Nam, The two dinosaurs and the Twins (The Ride Begins)

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Ian finds some “Koolte”, The first in a couple of hours and he quickly pulls into the shade.

Me I needs to go and check out and see if we is “Veilig” so I goes and checks out the rest of the possie.

I find some posies where other “Ous” must of hidden away from those alien “Ous”

We choose this one and the Twin stands guard.

We have a snack and drink some water and rest in the shade.

I get this strange feeling and “Sommer” have some more water and I check Ian is also like having lotsa water, but not too much as we don’t have a lot of water.
It then hits me like a “Nat Lap in die gesig” maybe I / we is like having those hallucinations thingies. Like when a “Ou” eats those weird” mushroom” “Gooites” We  is having for lack of water, or maybe what we did just saw was what we did saw. He he

I finds this sign

Which leads to this

And this

We takes a “Trap” and we goes and “Verkens” the joint, I mean a “Ou” cant be too careful nowadays

We see this “Moerse groot” rock above our “Koppe”

And this smaller “Klip” as well.

But we is not “Bang””Ous” as we have crash helmets. He he

I takes a “Trap”, but still up to today I don’t know where I went, (Mmmm Strange “Gooites” happen out here I think). He he. I thinks I must go sit in the “Koelte” and have some more water.

Ian takes a “Mooi Kiekie”of me.

And another “Mooi” one.

Our camping possie

The “Moerse warm” sun decides to start going away.
So I snaps a photo of it.

And we quickly decide we must make our “Kos” for the night.

And still the sun goes down.

We quickly cook our “Kos” before it is nigtime.
I has this “Lekker kos”

Ian had Maroccan Lamb. No photo to show you “Ous” his “Kos”

And still the sun “Saks”

And out comes the stars.

Our camp is bathed in silence.

We checks out the stars and I’m “Dood””Seker” I see “Kosie and Piet” those little green “Tjommies” of mine flying pass in there space ship as I nod off to sleep.


And then Zzzzz it was
Awesome stuff guys - thanks for sharing !!!  :thumleft: :thumleft:

That camping spot underneath the huge rock is absolutely stunning !!!  O0
XRRX said:
Awesome stuff guys - thanks for sharing !!!  :thumleft: :thumleft:

That camping spot underneath the huge rock is absolutely stunning !!!  O0

Was the best one around. Glad you enjoying it mate, done some good riding on this trip. :biggrin: :ricky:
Day12: Maribib Camp Site to Solitaire.
175 km. Took us 3 Hours to get there.

I awaken to a very weird smell, I checks around and then it dawns on me, it’s called fresh air.
I takes a few photos of the “Mooi” sunrise.

We has saved a bit of water to make some coffee and to clean the “Tande”
For some stupid reason I’m not seeing funny “Gooites” anymore.
Well we hop on our “Boneys” and we get out of there as we has almost no water left.

We ride this section of road which is just as bad as yesterdays as far as I can remember.

But it has some nice scenery on it.

Now here is a sign tuning us that we need a permit, Huh!! Does not make sense this. If a “Ou” comes in from the other side, you “Ous” all know. The strange road and other “Gooites” “Goed” stuff out there, then you “Sommer” don’t need one and you can ride on the road with your “Boney” as there is no sign tuning you that you can’t like these signs tune a “Ou” Confused?? Now you “Ous”no what I fell like. He he

Now I haven’t even got a cold one left to contemplate this problem, so I “Goois” the “Boney” into gear and heads of down this road.

Which soon becomes this road.

And then this one.

We crossers a bridge again.

The other side of the bridge.

Some “Mooi” scenery on the other side of the bridge.

We follow this road.

And see


Whilst the road winds itself along between the mountains.

And I even check out this

I'm not reading any further, i am picking up weight as i read!!! :eek7:
Jeez you two can vreet!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
We cruise down this valley to check out this.

And we is back on the main road.

The road has really turned out shitty due to all of the traffic on it.

But still offers some magic scenery to look at.

We reach Solitaire and I takes a few pics.

We has some water to drink, but we is still “Dors” and a wee bit “Honger”, so we go and get this to eat and drink.

I takes a photo of this old ”Boney” and other “Gooites”.

This pool did come to my “Redding” as I spent most of the day in it.

And lying down under this “Lapa” having a cold one or two.

But before I did that, I went and had a cold one or two.

And i even “Gooid” the old charm out on the fairer sex.

But alas they speak a other ”Taal”, so I gave up and had a $100.00 dollar hamburger.

And then went and had a few more cold ones.

And done some more swimming in the pool, for some strange reason my body felt as if it was absorbing the water.

ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
I'm not reading any further, i am picking up weight as i read!!! :eek7:
Jeez you two can vreet!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: "Ya" now you no how i feel, every bloody time i come back from one of thees trips i have to diet as the bloody clothes dont fit for some stupid reason. He he. glad you enjoying it  :biggrin:  :ricky:.
But “Ja” the sun was going to start going down again, so we took us a ride to this possie to check it out.

