My back yard ride.

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Well, my wifeâ??s off with her girlfriends to watch the Coverboys take of their trousers, so Iâ??ll just do this short report.

After a bout of pneumonia and some pretty shitty weather, I decided to blow the cobwebs out of my bike and show you some of Queenstown at the same time. Round here you canâ??t throw a rock without hitting some gravel roads, so we must ride them all.

Hereâ??s the turnoff at Bailey station.


From my stoep to here is basically a spit and poep, so I adapted my tyre pressures for gravel at home. Check out these gravel roads.


We have mountains, too!

If you turn opposite ways at each junction, you can keep going till your tank is empty.

Sailing the ship of destiny on a sea of grass.


Some unprocessed biltong grazing

Some nice flat out stuff with another junction waiting


Nice long uphill for steeking the bike.

Why do so many hills look like breasts? If you believe in that Creator stuff, Heâ??s got a much wickeder sense of humour than you might think, either that or my mindâ??s evolved to see only some things.

In Queenstown, dual sport riding is not a hobby, but a way of life.ATGATT doesnâ??t work to well for chasing sheep in, though.

Last junction and then home. Bet you canâ??t do this in the big city.

Next time Iâ??ll show you two different routes to Hogsback, all gravel.
Just do it, pack your bags and come ride.I can sort you on accommodation and graze, the bar ladies are not too soft on the eyes, though.Hell, I can't even drink them pretty. ::)
Gravel travel ..... the only way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice trip report and you have some shots that have potential. I suggest that you take your camera and play around with the settings ... take the same scene over on a few different settings and see if you can get more saturation and get rid of the magenta cast. Unfortunately your setting options with your camera are limited. I think you were shooting on Auto Exposure ... try the Landscape setting ... if you did shoot on landscape setting then you will have to do more post processing.

I took the liberty of editing a few of your shots ... if you are unhappy with what I did let me know and I will remove it.


In this shot I changed the crop and adjusted the levels and curves.


Adjusted Levels, Curves and Hue and Saturation.


Same as before just added some mood.


Adjusted Levels, Curves and Hue and Saturation.


You have done some great shots and they needed just some fine tuning to be really special. I did some cropping to set the composition up for me but that is always very personal although there are a few basic rules to apply when composing.

Thanks for sharing.
Awesome Colyn, thanks for the tips.Must say, I have to remind myself to stop for photo's, riding the GS is just great.

Will endeavour to learn more about the camera. :thumleft:
Disselboom said:
Awesome Colyn, thanks for the tips.Must say, I have to remind myself to stop for photo's, riding the GS is just great.

Will endeavour to learn more about the camera. :thumleft:

Glad you do not object ;) ... it has always been my opinion that it takes the same effort to do a good shot as a shit shot and it is worth our while to just read a bit and experiment to get more out of our cameras.
Thanks for the report Disselboom.
And thanks for the tips on the pics Colyn.
Just shows how a little attention to detail can make a difference.
WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Sailing the ship of destiny on a sea of grass."

where did that come from,,,your a poet dude

nice ride report,,,nice backyard,,,some guys have all the luck
malgat said:
WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Sailing the ship of destiny on a sea of grass."

where did that come from,,,your a poet dude

nice ride report,,,nice backyard,,,some guys have all the luck

I can like too wax lyrical, bro. :biggrin:
Next time I come to Queenstown for business I must bring my bike with!  :mwink:
:)hi ek is volgende week in Queenstown vir werk net  jammer my fiets kan nie saam gaan nie.  nice fotos hoop jy het die geniet