My EC Bash adventure (broken)

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Ai ouboet, dit was nou slegte geluk. Ek is bly jy het darem andersins heelhuids daarvan afgekom, dit kon veel erger gewees het. Jy is duidelik 'n taai seun. Sterkte, hoop jy voel gou weer beter.
Yes RATT!!!

Hoop daai gewrigte word sommer gou weer reg!!!
Daai is n groot skrik as een van daai m@#$e bokke voor jou in spring...
Ek het n paar deur die kloof vroeg tydig gesien en in elk geval kruip spoed begin ry...

Hoop jy kry jou bike ook gou gefix...

Lyk nie of hy onrybaar is nie, die tape hou hom mooi aanmekaar... sterkte ou vriend!!!


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Jis ek mis ook alles. Sterke met daai gewrigte ou maat. Moenie worrie oor ou Piet nie........ek dink net hy is vies dat jy nie vir hom biltong gebring het nie.
nice report, Ratt!

Yes, you were in full 'Kudu-STEALTH' mode when i came along, you wanted biltong BADLY!
Impressed you lifted your bike up onto it's side stand by the time I showed up, because both your wrists were EINA!

A warning for everyone here: i was also warned about Kudu's in the 'Valley' area, but did not expect to see THAT many...

Before Ratt's accident, 2 female kudu's ran alongside me for a while, desperately looking for a break in the thick bush alongside the road, to get away - must say my heart was racing a little bit...
...seems sometimes Kudu's and ... Squirrels have a lot in common - desperate to get away, yet sometimes 'away' can be towards oneself!

and then a BIG male - at least 2.5 turns in his horns - strolled ACROSS the road, not 40-50 meters in front of me, now THAT was exciting!

So, I planned MORE than sufficient time to get back before dark, and two punctures (1 was mine, 1 was Bruce's) and a Kudu incident, and we came in at dusk, nice learning lesson for me!

It was an exhilarating day, loved every minute of it!

Ratt - get better soon, look forward to riding with you again...
Bruce - many thanks for the puncture assistance - needless to say I have now replaced the missing front wheel tool!

Thanks for staying with me Chris, you're headlight helped alot  :thumleft:
Hey sorry to read this,both wrists,least that voltaren inj I gave you worked,be careful with wrist breaks,make sure its mended properly before you ride again :thumleft:
woody1 said:
Kan jy darem al jou gat self afvee ? :imaposer:

Sterkte met die herstel

Dis n fkkn mission, maar ja  :imaposer:
bradleys said:
Hey sorry to read this,both wrists,least that voltaren inj I gave you worked,be careful with wrist breaks,make sure its mended properly before you ride again :thumleft:

It clearly did. Thanx  :thumleft:

Not gonna be riding anytime soon. I'm following doctors orders and bore myself shitless
Hillman said:
Ratt said:
Hillman said:
I have posted somewhere else but even more relevant on this thread.

Part of your first aid kit on a bike should always be - Wrist guards. Unfortunately I don't have any left to photograph as I always end up giving them away, and thankfully never had to use one for myself.

You get one for Left and one for right (I think there are interchangeable also available but not sure how they work, have not seen yet)

It gives enough support to a sprained or cracked wrist to sometimes ride home or to hospital at least and sometimes (if cracked and stable fracture) will recommend the use of the wrist guard and you go without the plaster of parris.

You okes should really consider especially if you ride a lot 'remote' places

What do they look like? I'm thinking of getting those braces you get for skateboarding an modifying them

like this

I broke my wrist mountain biking last year, but it was a small, non-displaced fracture. I was able to wear a wrist brace the entire time, instead of the dreaded plaster. It works out well, since you can start doing gentle physio exercises earlier than you would if stuck in the immovable stuff. It sped up healing time.

I cannot imagine what it must be like to have two broken wrists. That must really suck. I'm sure you're counting the days until the plaster comes off!
Sterkte, met alles. Twee van die handigste tools gebreek.  :thumleft: hope you heal soon.