Oasis Spit Braai 14 November

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Sweetie Pie

Pack Dog
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Honda XR200
Bookings are closed!!!

Do NOT sneak in by paying without lettings the hosts know!!

There are a limited number of people that can be catered for.

Do not spoil this for everyone else

It is the that time of the year again were everyone hangs around with a drink in their hand and watch the spectacle of me running around and cursing in my kitchen.  Guess what ... It ain't gonna happen this time! :biggrin:   I booked myself a rent-a-granny to give me hugs.  I hope she can make it on these roads with her Ford Escort otherwise I would have to ask for rib cracking hugs from whom ever I come across.  

The weather is crap today so I am just a little bit under the weather.......

Anyway,  I took banters into consideration when I planned the menu.  Having a wee bit of a problem with pudding ideas but I will come up with something sweet somehow for you.

The kitchen will be closed Saturday 14 November from 10am untill 4pm.  We will have snacks available for you from 4pm(16:00).  

The menu is as follow


Skaap (woolie animal) It is only the contents inside the wool casing that will be consumed
Roasted Chicken
Greenbeans with Feta and Garlic - Cocky likes this one!  
Variety of Vegetables roasted in the spit thingy
Greek Salad

Chocolate fountain for dessert

Breakfast Sunday 15 November

Bacon, Eggs, Pork Worsies, Cold Meats, Cheese, Toast, Cereal, Tea/Coffee

Spit braai and breakfast:  R185 p/p (Accommodation and drinks not included.)

Payment will be made the same way as last time.  Please use your first name and forum name as a reference.  Not the one you life partner calls you.  It is difficult to explain to my accountant who D**s and A**hole is.

Banking Details

C. Karsten
Branch:  050 007 Ceres
Acc:  385 316 208

Please call me or Gerrit @ 027 482 2819 or e-mail us at www.cederbergoasis.co.za to make a booking.

Does anyone know where we can get helium beer?   >:D

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