My annual leave...EC, WC & NC with pillion (RR DONE!!!)

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Drogue said:
Flippit, but that Guido Pass descent looked scary   :eek: :eek: :eek:   ...I almost had to change underwear just watching it!!!  :patch:

I agree!  That was scary indeed! 

Firstly I want to congratulate MOLT3N taking the bike down there the way he did!!! 

I am a very novice rider...  But would like to know what would have been the best way to descend down that one?  Engine running idling down on the brakes while doing weight distribution to the very rear of the bike?  Or what MOLT3N did with the engine off and taking it down on the engine?

Please do not misunderstand me criticizing MOLT3N, I would like to learn form this, it worked and he made it all the way down...  I can already see myself taking a bike up a hill like that and then when I have to go down realizing that I am way over my limit...  Thus me asking, I can see myself in the same situation...  Thus MOLT3N please take all the criticism that come out of this positively!!!
Thanks for the positive comments dogs. I should have the report finished in the next week. Got about 4 installments left.

Silentbob: I was waiting for someone to ask that and got to say regretfully not. I havent mastered my gos that well yet. But the roads were surprisingly simple to follow. I used t4a with all the mountain passes saved as favourites. Than I will set it for maybe a town via a pass like ouberg pass or whatever. Worked well.

Jackol, I will start a new thread sometime with your question. That should get more attention and feedback
m0lt3n said:
Silentbob: I was waiting for someone to ask that and got to say regretfully not. I havent mastered my gos that well yet. But the roads were surprisingly simple to follow. I used t4a with all the mountain passes saved as favourites. Than I will set it for maybe a town via a pass like ouberg pass or whatever. Worked well.

Ah ok ... no worries. We wanting to do something similar over December.  :thumleft:
Day 16: Wellington to Luderits

This day did not start of all to good. my wife was not used to student food anymore and ended up with a badly upset tummy for the whole trip. She still managed to take a lot of good photos so guess I am owing her a chocolate for pushing through. A lot of the photos were taken with this ride report in mind, but its also cool to document your holiday as the chances of we ever doing this route like this again is slim.

We did not really want to redo any routes so thought we would go through Tulbach and see if there was a route from there to the Wuppertal route. Ons the maps there was but we just could not find the beginning. It seemed to be snaking over the mountain and I guess could have been a potential adventure but after making various people mad for trespassing we shook the dust of our boots and went via Ceres. Not a very pleasant experience we had there. Has anyone else driven that route? where does it start? What is it like?

We also missed a turnoff somewhere on the R303 to get going to Wuppertal which will explain the gate in the photos. I dont really understand the purpose of that gate but there was no way I was turning back so I wormed myself through on the one side.

Eventually we got under way on that nice road. Pretty decent gravel that snaked itself in between the mountains, very pleasurable. I did have to take regular stops though to let my wife lay down but we were pushing through. The advantage of that is that she is actually very keen now to redo this route as she sort of missed it the first time. We found a Leopard warning sign which had me actually looking forward to the area. Leopard means lots of game. But unfortunately we did not see much. I do think on the bike I would really prefer a leopard not to get agro with me.

The ride was very good with lots of flowers and some real good and open rolling scenery. There was many water crossings on this route which I did not expect. (obvious though when you look at the green country side). In the one I thought lets go for it and then suddenly saw it gets deeper fast so I had to stop. To pull the bike out of the mud proofed to difficult and in the end I took an escape route as can be seen in one of the videos I posted earlier. I guess I should not be as lazy and stop before a water crossing too determine the depth of the water hehe. It was a lot of fun in the end though :)

After having heard so much of the Oasis padstal (tired: not sure of the name now suddenly) I just had to stop there. And again it proved that these places are not well known for what they are, but more for the people. I had a good chat with the friendly owner and really hope his little business just does better and better every year. I also drank up the whole pot of coffee all by myself there and so made sure I stopped enough for my wife to rest from there on.

Right after Oasis the road started getting more trickier or rather slower. I was expecting some tough bits actually on this road but they never came.

At the one place we stopped for my wife again, she was really struggling, shame on me... and there by chance we saw the names packed out in the sand with rocks. It was flippen cool and random until I had to start writing our own names in the hot sun. Ah well, at least I got some brownie points back  :)



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Day 16 part 2
After that the road did get progressively worse but it never became an issue. Even some sandy patches we came across did not prove to difficult and was passed without any incidents.

If I remember correctly the super small town was Eselbank. It was strange passing through there. it felt like we were invading their privacy even though everyone was very friendly. Only in a ride report I read later did I see there is a waterfal nearby worth visiting. i think I saw a sign but ja...its to late now.

After Eselbank it was more gravel of varying quality and then a steep descend to Wuppertal. Road was constantly bad at places but going slow there was no issues.

