North West Trip

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Race Dog
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 660 Z

So, a while ago we decided to get on the bike and do some kind of trip. Any trip.

See, our eldest is 20 months and second is 2 months old. That means me and the missus haven't done any trips for...well, for forever.

Seeing as the in laws stay in Mooinooi, we decided to drop the kids off there and do a 2 day tour of North West.

So we left Mooinooi about 07:00 on Saturday morning and headed to Olifantsnek. The ride through the hills on the way to derby was fantastic. Sweeping roads and lekker bosveld.
At Koster we saw a Wimpy and couldn't resist.

After breaky we headed for Boskraal, and Die Oog thereafter. Lekker dirt roads, but they came with a price. See, on Thursday before the trip my bike started losing revs each now and then. Stalling with the revs are a bit low. So, on the dirt roads each bump caused the revs to dip and often stall. Very annoying.

Die Oog is amazing. Allthough all the grass is burnt, I can only imagine how beautiful it is after some rain. I will definately go back.

So, from there we limped into Groot Marico (still stalling). At the BP I decided to take the whole bike apart and try to determine what was the cause (thinking it was dirty fuel). After about 30 mins I couldn't figure it out, refitted everything and refueled. We decided that the next 40km's will be a tester, and if the problem persists we will head back home.
Well, the problem went away and I can only imagine that it was a pinched pipe or something.


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Bike problems gone, we headed north towards Molatedi Dam. It's tar most of the way and then changes to great gravel. That part was really scenic, probably because the river close by gives some green shades to the otherwise dry and burnt bush. The road however wasn't close enough to the dam for us to see it. Disappointing.

From Molatedi we headed to Dwarsberg and filled up there. That little bottle store probably has the coldest cold drinks around. No doubt. Cheap beer too, but we weren't indulging just yet!

We turned North East and headed to Thabazimbi from there. It was mostly dirt, until we got to the D1694 tar road which leads into Thaba. We were thankful for the tar though, seeing as we covered 430km mostly dirt that day.

We stayed at Thaba Nkwe bushveld in in Thabazimbi. Very nice place, nice people. Had a couple of drinks at the bar (well deserved) and thankfully managed to find our lodge 4 hours later!


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First little rant. The accommodation was for Bed and Breakfast. However, Sunday morning the restaurant was closed. So, we had to grab breakfast at Wimpy in town again.

After breaky we headed to Rankin's pass. Very scenic, however not really a Pass if you ask me. Either way, we had some great gravel roads.

We turned south and headed through Mabalingwe and Mabula towards Leeupoort.

We crossed the Pienaars river on the way to Brits and headed into Mooinooi after a 750km trip.

We met some dawgs on the way home. Wes Kus Klonk and his mates.

All in all it was fantastic. Most of the North West is busy burning down, however it was still spectacular and the missus and me really enjoyed it.

Thanks North West.


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Our route.


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thanks Justin, that was most enjoyable RR...lots of pics with you erm...watering the foliage.... :mwink: your wife has got a sense of humour....
laurika said:
thanks Justin, that was most enjoyable RR...lots of pics with you erm...watering the foliage.... :mwink: your wife has got a sense of humour....

I was only looking down at my shoes. Really!!  ;)
laurika said:
thanks Justin, that was most enjoyable RR...lots of pics with you erm...watering the foliage.... :mwink: your wife has got a sense of humour....

LOL. Only realised now. There is only 1 where I am ... watering. The others are of my wife in the distance. I have a yellow reflective bib on.
Wow, really looked like an amazing trip.

Nice pictures Blikkies!

Ja, dit was lekker hoor! 1000km altesaam gery oor die 2 dae.  :thumleft:
Lekka getaway for u & the missus. Looks like a fun ride.
Great stuff! 

Lyk lekker.. en warm!?

Jammer julle het toe uitgemis op ons ontbyt - dit moes teleurstellend gewees het ;D

Was Groot Marico toe die moeite werd vir 'n stop??

Next time!
Die oggende was nog koel, maar van so 1 uur af het dit maar lekker warm geraak. Het net gestop waar daar skaduwee was!

Groot Marico was oraait. Siende dat ek die bike uitmekaar gehaal het, het ek nie baie sight seeing gedoen nie behalwe om na petrol pypies te kyk! Ons het direk weer gery om tyd op te maak.
Dit lyk 'n bietjie soos Cullinan, met al die arty/koffie/tee tuin plekkies.
Lekker RR en mooi foto's!  Dankie dat jy dit met ons gedeel het!  :thumleft:
krister said:
Lekker RR en mooi foto's!  Dankie dat jy dit met ons gedeel het!  :thumleft:

No prob. Mens sien blerrie mooi plekke as mens net die moeite doen om bietjie grond paaie te ry!

Ek gaan nou maar try om so elke 6/7 weke weg te kom.
lekke een :thumleft:, paar mooi plekke wat jul gesien het maak my somer lus v toer :D
Mooi man. 

Ek ken daai gevoel as man nie meer kan bike ry met die vrou omlat die kinnertjies moet gesorg word.  :thumleft:
BOER! said:
Ek ken daai gevoel as man nie meer kan bike ry met die vrou omlat die kinnertjies moet gesorg word.   :thumleft:

Ja, dankie tog vir Ouma en Oupa!