Nam's Labyrinth - Solo & Sane

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Really enjoy your writing style.  :thumleft:
Pics are blocked at work so i will check them out tonight at home.

Pity you missed out on Soussusvlei, but all the more reason to return to that amazing place  :biggrin:
So just to whet your appetite if i may  >:D



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Absolutely awesome RR DD :thumleft:

Must say you have my respect for keeping 'Donkey' upright with that luggage set up on the back ;)
Awesome RR. Tx for doing such a great job of capturing the awe inspiring beauty of the Namib, DD.  :drif:
Hey I need my daily fix... Where is day 5!!!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
doublediamond said:
I am no longer slave to this quarrelsome bitch that is the Namibian sand road, no longer does she have me pandering to her every mood swing, whimpering at her unexpected outbursts,  clutching for survival until she delivers me tired & disheveled to the next rest stop or destination.
Donkey and I ride her mercilessly. The back tyre flogging her as she bleeds thick plumes of dust from her gaping tyre wounds. I am a belligerent rogue this morning.

Awesome stuff DoubleD!!  :thumleft:  :thumleft: Thanks for posting!

Your above description of taming the sand monster is spot on - had the exact same experience on our trip to Nam two years ago. Time to go back....
just read this - brilliant so far

Thank you DD - myself and Crop Sprang where thinking about a trip in december

so 1x quess where we going
Awesome RR. Pictures are great, but the mental picture I get from you writing is even better. Damn, you have talent! Keep it coming!
Brilliant RR. I really like your writing style. Great photo's as well.
DoubleD I agree with everyone, you should consider writing a book. You sure are a talented writer. Loved that song and listened to some of his others on Youtube, just as good! :3some:

Hope there's more to come! :coffee:
Thank you all sincerely for your kind words - I am truly flattered by all the positive comments, I am busy on day 5 (of 11 day trip) & will post shortly, just spending time with my family so my time relatively limited this week-end.
doublediamond said:
Thank you all sincerely for your kind words - I am truly flattered by all the positive comments, I am busy on day 5 (of 11 day trip) & will post shortly, just spending time with my family so my time relatively limited this week-end.

worst excuse if have heard in a long time  :biggrin:
What do you do between 2 and 4 in the mroning? you should be updateing your RR for us  :mwink:
bmad said:
doublediamond said:
Thank you all sincerely for your kind words - I am truly flattered by all the positive comments, I am busy on day 5 (of 11 day trip) & will post shortly, just spending time with my family so my time relatively limited this week-end.

worst excuse if have heard in a long time   :biggrin:
What do you do between 2 and 4 in the mroning? you should be updateing your RR for us  :mwink:

Bmad, I use that time to do spelling & comprehension tests so that when I post on forums I dont call morning's - mroning's & spell updating - updateing, you might want to consider joining me................hehe lol ;D ;D ;D

Later dog's
bmad said:

Stop fixing my spelling and write the report dammit :patch:

I second that  :deal: :deal: :deal: :deal: :deal: :deal: :deal:
Hi Double Diamond

Got to thinking while reading your commentary... You should consider putting all your text and the best pics in a coffee table book for yourself!  You know these FOTO First Goodies.

If your taking back orders, I'll take one.

Absolutely A-WE-SO-ME trip.  Gonna put it on my LIST.
Fantastic stuff!  10outof10

I had to have a cold shower and deflate my bikes tires just to stop me from leaving for Nam right now!

cant wait for the rest

C'mon DD, your audience is WAITING!!!!!!!!!