We even took with us some cold ones.

But as we opened Ian’s cold one the bloody top broke off, but we held it upside down and only “Morsed” a little to get the glass pieces out. i mean a"Ou" just cant waste a cold one hey.

And as the sun sets I catch this “Mooi” pic of him drinking his cold one.


And the sun does set some more.

I even take this “Mooi” photo.

And one more of

Then it was back to our possie and some “Lekker” food stuff “Ya Ya we all know we eat a lot” But a "Ou has to replenish ones energy "Gooites" one does. He he

“Pense” once again all full and a cold one or two down the throat, we called it a night.
:biggrin: :biggrin:

Lekker rustig gevat,dis wat dit nog lekkerder maak,geen gejaag nie. ;)

Took me long to do the ride, so i needs to take long to put the RR on. He he. We on our way out so its almost finished, but it has still got a lot of "Gooites" in it to keep you entertained. Enjoy.  :biggrin: :ricky:
Day 13: Solitaire to Betta Campsite.
230km Took us 8 Hours to get there. (Not for the faint and weak hearted)

As I was gonna put my “Rugsak” on, I noticed the piping had cracked again, so I mades a plan with the local mechanic ”Ou” to weld it.

My welder “Ou”.

He is so excited and “Sommer” wants to ride my “Boney”. Now I schemes to myself that hey maybe he has heard about us two “Moerse” Strong Dinosaur “Ous” and I will “Sommer” make his day and take him for a spin. Now when I took him for a spin I felt the Twin miss a little whilst I was riding, so when I got back I checked that the terminals on the battery was “Vas”. (Should of checked a bit further than that), They was “Vas’. Mmmm was most probably my imagination I schemes to myself.

We packs on the gear on our “Boneys”.

We then goes and eats a “Lekker” big breakfast.
“F..k Ons eet al weer” He he

It’s time again to hit the road.

A “Lekker” road.

The scenery is awesome.

We “Goois” a right over here by this sign because it tunes to us that we must.

I takes a photo of this poor okie with the one “Horing”.

I hit the start button and nope there’s “Niks. F…kel. Naade , My donnerse bike is so dood soos n mossie”. This is where the “Shit” hit the F….ing fan. I pushes it under a tree and checks the fuses, yip they is all ok Now what the hell’s  wrong.
Something tells me to try and jumper her with the Q-Power gadget that we bought as it is made for this type of problem. She fires right up, but as soon as I take of the Q-Power she “Vreks” (The Q-Power is only made as a booster, so you can’t ride with it as it kicks out after 3 seconds). So it’s a battery problem I tells to myself and Ian.

There’s a garage about 7km away so out comes the tow ropes and Ian tows me to the garage so we can check out whats wrong.

A Bit interesting tow as we head down the road to the garage at 60km per bloody hour, but yip we does make it.

Now to figure out what the hells the matter with the battery. Mmmm it’s dry, there’s like almost no acid left in the cells. Neither the shop nor the garage has battery water or acid, so I get them to boil the kettle so I can get pure water. We waits for the water to cool off before filling up the battery.

The other twin waits patiently for us to repair its “Maaikie”

We jumper it again and she takes and seems to be holding its own, so we pack up “Gooi” petrol in and with a smile on our faces we is off again.

We are about 50km out of Sosusvlei when the shit starts, the bike is missing, if I give her tap she loses power, but there’s nothing for it now but to push on, if I’m lucky I get to 60km, shes jerking and spluttering and I’m trying to coax her along by playing with the petrol.

All of a sudden she picks up revs and I can feel the power come back into her but then she stutters and gives one last jerk and dies on me.

She has given her all. We have to make a decision about her. Do we shoot her and put her out of her misery, or do we tow her to Betta Campsite. We decide to tow her to Betta Campsite which is still 60km away. I mean we can’t just leave her there can we, besides neither one of us two “Ous” has a gun. He he (Ooops) Ian towed me 80km to Betta im bad

We tie the tow rope onto my right side crash bar. I wanted to make a V but Ian said this way is better so I did believe him.

We still have a far way to go.

These?”Bokkies” cross the street whilst we are busy with the bikes.

We is of. Now as we cruising down the sand road it’s as if I’m getting pulled sideways and I’m battling to keep the “Boney” from “Donnering” down, I’m waving at Ian and jumping up and down but for some bloody reason Ian does not see me, eventually after about 10 Km at 70 km per hour I’ve had enough and I hit brakes and we come to a standstill, let me tell you okes that its bloody hair raising and the old heart missed a beat or two in some places.

