Thank you Jon
I dunno,
yet, if I'd take it to one of
your rides, for a few reasons.
You sometimes (if not almost always

) throw a curved ball ridewise, which then makes my (and others, and sometimes even your own lol) life very difficult - that ride on top of Lesotho to that lone peak (name slipped me) we didn't reach as an example!
"Grassy Knoll" has since taken on an entirely new meaning for me, lurkers of note and quite deadly indeed.... and I'm sure you remember that 'little short downhill' where I and a certain Mr Blomeyer left our bikes up for grabs next to the "road" hmm?
those rides the 500 is
the bike to be on then, or perhaps, in hindsight, I should have taken the 300TPI there - for reason the technical riding was off the scale! And yes, I'm now sure the Kove
can do that - but not as easy as the katooms, and I'd hate to
have to do that the entire day! You know I don't mind some "Eh ok, let's go, we'll manage" bits or pieces at all, but then there should be some visible light at the end... and yes, temperature obviously plays a role too, but to go and struggle for a whole day on it - nah, not me.
As said this Kove
can do this, especially so with as bit fitter rider than me on it sure, but, and here's the but.... I'd rather be on the 500 then!

Add that I actually
have that bike also, and then the decision is easy
So, that means you won't see my bike too soon there - but, for the Zingela Ride (which dates don't suit me this year, pity...

) I'd bring it, that was easy enough.
Whenever I come through with the Kove to your part of the world though I promise to stop by, coffee or beer or why!