My Kove 450 Rally February 2024

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Today also the Decat pipe arrived, I saw a whole bunch of them.
I got mine and therefore could re-mount the exhaust, grrrreat!!!
As per normal it looks great, in fact it is better only due to 'a bit more space' for one's right foot heel, simply because it is less thick in diameter than the CAT-bit.


Neat eh?
It is already discoloured to 'same colour' as the header pipe, I started it this afternoon to put a few heat cycles in it all (y)

Look below....


It is almost ready but I'll have to wait for Dion Korkie to finish his magic on the seat, I dropped it off there this morning.
It'll be thicker padding-wise and 'more comfy'.... I'm a sitter and I'm worth it! 😋
Before I go dos 1 more thing....
I can't be the only one who always has a nagging feeling when I leave my 500 outside to get something from a shop, a cooldrink or whatever..... because outside stands my bike with all my shit, and if you only so much as lean on the thing it starts - and for a thief this must be the easiest thing to steal!
Yeah sure, you can mount an ignition key to it, but this is a bit fiddly as KTM does not sell this as a option - which is a bit funny as this is a roadworthy model after all!
Anyway, the Kove comes with an ignition key, a spare key even.... so now I can quickly go to my local Spar, buy what I need and be fairly certain that my bike is still there where I left it!
Oh yeah, I know, they can steal a bike chop chop.... but they'll not ride it away then!
I like this little thing, it will give me piece of mind 👌

Did you by any chance see what make of wheel bearings Kove used?
Did you by any chance see what make of wheel bearings Kove used?

No.... but if you zoom in on the cush hub then "C&U" appears - which I just now Googled:

Are C&U bearings any good?

C&U Bearings are used by some of the world's leading manufacturers and service providers in a wide variety of applications. Every C&U Bearing is made to exacting standards to deliver the ultimate in the precision, performance, and quality.

As I've said earlier, I didn't find anything 'chinese' on this bike although quite a bit of the components are made there.
All RS bearings (Rubber Seal) so it's what you would expect in a bike's wheel (y)
Etter, is hierdie nou die bike waarvoor almal nog altyd vra??

Net n vraag van iemand wat sy bike ingeruil het op n stootwaentjie en nie meer noodwendig die skills het wat hy dink hy het nie:

Gaan die bike nie van elke Jan Rap en sy maat n Marc Coma maak, en in n coma eindig nie? Soos die nuwe Ford Raptor?
Bart, it is all good and well talking this Chinese bike up, and showing tons of strip-down pictures, but go and RIDE it so we can see if it lasts.

Don't make it so pretty that you stow it in your lounge.

Go test it in the rocks and dongas.

Go with @Noneking and the psychopath riders.;)
Etter, is hierdie nou die bike waarvoor almal nog altyd vra??

Net n vraag van iemand wat sy bike ingeruil het op n stootwaentjie en nie meer noodwendig die skills het wat hy dink hy het nie:

Gaan die bike nie van elke Jan Rap en sy maat n Marc Coma maak, en in n coma eindig nie? Soos die nuwe Ford Raptor?
Eindig n Ford nie maar altyd in n workshop nie?
Baie geluk Bart! Lyk baie nice! Vir jou, as ñ stoere KTM/Husky profeet, moes Conrad ñ stewige afslag gegee het!🙈😄

Of is jy @Runner se demo jockey?🤔🙄

Het ek dit gemis, wat prys hierdie Kove vir die gewone man op straat?🙄
Man, should not have had a look as I cannot buy yet.
Have my eye on the CF Moto 450MT or the Ibex 450 as in the states.
Hopefully it has as good build quality.

If I win the Lotto I may have to get this Kove

Enjoy it!

Keep is all updated on future rides and issues please.

Lyk vir my ek sal NL toe kom die jaar erens, en ek sal dan n rit in jou Tesla kom EIS... jy sal maar rubber moet le daar onder die dyk!
En, koffie dan ook ;)

Jis, dit sal nou n treat wees om jou te ontvang!
Jys altyd welkom hier!
Etter, is hierdie nou die bike waarvoor almal nog altyd vra??

