National Bash 2013

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It was good meeting all you previously unmet okes there! :thumleft:
J Dog - you are not really the big crunt everyone makes you out to be boet :thumleft:
.......en hy gooi selfs bietjie afrikaans - very impressive for a soutie :deal:

Very good to see some of the old kakbakkers again................Mr Ys and wife, B & C, Ossie, Michael, en die ander kapenaars
Must say AntonW's got a slap like a snake - saw it with my own eyes :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Well done the receiver of such klap - sorry were tendering :biggrin:

General lekke party both nights. :lol8:
Behaved myself fairly decently......luckily
Great venue, Great riding, Great people
Missed my old mates there - Veldbrand and Debs, Stoetie, Cocky, Carrots and the rest of the Rebelz that could not go
An annual avent not to be missed!

Some pichaas later
Gotta go and see what can be saved of my business afdter a week's absence
Later - swifty out! :thumleft:

If anyone is ever traveling in the Smithfield area and needs a place to stay over contact Johan Greeff

He is an awesome guy and makes the best ommelettes I've ever had.

PS: Remember to take enough liquid refreshements.  ;D

PSS: Johan is organising Radio Kalahari Orkes to go play sometime in December.  Will keep you up to date.
Orangeswifty said:
It was good meeting all you previously unmet okes there! :thumleft:
J Dog - you are not really the big crunt everyone makes you out to be boet :thumleft:
.......en hy gooi selfs bietjie afrikaans - very impressive for a soutie :deal:

Very good to see some of the old kakbakkers again................Mr Ys and wife, B & C, Ossie, Michael, en die ander kapenaars
Must say AntonW's got a slap like a snake - saw it with my own eyes :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Well done the receiver of such klap - sorry were tendering :biggrin:

General lekke party both nights. :lol8:
Behaved myself fairly decently......luckily
Great venue, Great riding, Great people
Missed my old mates there - Veldbrand and Debs, Stoetie, Cocky, Carrots and the rest of the Rebelz that could not go
An annual avent not to be missed!

Some pichaas later
Gotta go and see what can be saved of my business afdter a week's absence
Later - swifty out! :thumleft:

Goed om jou ook weer te sien......Watter brand cigis het jy toe gekoop vir die girls op julle day trip !!!Anda vra, want sy soek die goed nou nog  :deal:  :sip:  :biggrin:
Skande se ek SKANDE :peepwall: :pot:


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Moet se Rum en Coke help nie veel om 'n klomp name en gesigte te probeer onthou nie...... :p
Andre E said:
Moet se Rum en Coke help nie veel om 'n klomp name en gesigte te probeer onthou nie...... :p

Ek kan gesigte onthou en ek kan name onthou.  Die probleem is om die 2 bymekaar te sit.
briv said:
Orangeswifty said:
It was good meeting all you previously unmet okes there! :thumleft:
J Dog - you are not really the big crunt everyone makes you out to be boet :thumleft:
.......en hy gooi selfs bietjie afrikaans - very impressive for a soutie :deal:

Very good to see some of the old kakbakkers again................Mr Ys and wife, B & C, Ossie, Michael, en die ander kapenaars
Must say AntonW's got a slap like a snake - saw it with my own eyes :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Well done the receiver of such klap - sorry were tendering :biggrin:

General lekke party both nights. :lol8:
Behaved myself fairly decently......luckily
Great venue, Great riding, Great people
Missed my old mates there - Veldbrand and Debs, Stoetie, Cocky, Carrots and the rest of the Rebelz that could not go
An annual avent not to be missed!

Some pichaas later
Gotta go and see what can be saved of my business afdter a week's absence
Later - swifty out! :thumleft:

Goed om jou ook weer te sien......Watter brand cigis het jy toe gekoop vir die girls op julle day trip !!!Anda vra, want sy soek die goed nou nog  :deal:  :sip:  :biggrin:
Haai jinne Briv - vra asb groot om verskoning namens my
Ek weet nie of jy gehoor het nie maar ek en my pel is toe mos daar weg na die Bushpig toe, 'n paar doppe gevat en gedink het ons sal die ciggies koop op pad terug.
Eindig toe mos op onder in die Kei rivier na 'n afdraende met klippe uit die hel self omdat ons gedog het daar is 'n pad aan die ander kant.
Wel - dog vang toe sy baas en ons moes toe weer daar uit!
die ekskursie het ons 2 ure geneem en ons is toe reguit bash site toe sonder om te stop. :eek:

Dit laat my half beter voel as ek weet die goed is kaksleg vir jou en ek het haar eintlik 'n guns gedoen :thumleft:
Who was the Toppie at Koffiebaai, rides a white 1200GSA, that I chatted to about the 660 Z. Think he is from Durban. Was there with his son.

PM me urgent !  :deal:
Orangeswifty said:
briv said:
Orangeswifty said:
It was good meeting all you previously unmet okes there! :thumleft:
J Dog - you are not really the big crunt everyone makes you out to be boet :thumleft:
.......en hy gooi selfs bietjie afrikaans - very impressive for a soutie :deal:

Very good to see some of the old kakbakkers again................Mr Ys and wife, B & C, Ossie, Michael, en die ander kapenaars
Must say AntonW's got a slap like a snake - saw it with my own eyes :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Well done the receiver of such klap - sorry were tendering :biggrin:

General lekke party both nights. :lol8:
Behaved myself fairly decently......luckily
Great venue, Great riding, Great people
Missed my old mates there - Veldbrand and Debs, Stoetie, Cocky, Carrots and the rest of the Rebelz that could not go
An annual avent not to be missed!