On the road I saw an empty beer bottel next to the road. Littering is something that can really frustrate me! How difficult can it be to take your crap with you. Ai, I always sommer get depressed for the mindset of some people in south africa that can bring a whole country down.

I think our photos got better as the trip progressed or I am just not any good anymore at selecting the better photos...anyhow part 3 coming up...


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Day 16: Part 3
We only did a drive through of Wuppertal but I can really say this is one beautiful little town. I like the old Cape style of the houses. it was also super quiet, I think all the old people were on the midday Siesta (or is it fiesta  ???)

Well after Wuppertal we were actually a bit tired and just wanted to get to our old varsity buddy in Luderitz but ai..the wind had to have its say. After Wuppertal there was some gravel roads to do still with my wife taking the occasional breather. Luckily this gravel wasnt as slow as the previous were.

Pakhuispass I was holding back as I was to lazy/hurried to pump my tyres first after the gravel and was rather going for the pumps in town. Still a nice pass. Mostly this area was actually very mountainous and beautiful which I did not expect. I always had this picture similar to the Kalahari... in town the petrol attendant was very adament that I should not use theis compressor on the bike as a previous oak somehow broke his valve clean off. He had to get accomodation and stay over for BMW to fetch his bike, on a sunday. So in the end I had to use my own compressor in anyhow, on the rear tyre at least.

After that the wind was really hitting us hard up to Lutzville That 90km (or such) really did not want to get done. The wind made it feel like forever, it was one of those clenched teeth rides...
En route we did see these nice bridges. or maybe I was just tired but I thought they looked good  :)

end....almost done


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I have asked the question of the correct descend method and it seems to be a controversial topic.
Summarised I think it depends on the terain and descend whether to lock the rear or not. But I should have stood up with the engine running says the guys that know. I will try it like that next time, maybe.

Descend discussion
Molt3n hierdie is wraggies nou net lekker.

Daai kiekie van die ou wat so rustig sit onder die boom lyk soos pitkos vir die siel.

Dankie geniet dit terdee.
:drif: lekker paaie! Mooi uitsigte!!! Uitstekende vakansie! Dan nog met jou vrou agter op...jy is 'n geseende man. ;D

Dankie vir die decend discussion, baie verskillende menings, baie interessant. Volgende keer doen ons 'n trip saam ou maat!
Ek vermoed jou vriend bly in Lutzville, nie Luderitz nie. Luderitz is 'n hawe in Namibie, baie ver van waar julle was. Lutzville is 'n pragtige dorpie naby Clanwilliam.
Dankie vir die lekker verslag. Ons ry saam.
Pepe said:
Ek vermoed jou vriend bly in Lutzville, nie Luderitz nie. Luderitz is 'n hawe in Namibie, baie ver van waar julle was. Lutzville is 'n pragtige dorpie naby Clanwilliam.
Dankie vir die lekker verslag. Ons ry saam.

:spitcoffee:  true story!

Miskie. Beplan hy volgende roete en Luderits het vasghak. Gebeur soms met my. :lamer:
Pepe said:
Ek vermoed jou vriend bly in Lutzville, nie Luderitz nie. Luderitz is 'n hawe in Namibie, baie ver van waar julle was. Lutzville is 'n pragtige dorpie naby Clanwilliam.
Dankie vir die lekker verslag. Ons ry saam.

Haha jap. Dit was Lutzville. ek het dit maar reg gemaak in die report.
En ja....ek is van plan om volgende jaar dieselfde styl trippie in Namibie te doen.

Pepe Ek het jou toe gebel in Upington maar nie antw gekry nie! Maar ek het toe wel vir Pumba raak geloop. Jammer om jou te gemis het man. Maar ek hardloop nou die storie vooruit...
Day 17. Lutzville to Springbok via some coastal 2 spoor

After a lekker kuier in Lutzville we were off again. We had to an extra early start as my buddy had to leave for work. But this was a good thing in the end as some misfortune befell us, and befell us some more, and more...

The plan was to do some grade 4 route from our handy gravel guide, but we ended up on a different route but I guess the same rating. Thus far we have only done level 3 and maybe touched more difficult stretches occasionally. We stopped next to the road outside of Lutzville to look at the handbook and map when a farmer stopped to offer his assistance. After hearing our intentions he gave us some directions but I think it was simply a route to get to the coast as soon as possible. And that we did, some okay gravel but lots of traffic and thus a lot of dust on that stretch. but uneventfull nonetheless.

We got to the coast and was met with a closed gate. the phone number did not work so we stopped at some nearby offices and the people were quick to say we could enter the protected area beyond the gate. If they had authority I dont know but we were off!

The road was good, some soft sand but not an issue when I saw there is a parallel route closer to the sea. Well I went for that, ended up on the beach for a lekker picture but saw the road was washed away so we went back to the other better road.

