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Race Dog
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Morgans Bay
Kawasaki KLR 650
It has now become a bit of a tradition that every year in-between Christmas and New year, Myself and some mates go on a bike ride for 4 or 5 day’s and this year was no different., and so it came to pass that early on the 26th December 5 intrepid travelers met. (no looking at the photo’s I would say a bunch of 5 decrepit old farts met)


From L/R  W/D “Bike” XT 660, “ Kally” (myself) KLR 650, “Amarok” KLR650, “Jmol” GS1200 ADV, and non dog “Barry” Yamaha TTR 250 Raid.
Day 1​
The planed route was. Leave East London, do tar for 30 klms to McLeantown
(the only tar for the day) then travel on farm roads to Hanover, Rooikrantz Dam, Debe Nek, through Double Drift game reserve, Fort Beaufort, and then up the mountain and camp at Fort Fordyce. Total length 280 klm.

We were all rather nervous as it had been raining steadily for days before and we knew we were in for a rough ride. And how right we were  

We hadn’t gone more than a few hundred meters on dirt when crossing a cattle grid  I lost control and shot off the road into the bushes and mud on the side of the road, I didn’t fall, but it took 3 of us to push the bike out of the mud.


And so the fun began, it took us just short of  2 hours to do the next 48 klms to Rooikrantz Dam. In places the mud had been churned up into deep slushy ruts by cars, some of which were still stuck on the side of the road. On down hills we slithered, slid, and prayed. At other places we had to abandon the road and ride on the foot paths next to it. But apart from Amarok who took a fancy to Hanover and bought a small plot there, (the only off of the trip) We all arrived at Rooikrantz Dam with big eyes and white knuckles, with lots of story’s to tell


Amaroks Plot


Rooikrantz Dam

We then did a short detour to Maiden Dam some 3 klms further up the road which is chocolate box pretty, in order to have a  bite to eat and get our breath back.



Maiden Dam
The road to Debe Nek was a lot dryer and although there were some slippery spots life was a lot more relaxed. None of us had traveled this road before but it is on my “to do again list” as it runs along the foot of the Amatola Mountains, and is very scenic



By the time we got to Double Drift Game Reserve It was hot very hot but what a beautiful ride the road twists and turns through and endless range of mountains and valleys.





JMOL crossing the Fish River causeway
All across,  the thermometer reading 54.8 c in the sun at this stage,  :dousing:



Just after the causeway we came across Fort Double Drift which was built in the 1830s one of many forts in the Border region, unfortunately most are falling into a bad state of disrepair.


As Barry and the fort are about the same vintage he is wondering who has aged better.
I think the fort has, at least it’s tower still stands.

As we were running late and the heat had really taken it out of us. So we decided to slab the last 50 odd klms on tar to Fort Beaufort. While refueling there we decided to rather stay in Fort Beaufort as there were rumors that the camping grounds at Fort Fordyce were closed. As there are no camping grounds in Fort Beaufort, Amarok suggested that we ask the Country Club if we could camp there. The Manager Allan welcomed us, opened up the change rooms and told us to use as much braai wood as we wanted. It goes a long way to beat small town hospitality.



Sun Downer time

While we were braaing  we could see a big thunderstorm taking place to the north just where we would be riding  the next day. “More mud glorious mud.”
As it had been a long day we all hit the sack soon after the braai except for Barry who had become rather talkative during the evening. He was last seen wandering of in the moonlight down the first fairway, glass in hand. Contemplating the resilience of stone towers no doubt.

That was Day 1 . . . .
DAY 2​

The planed route for day 2 was, pass through the Mpofu nature reserve with it’s spectacular pass up the Winterberg, along the escarpment to Tarkastad, then to Jmol’s mothers house in Cradock

Mpofo is beautiful and if you  pass that way well worth doing. The road was damp but not slippery, but judging buy some old car tracks very slippery when wet.




We all gathered at the top gate for a rest and chat. I think the top gate should be called the “Pearly Gates” because you are truly entering “adventure biking heaven” roads that twist and turn through the most fantastic landscape of  rolling mountains and valley’s, no cars, no people, and it goes on for mile’s.




But if you pass through the Pearly Gates, it doesn’t mean that Lucifer is going to let you be.
He was out to get us, and had disguised himself in the form of MUD, the further we road the wetter the road became. We were entering the area of lasts nights storm and to compound the problem we were mostly riding “virgin roads” no fresh tracks to tell if it was slippery or not. Some places looked fine, but the first rider would be seen doing the “hocky Pocky” on his bike and give the rest of us a good laugh and time to slow down. But we all got through with no mishaps. 