Ian asks what’s wrong and I tune him that we can’t tow like this as we gonna “Donner” down, I’m fighting the sand to keep her straight and I’m also fighting my handle bars as you pulling me sideways.
We are gonna tie the tow rope in a V formation as I wanted to from the beginning.
Ian has his doubts, but hey at that moment I could not give a shit. Whilst I tie the rope onto both crash bars Ian takes a photo or two of these “Bokkies”

We are ready to go, the tow rope between both bikes is now in a v formation.

The slack is taken up.

Im ready to go.

We is off Again.  Now “Sommer” at once, I can feel the difference, I’m not getting dragged sideways anymore. Ian must also be feeling the difference as he speeds up to 80kms. Now we have decided that if this way works we will stop at every 10km to catch a breather. After 10km Ian pulls up and we have a rest. Now it aint easy to get towed on the bloody sand as I have to keep my front wheel lined up with his bikes back wheel and the sand “Goois” a “Ous” “Boney” around.

We do another 10km and we pull off again, and another. No incidents except a few small hair raising sand patches and loose sand now and again OH!! And my bloody nerves are shot and I’m only running on adrenalin most of the time.

I have run out of water and we still have 20km to go, I can’t ride with an open visor or jacket as Ian’s “Boneys” back tyre is “Gooing” me with stones every now and again and I’m also catching all of his “Stoff” but hey I aint got a choice. Ian of course is the lucky one as he could ride with his jacket and visor slightly open. I tunes Ian lets go.

We have gotten a bit “Mak” and as we come around a bend, Ian catches a lot of deep loose sand and powers up, me on the other hand has no power to power up and I’m all over the bloody place trying everything to keep the bike up, she eventually careers left towards the sand bank. I can see Ian checking me out in his mirror and I start leaning to the right, but still she carries on towards the side. I make a quick decision to hit the back brakes with the hope that I can bring the bike back to the right with a slide, and as I hit the brakes Ian decides to power up, I slide the bike slightly over and let go of the brakes and with both actions taking place in a matter of seconds and at the same time I manage to get my “Boney” behind his again.

A short distance later on solid ground Ian stops. My heart is still racing as I guess so was his, adrenalin is pumping through the veins, I see everything still in slow motion. I look around and See Ian smiling, Swet running down his face and I catch myself smiling and laughing at the same time. I give him the thumbs up and tell him to get us to Betta Campsite.
“Pap Nat Gesweet” we arrive at Betta and pull over. Some tour guide “Ou” takes one look at us and gives us a bottle of water each. Dam I can’t remember water tasting so good.
Its just bloody “Lekker” to be able to get the jacket of and to cooooool off.

They have a small shop here and we buy some more water and a coke to replenish our strength. How neither one of us two got sun stroke or dehydration till this day I don’t know.
(Both of us two “Ous” had run out of water about an hour ago. The temp was sitting as 48 Degrees Celsius). (We towed the bike the last 25km without a drop of water.)
Ian orders us a sandwich, I take a bite but I can’t swallow it as my throat is still too dry so I gives it too him whilst I “Rustigly” drink a cold one.
They have 6 rooms We book two rooms for the night.

Well we here and after a shower or two and a few more cold ones or two I start feeling like a “Mens” again. They have a battery charger which i lend and put the battery on charge with the hope that it will take a charge overnight.

We manage to get some “Skaap tjops” and other ”Gooites” foe a Braai and settle down and “Lag” and wonder at how we did not come pipe and talk away as the sun sets and we have us a “Lekker” Braai.
  You're not just moerse strong,you're moerse dapper as well to tow in the sand!!!I would sheet myself.Now its getting adventurous.  :thumleft:
Wie se Twin was daardie swarte voor jy hom gekoop het/ lyk amper soos Deon sn van Bethlehem wat hy ingeruil het vir sy 800Gs daardie jare? 8)
Wie se Twin was daardie swarte voor jy hom gekoop het/ lyk amper soos Deon sn van Bethlehem wat hy ingeruil het vir sy 800Gs daardie jare? 8)

No have it for 6 Years, bought it from a guy in four-ways, so im the second owner.
Bokveld said:
  You're not just moerse strong,you're moerse dapper as well to tow in the sand!!!I would sheet myself.Now its getting adventurous.  :thumleft:

Ya well we want say much about it, but "Ja" a couple of times we had some hair raising moments, but hey thats why its called been adventurous.  :biggrin: :ricky: Glad you "Ous" is  enjoying the ride  :biggrin: :ricky:
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
I'm not reading any further, i am picking up weight as i read!!! :eek7:
Jeez you two can vreet!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
Ek stem saam
ALLEN I said:
Wie se Twin was daardie swarte voor jy hom gekoop het/ lyk amper soos Deon sn van Bethlehem wat hy ingeruil het vir sy 800Gs daardie jare? 8)

No have it for 6 Years, bought it from a guy in four-ways, so im the second owner.

Cool, still the best looking color for that year Twins. Deons was just as beautiful and nice condition.

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