My Kove 450 Rally February 2024

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Get your heap running for this weekend and I'll show you my exhaust, not the other way around!! (y)
Get your heap running for this weekend and I'll show you my exhaust, not the other way around!! (y)
Heap of Japanese quality just like that chain tool. Anyway what can you cruise at with that sprocket ? Looks massive, maybe its the camera angle
I reckon that on the highveld now it'll do ~146 or thereabouts - which I will check only once, and then just revert to 125/130 cruising on the wide (& paved) roads.
I've done same to all my bikes (but for the 300) as I prefer a bit more slow lugging capacity over a sillily high topspeed, safer plus easier that way (y)
Oh, my Kove has now a 8.16% shorter gearing - lekker!
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the AFAM std chain
With that size sprocket you will never keep up with a XT

Seeing that the gauntlet has now been thrown down by a Japanese bike, 200cc bigger nogals, so hardly fair-seeming but wholly accepted, I was curious of where the brand AFAM actually comes from.... so, unlike what the married guys here all do in those cases I asked Google.
I've seen the name AFAM often as I've been around machinery my whole life, and finding it on the Kove I was half expecting it to be Chinese ..... not so though, not even close: European, Belgian more specifically!

So @sidetrack , keeping in mind that the Europeans have obliterated the Japanese bikes these days, to the point that they now again start to immitate them (again!), you still want to dice?
If so say when, where & what time ....... I'll bring the rice! (y)
Seeing that the gauntlet has now been thrown down by a Japanese bike, 200cc bigger nogals, so hardly fair-seeming but wholly accepted, I was curious of where the brand AFAM actually comes from.... so, unlike what the married guys here all do in those cases I asked Google.
I've seen the name AFAM often as I've been around machinery my whole life, and finding it on the Kove I was half expecting it to be Chinese ..... not so though, not even close: European, Belgian more specifically!

So @sidetrack , keeping in mind that the Europeans have obliterated the Japanese bikes these days, to the point that they now again start to immitate them (again!), you still want to dice?
If so say when, where & what time ....... I'll bring the rice! (y)
I need to fit another silencer first, it's my secret weapon so no dicing till then
No silencer is lighter....
... and faster too, less restriction....
... and such definitely sounds faster too...
... and I don't mind, I'll be ahead of you anyway!! (y)
With a YDIS carb, Pajero CDI and special pipe the Kove will have no chance

Stop bragging and get a move-on, if not this weekend my bike will be doing tours back to back until August - meaning it'll be working all that time, not being blinged with shiny things!

You've got my number, phone or WA anytime you've mustered up the courage - and have a video-crew ready then also as I see a special thread here coming.... "Unknown new Chinese 450 Rally bike demolishes a Legendary Japanese 650 bike!"
.... or worse, "Unknown new Chinese 450 Rally bike demolishes & tows a Legendary Japanese 650 bike!" :devilish:
Stop bragging and get a move-on, if not this weekend my bike will be doing tours back to back until August - meaning it'll be working all that time, not being blinged with shiny things!

You've got my number, phone or WA anytime you've mustered up the courage - and have a video-crew ready then also as I see a special thread here coming.... "Unknown new Chinese 450 Rally bike demolishes a Legendary Japanese 650 bike!"
.... or worse, "Unknown new Chinese 450 Rally bike demolishes & tows a Legendary Japanese 650 bike!" :devilish:
I asked the know it all ChatGPT


Two glaring mistakes from your all-knowing ChatGPT
--- presumably !!!!!!
--- boat !!!

Another shiny example of the utter dumbness of these programs (y)
Perhaps better ask ChatGPT what it means with "presumably"????
I'm curious because it shouldn't use it at all, it knows mos hmm? ;)
I agree with this as the old thumper has lekker low end torque, the Kove I understand builds speed and rev like a 350 :p

I agree with this as the old thumper has lekker low end torque, the Kove I understand builds speed and rev like a 350 :p

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Ek het al een of twee keer bietjie vinnig petrol gegee, dan lig Bettie se voorwiel op.
Maar net bietjie, ek maak dadelik die petrol toe.
Dis BAIE scary.
Maar as mens die petrol oophou sal sy seker kan wheelie.
Sal vir Jomar vra - hy kan goed wheelie. Hy wheelie daai 1200 GS van sy boetie ook.
Ek kyk maar net annerpad - het nie die seuns so grootgemaak nie.
Die ontstellendste deel is dat die hele petalje altyd gebeur met vellies en 'n t-shirt.

Skuus Bart, ek derail nou jou Thread met Drag Queens, ou XT's wat amper wil wheelie, en laaities in vellies wat 'n GS 1200 WEL wheelie.