By the time we got to Tarkastad we were all starving and the only place open in the whole town was a take away at the petrol station.


Barry who has traveled the world far and wide and is an expert on toasted cheese and tomato sandwiches say’s that they make the best he has ever tasted.

Again we decided to shorten the route for the day, and rather do a dirt loop to Cradock via Kommandodrift Dam, and Lake Arthur.


We hadn’t gone far when the sky turned black and big drops of rain began to fall. We all skidded to a stop and put on our rain suites as quick as we could, but buy the time we had them on the rain had stopped. It looked very threatening towards Cradock so we kept them on. We  rode of at great speed in the hope that we would beat the rain, which we did.

Just after we got to Jmol’s mothers place the heavens opened up and it came down in torrents, another night of wondering about muddy roads and mountain passes to travel the next day.

That was day 2 . . . . .
DAY 3​

Somerset East via Swaershoek Pass, then take the R335 over the Suurberg Pass to Addo.

We left Cradock with the clouds hanging low and heavy, and a bit of trepidation about the state of the road over Swaershoek. As we started to climb the Pass we could see that the top was covered in mist and rain, so on with the rain suites again. The only difference is that this time we needed them.


Rain suits on again​


Top of Swaershoek Pass. Jmol calls this pic “Gorillas in the mist”




On the way down Barry came upon this earthworm, well over 2 meters long

As we dropped down the pass the rain and mist lifted, but it must have had heavy rain there as the roads were very slippery.  So once more we slipped and slid along for the next hour or so.





Barry and Bike grew tired of riding bikes in the mud and hired this car, but for some reason it wouldn’t start.


The road gradually started to dry out and we arrived in Somerset East in time for Lunch
what a great route ... WHite knuckles and Mud and stories to tell I bet ..... :eek: :eek: :eek:

That has got to have been "fun " riding and adding some serious excitement to the ride..!
After lunch we took the R335 to Bracefield where Jmol had to leave us and headed home as he had family commitments,
So the 4 of set off for the Suurberg Pass, the road gradually deteriorated but it was almost dry, just lovely.


“Ann’s Villa” you can hire a room there,
looks like a house out of a Agatha Christy Book​

Just after Ann’s Villa we started the climb up Suurberg Pass the road looked like it had not been used for some time but was not to technical. Once we had crested the top the view was fantastic it felt like you could see for ever.






The road gradually improved and we began to meet a few cars along the way, This is a fantastic Pass it’s not short and took us an hour and a half to do. Will I do it again? “Yes most  definitely on my list.” Once off  the Pass it’s a short run to Addo. Where we set up camp, had a few whiskeys and talked crap, All in all a lovely day.

That was day 3 . . . . .
DAY 4​

The plan for day 4 was take the road from Addo through the Addo Elephant Park which joins the N10, then take the Woody Cape road to Alexandria, Then more farm roads past Cannon Rocks and joining the R72 again just before Bushman’s River Mouth. Then tar all the way back to East London.

We woke up to a beautiful day the sun was shining it was warm and there was NO mud “yippee”


The elephants may have been far away,  but at least we saw some​


Woody Cape​


I have done Woody Cape quite a few times and never tire of it

We turned left just after leaving Alexandria onto a road that none of us had done before.


After some time we came to the sign which said Cannon Rocks, and as that was where we were heading,  we took it. Well this road just carried on and on and then started heading west along the coast,  it had to be wrong. We were  supposed  to  be heading east.  We stopped, had a quick meeting and decided that the road was taking us back to Alexandria, It was a lovely road and we had the time, so we carried on. This was a good decision and was well worth doing the extra distance.


Heading  East​

Once back in Alexandria we hit the tar road back to East London. The roads were busy and it was hot, we were on tar. Our ride was over. But it’s a ride I will remember for a long time not just for the ride itself but also for the company. Although I have had many rides with Jmol and Barry it was the first time I had ridden with “Bike” and “Amarok”, not once during the entire ride was there a cross word spoken . We all just had a ball. Will I ride with them again? You bet I will.

The photos were taken by Jmol, Amarok and the out of focus one’s by myself.
Dit was lekker  :biggrin:

I'll post some kiekies later  :thumleft:
What a nice trip. I love the pictures
Great stuffs  :thumleft:  Looks like you had a lot of fun and conquered the mud monster  :pot:

There are a few nice action photo's where you cross water/mud  :ricky:

Baie lekker RR en mooi fotos !
Sjoe ons land ( Kaap ) is darem mooi !
Hell I'm sorry I was not on this trip with you guys. Kally this must have been a truly memorable trip for all. The only mud I saw was volcanic thermal activity. A trade-off I suppose.

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