Tomorrow is service time - which I wanted to do after 300km but hey, who's counting eh?
Well, the dash
is apparently, after 500km I saw this kind reminder pop up.
No idea how to reset it but Offroad Cycles should know, and that's where I'll be going tomorrow!
I learned quite a bit today, so let's give you that here in summary:
- if you run the dual side tanks dry first (I did today, twice - on purpose), then, after opening the rear tank's petrol-tap (this tank was full on both occasions!), the bike may
not always start immediately!
Today was
really hot, high-30's at least, and a petrol tank builds up quite a bit of pressure then, especially so when (almost) empty - which will, or can, prevent petrol flowing like you expect it to do!
No problem though: just open all 3 fuel-caps (
really open them, you'll hear them "woosh"-ing), wait a few secs, and then hit the starter button
- top speed in this hot weather at Jericho's altitude is 153 km/h indicated.
It cruises around 130 easy, runs to top easy too (all this of course in 6th gear), but under 7K rpm (which is on my bike now around 118) it is not too willing to do this, so it tends to slow down then gradually ..... the 'overdrive' feeling I've mentioned above.
I now
know that a 53-tooth rear sprocket will cure this - and perhaps those at the coast will be a bit more lucky here.
- I'm not sure that the ABS-settings are kept ('remembered') when you switch off the bike.
I actually felt the rear-ABS kicking in on some sandy bits so I set the rear-wheel to Off - and this seems to work.
But, a bit later it did so again, so my hunch is I'll need to set either 'ABS off' or get some dongle.
Will ask about this tomorrow!
Oh, have
not felt the front's ABS kicking in yet...
- I've remarked that the tyres are quite fine, and they
But, every tyre is a compromise, and these (an On/Off mix) do not want to grip in coarse sandy bits, let alone that pebble-shit around Jericho... I felt lucky to make a few turns, and yeah, I also took a few shortcuts: going straight

No problem at all, I'll keep them on as is, and will use them for the upcoming Transkei/Lesotho/Drakenberg trip also (I only hope the Transkei will be dry-ish then lol).
For the two Kaokoland trips I planned on mounting new tyres anyway, and I now have decided on a Motoz Tractionator Desert rear, and a Mitas E13 (or whatever its new name now is) front, for 2 reasons:
@Xpat has these on his 690. Trust me I tried, but could not keep up with him in the bush on cattle tracks or old jeep tracks, causing the aforementioned shortcuts

- and, the Motoz lasts well, I reckon it'll do these two trips lekker (the E13 front will do that too but I knew that already).
Xpat is our resident Russian, many know him here.
For a few good reasons but let me tell you them anyway:
- he's fluent in Balkan as well as Slavic, but weirdly enough his Russian is limited to
Net & "
KUUUUUUUURRRRVA!!!" ..... which I found out when he pinched his own fingers inbetween the rear tyre and the rim. When asked he (later duh) explained that that last bit refers to some female in some ways, so I could not help thinking about our local analogies like Ma & Sussie - but let's stick with the subject rather!

- he rides a lot, no, wait, a
LOT, and prefers to do this alone - and go remote - and far - and long - and he is
still alive!!!!
He's written a few sterling RideReports here so go check what/when/where/how he does this, you'll be rewarded by a lot of stunning pics at the bare minimum!
- he does something vague workwise, if you believe he actually works that is. But he seems to get it, and IT too, so no need to feel bad for the oke.
- he prefers to ride there where others don't or won't, or do not go there
too often, but "if at all ever ridden" he likes best.
He has many, no, wait, MANY routes he's done or has done a few times, and I'm sure he also has a few which he
will do.... anyway, today he took us to Jericho's greater environment, offrroad of course, no GPS needed, and we started by veering off in De Wildt at the 'rubbish dump'.
I should have stopped there for a few pics - it's bad, really bad, it almost
IS a rubbish dump!!!
Further below I'll post some pics of today, but let's start with the beginning.
We met at 8 at a petrol station just off the N4, West of Pretoria - here...
... where I filled up my rear tank only (petrol tap closed) as I had still quite a bit in the front tanks.
It took....
... so, that's a bit odd?
It proves definitely bigger than '12 Liters' as I was told - and, I didn't really fill it to the brim, just a notch under it!
It wasn't completely empty either - so I now reckon that the rear will hold 15 Liters (or a little more even...) and the remainder of the 30 Liter Total is made up by the side tanks, which look 'same' to me so around 7.5 Liters (or a little less) each.
Oh well, good to know
I had a wors roll which was quite a bit nicer than I expected, and during chewing Martin arrived.
During my short wait I noticed my front fender looking a bit odd...
.... that's Rottweiler puppy teeth-marks for you!
At least I
think it's the little bitch, but could be the big dog's also - anyway, I love them both!
I had a peek under the rear fender/tank also...
... and my rear wheel flinging its excess mousse lubricant is clearly visible, dust-covered of course.
Anyway, soon the scenery we were in changed to this - yeah, just a
liiiitle lost but it was early, a Sunday so holiday, and who's in a hurry hmm?
Yeah, I lost the numberplate rather soon - maybe it's at the rubbish dump now?
.... this area is beautiful!

Very warm so it was dry - and dusty as I was following Martin. Haven't checked my airfilter yet but I already know what it looks like - but I'll keep that as is for now, this was only 1 day of dust, and I know it can do quite a bit more before it needs a clean or swap!
Chow-time now for me...