Some pichaas later
Gotta go and see what can be saved of my business afdter a week's absence
Later - swifty out! :thumleft:

Goed om jou ook weer te sien......Watter brand cigis het jy toe gekoop vir die girls op julle day trip !!!Anda vra, want sy soek die goed nou nog  :deal:  :sip:  :biggrin:
Haai jinne Briv - vra asb groot om verskoning namens my
Ek weet nie of jy gehoor het nie maar ek en my pel is toe mos daar weg na die Bushpig toe, 'n paar doppe gevat en gedink het ons sal die ciggies koop op pad terug.
Eindig toe mos op onder in die Kei rivier na 'n afdraende met klippe uit die hel self omdat ons gedog het daar is 'n pad aan die ander kant.
Wel - dog vang toe sy baas en ons moes toe weer daar uit!
die ekskursie het ons 2 ure geneem en ons is toe reguit bash site toe sonder om te stop. :eek:

Dit laat my half beter voel as ek weet die goed is kaksleg vir jou en ek het haar eintlik 'n guns gedoen :thumleft:

Sy se dis ok, maar sal n  R100se bottel rooiwyn op jou rekening volgende bash bestel  >:D :peepwall: :biggrin:
briv said:
Orangeswifty said:
briv said:
Orangeswifty said:
It was good meeting all you previously unmet okes there! :thumleft:
J Dog - you are not really the big crunt everyone makes you out to be boet :thumleft:
.......en hy gooi selfs bietjie afrikaans - very impressive for a soutie :deal:

Very good to see some of the old kakbakkers again................Mr Ys and wife, B & C, Ossie, Michael, en die ander kapenaars
Must say AntonW's got a slap like a snake - saw it with my own eyes :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Well done the receiver of such klap - sorry were tendering :biggrin:

General lekke party both nights. :lol8:
Behaved myself fairly decently......luckily
Great venue, Great riding, Great people
Missed my old mates there - Veldbrand and Debs, Stoetie, Cocky, Carrots and the rest of the Rebelz that could not go
An annual avent not to be missed!

Some pichaas later
Gotta go and see what can be saved of my business afdter a week's absence
Later - swifty out! :thumleft:

Goed om jou ook weer te sien......Watter brand cigis het jy toe gekoop vir die girls op julle day trip !!!Anda vra, want sy soek die goed nou nog  :deal:  :sip:  :biggrin:
Haai jinne Briv - vra asb groot om verskoning namens my
Ek weet nie of jy gehoor het nie maar ek en my pel is toe mos daar weg na die Bushpig toe, 'n paar doppe gevat en gedink het ons sal die ciggies koop op pad terug.
Eindig toe mos op onder in die Kei rivier na 'n afdraende met klippe uit die hel self omdat ons gedog het daar is 'n pad aan die ander kant.
Wel - dog vang toe sy baas en ons moes toe weer daar uit!
die ekskursie het ons 2 ure geneem en ons is toe reguit bash site toe sonder om te stop. :eek:

Dit laat my half beter voel as ek weet die goed is kaksleg vir jou en ek het haar eintlik 'n guns gedoen :thumleft:

Sy se dis ok, maar sal n  R100se bottel rooiwyn op jou rekening volgende bash bestel   >:D :peepwall: :biggrin:
Cheapskate - ek sponsor 'n R200 bottel :thumleft:
Ek en Kierie het Donderdag van Ficksburg af deur Lesotho gery en uitgekom by Tele Bridge in die kakste wind wat ek nog daar gesien het.
Ons ry toe verby verlede jaar se bash site by Reedsdell en draai voor af na Barkley oos en toe weer na Elliot op die R393 wat aansluit by die R58.
4 uur die middag is dit toe wat ons daar aantref
Surrealisties in die extreme!
Hoor toe later dis die rook van brande wat in die Oos vrystaat plaasgevind het anderkant Zastron wat oor die berg gewaai het en die son verduister het!
Mal verby! :eek:
(die date en timestamp op die foto is verkeerd)


  • Lundeans to Elliot in smog.MOV_snapshot_32.03_[2013.09.25_16.46.29].jpg
    Lundeans to Elliot in smog.MOV_snapshot_32.03_[2013.09.25_16.46.29].jpg
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  • Lundeans to Elliot in smog.MOV_snapshot_28.57_[2013.09.25_16.47.14].jpg
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Wie is die ouens wat so wou baklei het?

Ek HOOR maar by ouens wat daar was, manne wou kort kort mekaar net donner?

Ouens wat daar was het gese NOOIT weer nie.

Ek vra maar, ek HOOR so, verder weet ek niks.
Manic said:
Wie is die ouens wat so wou baklei het?

Ek HOOR maar by ouens wat daar was, manne wou kort kort mekaar net donner?

Ouens wat daar was het gese NOOIT weer nie.

Ek vra maar, ek HOOR so, verder weet ek niks.

Nee fok, ek het seker te veel gesuip want ek het niks van daai episode gesien nie..... ::)