Nam, The two dinosaurs and the Twins (The Ride Begins)

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Not bad. 1 week just to get to Upington. Going to  be a moerse looong rr. gooi nog
Bill p said:
Not bad. 1 week just to get to Upington. Going to  be a moerse looong rr. gooi nog

Yip what can i say cous i must be getting "Oud"  :imaposer: here comes day two.  :ricky:
Next morning the “Jump bucks” come to greet us.

A Cup of Coffee to start the day. Dam I must be getting “Oud”

Ian is a happy Ou so I takes a photo of him with his new “Boney”

The Tube and Tyre fix which did not help this time.

Ian on his way out.

Our “Posie” for the night.
Kalahari Monate Lodge.

Day 2: Upington to Canyon Lodge
We leave the Lodge (Upington) and head for Canyon Lodge.
Takes us 8 Hours to get there. 470km

The long stretch of Tar.

We cross the Border at Ariamsvlei and push on for the Canyon Lodge our stop over for the night. We stop and have  some lunch.

The new and the old.

I sees a fort thingy next to the road so I takes a “Mooi” photo of it.

Some more of the “Moerse” long road.

We reach Karasburg and stop and buy some “Gooites” to eat and some “YUGH” water for our camel packs.

Finally the ride starts we have reached the gravel (Sand)

We have a blast on the sand, I mean we was really waiting a long time to get here again and you “Ous” was "Gooing" all of those "Lekker" RR's  and “Gooites” that you “Ou's” was doing, OH!!! hang on i was also doing it, Ok Ok it was just "Lekker" to cruise in Nam again OK.

So we doing all of this "Lekker" riding and checking out the scenery at the same time.

Ian waits for me to catch up because I am riding “Stadag” as im enjoying myself.

But I “Sommer” does fly by him as I is going so “Moerse” fast that he just just manages to catch a photo of my “Stof Wolk” as I Zoom away in the distance

Ian catching up.

He then zooms passed me, but I is not worried as I later catch up to him.

Now I is in the front again. He he

Sum other “Mooi” pictures of this “Mooi” place.

Now we "Sommer" did not check out how late it was getting so we have to "Jaag" like “Mal Goed” to get to Canyon lodge, i mean we is the Two Moerse Strong Dinosaurs, we is WD, we is Bikers, so we is not bang “Ous”, we are cruising at a "Lekker" space eating "Spoed" Between 110km and 140km to make up time.

I take a Quick photo of Canyon Road house and I’m on my way again.

Now i meet Ian further down the road and we takes some more pics.

The road to the Lodge.

Ian “Goois” his “Boney” in gear and takes off.

Me I also “Goois” my “Boney” in gear and takes off after him only to hear a strange sound coming from the rear of my "Boney"
I stop and scheme what the hell now, only to find the brake Pad guide screw is missing in action, gone with the wind, "Moer toe" missing, “Huit ge fo.... verloer.”
It’s at this point that I remember that when I changed the brake pads I never locked it properly. So I “Sommer Gooied” some choice words at myself. @#$#%^^%^&^&*& And some more $@$%$^&*%%#$ for good measure.

Ian comes back to see where I am.
I tune him I heard this noise so I stopped to check it out.
Yip he says I heard a noise on your bike when you went passed me but didn’t click about it. HUH!!!! That was about 30km ago.
Well nothing to be done about it now as these things happen

I Makes “Gou” a temporary plan with a Cable Tie.

“Walla” I’m back on the road again. OK OK without back brakes again.  (Dam I seem to be getting used to this no back brake on sand thingy)” NB!!! Not recommended for the faint hearted”

Cruise further down the road towards our possie.

Our Possie Canyon Lodge.

The two “Boneys” wait patiently as us two “Ous” is welcomed to the “Possie”
The old and the new.

On our way to the Cottage I does spot this “Ou” grazing away.

Another “Mooi” photo
A Tree

Our “Possie” for the night, there’s “Sommer” lotsa cottages for a “Ou” to stay in.

Kit off all booked in, time to check out my “Boney”
1X brake pad damaged. No choice will have to use as is until it can be replaced.
Mental note to self (Use back brakes sparingly)

1 X Rim bit of damage caused by brake catching disc housing.

She stands alone. “Sulking” I presume as I have not got a bolt long enough to go through.

