My first time to Cederberg (many picchas **now with added wurdies**)

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Nice piccies  :thumleft:
Next time don`t turm around at Oasis - the real fun of the Cederberg trip only starts there through to Wuppertal !!!
:biggrin:  :ricky:  :biggrin:

Sien julle het was al vroeg uit die vere vir die dag ne?

Bly julle het so mooi dag gehad, mooi foto's soos gewoonlik!

Nice report, Hando, and great pics! Plus, Hi, after meeting you outside Kirstenbosch. I may need a more anonymous scoot for my secret identity, since several people pointed out that it was me that you saw.  :ricky:
THanx Monkeyboy.

Yes - I think what gave it away was the Grey helmet with blue pinstripes.

We have actually met before when I picked up the BMW panniers from you that went to Joburg. That stage I did not even have a bike yet.
Nice one mate - well done and nicely posted.
As Karoodonkie said.......... carry on to Wuppertal.... just watch out you don't add to some of the "extra's" to the collection of spares on that sandy stretch just past Eselbank! 
Hando said:
THanx Monkeyboy.

Yes - I think what gave it away was the Grey helmet with blue pinstripes.

We have actually met before when I picked up the BMW panniers from you that went to Joburg. That stage I did not even have a bike yet.
I do remember that, too. And then didn't you do something involving a "hands-on" approach to checking chain tension?
monkeyboy said:
And then didn't you do something involving a "hands-on" approach to checking chain tension?

Yep. Don't remind me. That was July last year.
FML jy werk te min  :eek7:  :patch: geniet dit terwyl jy kan want jy weet wat kom  :deal: Baie nice pics en RR  :thumleft:
Nou moet jou baas jou net die hele naweek afgee en dan kan jy die res van die Cederberge gaan verken  :peepwall:

Pragtige fotos soos altyd!
Thanx michnus.

One day I will get the chance to do long multi day trips like yours and post them here.

One day.......
Weet nie of ek dit al genoem het nie... maar jy mag maar.
Thanx Jupiter. Wens ek kon meer gatskuur en fotos neem.

Dis baie beslis die tye wat ek op my gelukkigste is.

Ook die hoof rede hoekom ek hou van Solo of klein groep trips.  As mens in n groot groep ry word die bestemming die belangrikste en kry jy nie kans om te stop en om te draai om mooi fotos te neem nie.

As ek op my eie is draai ek gereeld om en gaan neem eers n foto van iets moois wat ek gesien het voor ek aangaan.