Progress was decent until I decided again on trying a side route to see if I can get sommer close to the beach. Bad idea. We did not go far and I fell. I thought about the little training tips Ive had and what I have read and fell again. Well, turned around, fell some more and got back onto the safe road again. My wife and I had a little fight earlier so in general the atmosphere wasnt to good. You know those quiet ones... Well it was getting more and more quiet with me concentrating on the road which seemed to be getting more and more sandy, even the 'good' one.

I think I tried the closer-to-the-coast route once more, fell and got over it. From there it was only the better road which soon turned out to be a challenge on its own. We hit a sandy bit and fell. I was getting very frustrated but was not overly worried. it seemed like the bike was taking it okay and my wife was not complaining. Then of course I think I fell again. And started to realise why GS=Geen sand. It was starting to be sommer a shitty exerience. I have done difficult rocky sections and fell a lot before, hurt the bike, but in the end it was fun in hindsight. I still dont see this day as a fun day!

I know training training training to survive in sand but I have to say...if its difficult its flippen difficult. Its a narrow spoor to ride in, once your wheel touches the thick-sand middelmannetjie or the side shoulder its tickets. it either pulls you in or you over correct and the other side hits you. A nightmare. Some falls and many short sandy patches which you survive mostly without knowing how but we kept going.

We saw the mine there. First i saw a mine so close to the coast, I would like a site visit, it looked interesting. Then a bit further on after some more worrying moments we got to the salt mine or gathering site which was also interesting. the people seemed friendly enough but I wasnt much in the mood... I looked for an escape route but it looked like the road was a private mine road.

up to then it was manageable, I knew I was in trouble but it was still okay when Murphy snapped his fingers and it got worse. Previously it was small sandy stretches but now we hit a long extra sandy patch. It got bad, so much so that my wife rather walked. Enter Nightmare

Yes I tried to speach myself. Get up, look up and open up. Hell! look up helped most I think. It helped you drive straight for longest. Speed up means you fall harder and I really tried some speed, it did not work. I tried to power through it when tankslapping like crazy and it kind of kept us upright. But being thrown all over and keeping the power on only means you dont fall, it does not mean you are going in any sensible direction but rather ploughing the bushes next to the road. Example is the blurry photo with bike in distance next to the road.

And then when you almost think its over and cant get worse I had to go and break the bike....Then I wanted to go home :(

We took a fall but this time I hit the windscreen with my hip when flying past the bike. Not to hard but hard enough...It snapped my windscreen clean off! its a weird thing to see your whole head unit laying half on/half next to the bike. The bracket that held the speedo/lights, windscreen and my gps was off. I lost it for 1 second and then got calm. Picked up the bike and fixed it with cable ties. Only the one indicator had its wires ripped off. so except for that and everything being loose we could sort off continue.

Sorry, no pics.

From there on I thought screw the distance, I am going super slow. I think we toppled over once after that but we made it. Not in a happy mood though



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Day 17 part 2

Well I think its clear that we were not to happy. But there was some nice stuff in the day and I would actualy like to go back sometime and experience more of the area, as long as its not sand.

We met some sheep! Very funny to see how they react different in different areas. In the Tankwa they were not overly afraid of the bike, but here they were not used to it at all. Ran like crazy.

I think we went inland again at brandsebaai but it was kind of a mission to stop my whole head unit from shaking like crazy. But other than that a pretty uneventful trip further on to Springbok. Except that we SERIOUSLY considered skipping Springbok and shoot for Kuruman. But we were tired after all the stress and sun so did not chance it. Very tired.

In Springbok I spend some time on the cable ties. Added a lot and the windscreen was manageable for the long straight home. we were lucky that the misfortune only hit us at the end of the trip.

Springbok impressed me, its a nice town, not to small and not to big. We had dinner at the Springbok hotel I think it was called after a suggestion from ChrisL and it was good. Although we did feel like the odd ones out with all the old people there. I think they must have a deal with the retirement home. The place also has a flippen nice mineral collection as well as some nice books there for sale. I liked the 'old' feeling about the place. There was also some pictures on the walls of some Namibia scenery and I had to concentrate on not starting the planning for a Namibia trip already.

The next day we would be starting the trip back home



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m0lt3n, ek kan nou nog nie glo julle het daai kus pad sommer net so gaan aanpak nie. Gelukkig het julle darem heel daar uitgekom.

O, en moenie die skape so verwilder nie. Ek ken 'n oom wat daar boer.
Namakwalander said:
m0lt3n, ek kan nou nog nie glo julle het daai kus pad sommer net so gaan aanpak nie. Gelukkig het julle darem heel daar uitgekom.

O, en moenie die skape so verwilder nie. Ek ken 'n oom wat daar boer.
Wies daai oom?

I know that coast so well. That very first gate you opened was just a kilo from
the house I stayed in for 9 years at Skaapvlei. Good memories.