there is the slightest chance of some sunshine for our little get away as you all know it was raining for the last 2 weeks non stop.
As we geared up in a slight drizzle it took me a little while to get used to the fact that we are actually doing this and that there is nearly 700km of travel ahead.
We departed from Centurion heading for our first waypoint Bethal.
We went via Delmas to Bethal where it was still wet and cold in the early morning.
Pictures from the top.
Getting ready for the trip.
Tr0jan with his scoot.
My misses and my scoot.
JohnST and Misses ST with the KTM.



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Arrived in Bethal about 150km where we had our Breakfast at Maxis.

Will not go into the detail on what we had but it was lekker.


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After the breakfast we hit the road again through Ermelo towards Piet Retief.
This is where my GPS let us down a bit because the power connector did not connect, made a plan and were back on track.

Now the fun starts.
Apparently the 1150gs has a longer range on a tank than KTM and about 10km outside of Piet Retief JohnSt had the Petrol light on so we made the decision to push for the next town in stead of turning back and JohnST had to slip tream behind tr0jan at about 90km/h just to make it to the next pump.
Eventually about 60km before Pongola we found this odd Total Pump were we could get enough juice to make it to Pongola.
You can see that this pump is used mainly by trucks.


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blazes said:
Whats with the Mohican helmet ???

It is something that she got on the Toy-Run and was never since removed.
Breaks her neck but she likes it.
After filling up we were on the road again to fill up in Pongola and move to Jozini Dam.
Getting closer.


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The view at the Jozini Dam is very beautiful and we made it our next stop to rest the bums.


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And then it was for the home streach for the day to Kosi Bay where we will spend the night while we wait for the rest of the party to arrive so we can go over the border together.
When we hit Kosi Bay we refilled our tanks to be ready for the next day to go over the border.
To get to our guest house we has a 7km stretch of very loose sand to conquer with our pillions.
I went down 2 times the first being the hardest off up to date.
I lost my wind and had to lay for about 2 minutes before I could get up and continue.
The misses found it very funny seeing that she went down with me.
Just behind me tr0jan also lost it for the first time and about 100meter in front of us JohnST got his turn.

The scores:
Me 2
tr0jan 2
JohnST 1


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After arriving at Kosi bay camp and a few falls later we dumped the gear panniers and wifes deflated tires and went back in search of a shibeen.

A good excuse just to test the sand monster again, when we found the shabeen we forgot a bottle of fanta that was ordered from the ladies and in 2 ticks me and tr0jan was back on the bikes to go again.
We got enough to have a babbalas the following morning for when we go into mozambique.

Some pics of the night atr Kosi Bay.


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The next morning we woke up to a beautiful sight while we started to pack for the Border.


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Arriving at the Border it was fooking HOT and all of us desided to down gear to the minimal. We also had a bakkie with us now and the ladies will travel Mozambique in the bakkie because we will go down.
Going through the border post was quite stressing for everyone that hasnt been through it yet.
Immediately you can see them standing there with AK47's and ready for kaark.
It took us about 45min to get through the border and then the 10km of sand ahead to Ponta do Ora.


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I will post some pics tonight and there after give my Master Card summary!  ;D
After leaving the border post I went down one time because I had to stop witch was a big mistake and tr0jan got a bit tired with handling his big machine and we sort of lost count of how many times he used his boxer as a plower.
Then the police pulled us over and asked for identification and licenses but we could see that they are just looking for a bribe.
OK must admit that tr0jan had no identification with him because he left it in the bakkie and the police was very upset that he could not show some sort of identification. Then they turned their attention to me and asked me for my license witch I could not produce because I only have a learners with me. Then they tuned me that in their country you are not allowed to ride a bike with only a learners license so now I ask you WTF. JohnST was the only dude with all the valid papers and we sent him to go and get tr0jan's passport and license.
So tr0jan and I kicked out the side stands and left the bikes standing on the side of the road and walked back about 30m to go and sit in the shade of a tree while we wait for JohnST.
Eentually the police followed us to under the tree and started picking on me again because of the learners license and said that it is a  1 000 000mt fine, worked it out to Rand and it was about R321 or something so I said well I dont have any money but I will be glad to take the fine and pay it at the police station ASAP. After about 15min they started to get irritated with us because we would just sit there and do nothing and then they talked in porra and discussed something, came back to us and said ja they will give us a parden but what will we do for them (now that is asking for a bribe) so I said lets see what I have on my bike and I gave them 4 Hot Dog buns. They were happy and we were on our way again without tr0jans proof of identification even.
So we go again and now we are also demoer in because the police have managed to spoil our fun trip, well at least tr0jan had some time to rest for the second half of the trip.

So in our way again and tr0jan takes a huge plummet into the sand snapping off his right pannier, rear indicator and numberplate and with the fall he also fell into a broken glass bottle cutting open his hand.

At this stage I wanted to take a picture but decided that it would not be the best thing to do right now.
Because it is only a single lane for traffic to go both directions we blocked up the traffic from the front first and then from the back with us in the middle and bakkies with boats standing still in both directions.
Tr0jan and I tried to pick up the bike but we just couldnt do it so 2 guys jumped out of their bakkie to help us lift the bike.
After lifting the bike the bakkie in front of us managed to reverse into the bushes so we and everyone behind us could pass and on the home streatch.

Luckily we are on the beach and this is the view out of our chalet.
And that makes up for everything.


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