Namibia on the cheap on a KLR

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Thanks for the great comments - Nam is such an easy country to travel - I will definitely return again next year
Thanks for sharing your RR it is brilliant and I could really "feel" your message!
Awesome RR. I need some time on my own in that direction :3some: :3some:
shanti said:
F U photobucket !!!!!!
Every single one of my RRs look like this now. :biggrin: :biggrin: :(
That is the ones I can still find with the search function on the new improved Wilddogs. Some are just gone.
shouldn't have called it Namibia on the cheap , sorry they saw through me , anyways back to F@#ken bunch of F@ck-wit pencil pushing grabbing hands arsewipes
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
shanti said:
F U photobucket !!!!!!
Every single one of my RRs look like this now. :biggrin: :biggrin: :(
That is the ones I can still find with the search function on the new improved Wilddogs. Some are just gone.

and so we pass into inglorious anonymity , all that remains behind is some vague scribblings on pictures that dont exist - our ancestors with their carvings are laughing in their stone tombs