Jy's nogals reg dink ek!
Baie mense daarbuite soek n medium-sized "adventure" bike, wat dan so paar dinge moet he: groot tenk, n screen om agter weg te kan kruip oppi oop pad, of n tower om alli goed op te sit (of om net goed te lyk, ahem), en dan verkieslik n lae gewig sodat die ding dan ook werkelik inni dongas gestuur kan word.... maarrrr, hy moet dan ook oppi lang pad gesit kan word om 'daar' te kom, en dit dan doen met n goeie gemak by n goeie spoed!

Daar is nie eintlik soiets nie, en sodoende sien ons baie bikes wat 'modded' word - die 701/690 asook die 500 platforms word gereeld vir dit gebruik. En, dit was die rede toe ek my 701 kry - met net paar ekstra goetjies (addisionele tenk, luggage rack en crashbars) doen hy multi-day trips baie lekker, en ja, hy kan ook maar die slow shite ry so hier en daar (y)

Vir - supported, let wel mooi nou asb - Namib trips het ek tot nou toe my 500 (OK, ook n keer my 300) gebruik, omrede jy kan speel pleks van fight, en jy dra self mooi sweet fokkol. EN, met n groter tenk (15L is die grootste) is jou range groot genoeg vir n dag, en dan maak jy weer vol vanni bowser - dis die cruiser wat sweep ;)
Pas my puik ..... maar, as jy dit self wil gaan doen, met paar maats of wat, dan gaan jy klomp kak moet saamdra eerstens.... EN jy sal dan meer pretrol moet saamdra ook: in bladders of containers of watookal werk, en laat ons nou eerlik wees: dis n schlepp, en jou roete sal aangepas word aan die punte wat (hopelik!) petrol sal he!

Nou's hierdie Kove 450 Rally hierso - en soos jy self al eintlik gese het, hy tick baie boxes in stockstandard form alreeds!
n Fuel-range van ongeveer 600km is unheard of eerstens, Bonus#1 - maar, hy pack dit in n 'vorm' wat niks bulky of awkward is nie, eintlik sien jy nie eers dat hy soveel brandstof aan boord het nie: hy bly sleek and narrow, en n Giant Loop oor die agterkant (met al jou kak in) is omtrent al wat jy nodig het .... dis biki van n Unicorn bike glo ek!

Ek wil lang trips alleen gaan doen, my neus gaan volg, en paadjies ingaan waar ek nie weet waar hulle gaan uitkom nie.... en dan is dit lekker om te weet dat petrol nie n probleem gaan wees nie!
Water dalk, maar dit druk mens dan in sy luggage, kos ook. Bike camping gear, paar kouse, n onderbroek en n T-hemp en Bob's your Uncle 👌
Ek gaan lang trips doen met die Kove, en dis dan ook die rede hoekom ek biki werk maak van hom nou!

(Edited later:)
Ekself het nie n groot probleem om "erens" n oilchange te doen tydens n trip nie, maar vir klomp ouens is dit n probleem - wat ek verstaan!
Dis hoekom dit dan lekker is dat hierdie fiets 5000 kilometers mag doen voordat mens moet begin dink om erens die olie te drop, en met so n groot afstand kan jy dan tydens jou roete 'mik' vir n dorp waar jy dit dan gaan doen.
Dis heelwat gemakliker as elke 15 ure soos my 500, en Purros (omtrent halfpad Hardy se Namtoer) sal nie weer my ou olie kry nie as ek met die KOVE daar n rusdag het nie - lekker (y)
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Don't make it so pretty that you stow it in your lounge.

Daan jong, you touch a sore point - and perfectly timed nogals, geezz, it is as if you have access to a hidden camera in my house..... ominous!!!!! :devilish:

But to answer you: no, I cannot.... reason being 'no space', it's taken by the 300 which needs a new oilpump and some other things done to it - see below! 😋

Huiskamer vol.jpg
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