Next morning I was up early and got some help in the form of a gutter bolt, the only long one they had at their workshop. The Gods were once again smiling at me.

Meanwhile we retreat to our Room and change Sim cards etc.

Whilst this Ou keeps a wary eye on us. He is actually wild, it’s a situation of adapt or die as there has been no rain for a long long time.

These “Dassies” of course just couldn’t care a shit as they frolic around the possie.

I on the other hand is in most “desperate” need of a “cold one or two”.

Our eating possie for later on.

The sun decides It has baked us enough for one day and “Goois” these amazing views as it sets for the night.

Now after consuming a good number of cold ones we sit down for a “Lekker” graze as we is “Stukkened honger”

After our “Lekker” graze we sit outside and drink more cold ones and I “Sommer” organize us a bucket of ”Uis” to keep our cold ones and other stuff cold.

I takes a pic of this ghosttes tree

Ian takes a pic of this ghosttes tree with someone in it. Hey hang on isssh If a Ou  “Sommer” checks nicely you will check it’s me. He he

The tranquillity of the place as we head to our posies is awesome.

We call it a night and we of to dream land.
:imaposer: :imaposer:

Lekker man Goois some more... :biggrin: :thumleft:


Need to go get me a cold one or two as i have run out. I no its disgusting. Will be back to "Gooi" some more soon.
Jaja, lees lekker so sal maar moet wag vir jou om af te koel!
Jaja, lees lekker so sal maar moet wag vir jou om af te koel!
Oubones said:
Jaja, lees lekker so sal maar moet wag vir jou om af te koel!

Dam got distracted by the bar lady what can i say. He he Glad you is "leesing Lekker", heres some more for you "Ous" to  "Lees"

:biggrin: :ricky:
Day3: Canyon lodge to Canyon Roadhouse.
3 hours to get there. 60km

Dawn comes all too quickly, but with it comes this.

Yip even one of these. He he

Life emerges ones again.

We head of for some breakfast and I find this “Ou”, shame I think he still schemes the war is still on.

Meanwhile Ian amuses himself with this “Bokkie”
Don’t scheme to me she “smaaked” him, as she gave him a cold shoulder. He he

A quick photo after breakfast of the possie.

We ride around checking out the joint and drinking cold ones whilst on our way to check out the Fish river canyon.

The Fish River canyon.
“ F…. en Mooi Ne”.

Ian on a mission? Nope he was just walking along so I took a “Lekker” photo to show you “Ous” we was there.

A lot of “Klippe” in a heap. They say a “Ou” must “Gooi” on a “Klip” for good luck and that the gods will look after a “Ou” and “Sulke Gooites”, so I “Gooied sommer” lotsa “Klippe” on the heap and even contemplated leaving a cold one on the “Klippe” for the Gods to drink for lotsa good luck and the other “Gooites”, but then decided against it as I was “Moerse”  more “Dors” than them.

Now a ”Ou” can “Sommer” go all of the way to the bottom of this “Moerse” deep hole and go and “Trap” around at the bottom and if you wanted to you could walk for 70km or so and go to Ais Ais. Huh!!! “F… nee man” you know how many cold ones a “Ou” is gonna need to take a “Trap” like that, beside I always say that if my “Boney” can’t go there, then I don’t want go there either.

The start of this “Mal” foot path.

“Doer” down there is where a” Ou” is gonna walk.

Sometimes we miss the smaller things nature has to offer.

Same bush but closer up and it now looks like a tree.
Brilliant hey.

Now if I philosophy about this for a bit,  it makes a “Ou” wonder how small we are out here as to some other “Gooites” before I made it a big tree it must of looked “Moerse” big to them.

I admire some more views of the possie. “Mooi Ne” (He He)

An even “Mooier” view, “Jis Laaik” but nature is “Mooi”

Will "Gooi" some more on in a while.  :biggrin: :ricky:
Jou goose gaan jou bykom oor daardie moerse nice view van jou :pot:
Oubones said:
Jou goose gaan jou bykom oor daardie moerse nice view van jou :pot:

Hey its not my fault that nature has such beautiful "Gooites" to view.  :imaposer: :imaposer: :ricky:
We hops on our ”Boneys” and we head of into the sunset. “Nope” we just “Gooi” them into gear and go to this possie.

I take a few pics to show you “Ous” how “Mooi” this possie is and whilst I’m having another cold one I start scheming  that these “Ous” over here might need a mechanic as they have lotsa broken cars and bikes and “Gooites” and other “Gooites” lying around.

I is a clever "Ou" and can checks out my spelling mistakes, so i "Sommer" fixes them. See

Now even inside of this place they have “stukkende” “Gooites” “Agge nee man” I think they should really make a plan and get some “Ou” to fix these “Gooites”

Although some of them is still looking “Mooi” they don’t want to start, and the “Auntie” other there “Sommer”” Goois” a “Ou” a “Moerse” “Skeuwe” cross look if a “Ou” tries. He he

Now I is not a “Bang Ou”, but that “Auntie” did look “Nogal Skrikerag” to me so I “Sommer” left the “Gooites” alone and “Maar” just took photies of the “Gooit” he he

They even have this “Lekker” stuff so that a “Ou” can make his own “Hooligan Juice”.

Even some thing for our WD “Plaas Boere”He he.

See a “Ou” doesn’t even need to bring tools with, there is “Sommer” tools there.

And some more “Karre” and “Bakkies and Boneys and “Gooites”

As I’m taking all of these “Moerse” nice photos to show you “Ou’s” all of these “Mooi Goed” at this possie I start to dehydrate, but in the middle of this possie is my favourite place, a place to get cold ones and other cold “Gooites” to drink.
So now I’m feeling like all “Lekker” brave so I decide to mix my “Dop” and I “Bestel” a “Wait for it wait for it a” Smirnoff Spin”. Aha!! Aha!! Now what you “Ous” got to say??

See what happens when a “Ou” mixes his “dop”. I “Sommer” start to see things like my good mate Tommy Transaap hanging around the joint. He he

I scheme seeing that I is seeing things I better go outside.
Dam here’s more “Stukkende Goed”

And then I check out these two “Moerse Mooi” “Boneys” in the distance of some “Ous”
Hey “Wag n biekie” that’s our “Bonyes”, “shit note to self”, don’t mix Smirnoff with cold ones.

So anyway I “Traps” around some more and find some more “Stukkende karre”

This car had a “Boom” growing out of its boot, so I guess the saying goes like this. “ En die Groen Kar “Grooi Daar Om” he he

And this WD “Plaas boer ou”

And this one as well, but not the WD “Plaas Boer Ous” ok !!ok!! It can also be for you “Ous” only if you “Ous” want it to be. Ok.

I scheeemes to myself maybe I needs some coffee.
But I decide against it and get myself another cold one.

Then we goes to the pool section, yes this possie even has a pool and camping places, but me and Ian is the two “Moerse” strong Dinosaurs, we is WD, we is Bikers, we “sommer” decide that that camping thing is for Sissies so we books us a room to stay in. Besides we travelled “Moerse” far today.

This “Ou”must have heard that us two Dinosaur “Ous” was here because he came to visit us by the pool whilst I Goofed.

Just before im gonna goof

See I is almost “Lekker Maar”

I takes a Pic of him and Ian whilst ian is also taking a photo, scheme a “Ou” can call this a two in one photo. He he. Clever of me. ”Ne”

Ian pulls a face so the “Arema” Ou Skriks” and runs of, or maybe it was just me jumping in the pool. He he

But he quickly came back to graze again as I scheme he was “Lekker Honger”
Once again these are wild animals adapting to the drought.
Adapt or die.

Now im checking these “Ous” grazing away, so I decides I’m also getting “Honger” so I goes and gets me some food to eat.
A “Lekker” beef wrap and chips washed down with a cold one or two.

We laze the afternoon away.

It’s hot and this “Ou” is looking for some “Koolte”

A pic from our room as this “Ou” smokes some “Lekker” grass oh!! Shit I mean he grazes some “Lekker” grass.

No “Jong” not us “Ou’s” , this “Ou “

Ishhh you “Ous” is not “Lekker” at all up there sometimes. He he

Supper time comes and with it a “Moerse Dors” so I gets me an appetizer before my meal comes.
A cold one or two. Mmmm

So now that I is feeling all better I order some food.

A salad to start with.

Then some Orox steak and sosaties, which I devoured as I was “Moerse honger”, you “Ous” is lucky to see this.

Well the “pens” is all full so with a “Lekker” graze and a few cold ones in belly I decides to call it a day and catch up on some Zzzzzz’s


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