Oasis Spitbraai Nov 2015

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Grey Hound
Oct 27, 2008
Reaction score
Cape Town
KTM 990 Adventure
Ok so no one else seems to want to start one,I will.

Jupiter and I left Melkbos just after 7.00am,my aim was to get to Oasis doing as little black stuff as possible. We filled up and hit the R27 for a few Kim's to take the Grootte Post road that would take us to just outside of  Darling. There was a little nip in the air,feeling more like August than the middle of November.
We also encountered a few dark clouds,but they disappeared as we moved inland and a little north. We arrived at Darling but we were too early for our planned hosts for breakfast. I suggested getting a bite in Morreesburg.the first stretch of gravel from the coast to Darling was in great condition.

From Darling we hit the gravel all the way to Morreesburg,where we had our first stop and brekkie. Food was not too bad but soft sunny side up did not compute all the way to the kitchen. Eggs looked like flying saucers.
From there we hit the N7 for a few Kim's,me leaving Morreesburg like a meerkat,I had a moerse cramp in my left hip. After a few minutes we take a right(Misverstand/Die Brug) turnoff. It is a short stretch but a lekker little road that saves you doing tar,and brings you out just shy of Piketberg.
This would be the longest stretch of tar we would do,it is about 50km.
I know there is a gravel road that runs just below the tar road but never knew how to get onto it. I now know and it will be done next time I go that way.
I stopped near the top to stretch our legs and to check out the gravel road below. As we were sitting there this bike comes past us. I tell Jup that is Andy. Andy does a uturn and we have a little chat.
We descend into Citrusdal and fill up. We exit town and head on Gravel towards Clanwilliam. Along the way Andy has stopped ,he and his daughter Amber are having a snack.
We stop once again and a few minutes head on,taking the right to go towards Algeria. Roads once again all in pretty good nick.
Go passed Algeria and start climbing Uitkyk Pass. At the top we find Katvis chilling,he says he is waiting for Weskus. We have a smoke and carry on.
I must say the next stretch was the most slippery of all the times I have ridden it. Not hectic but the front end did not always go where you wanted it to go.
We arrived at Oasis pretty early,which was the intention as it was all about the kuier. I was really looking forward to seeing quite a few guys I had not seen in a while.
The afternoon became a session of chatting and listening to good jokes and stories.
The whole afternoon you would hear bikes pouring in from both directions. Most of the bikes were either KTM's or BMW's,with two nice AT',one belonging to my riding partner and the other to Pietcoke. There was even a a box of bolts owned by Fender.
And so the evening came and went,lots of great food,even more drinks and whole heap of good people. The food prepared by Gerrit and Chantal was top notch,and no one was left hungry,ok maybe one but he decided to play barman(doos).
Not sure what time the party carried on till,but I was out of there by 11.00pm.

The next morning there were a couple of folk looking rather tender,the two standing out to me was Kamanye and Cocky.
We ate breakfast ,chilled and chatted then decided to leave. Jup was heading back to George but was meeting his missus and family in Goudini. We rode out together via Op DieBerg and on to Ceres.

We filled up and bumped into Squeekyboots and his missus,they had been elsewhere for the weekend. I took Jup down the Slanghoek Road towards Rawsonville,and stopped for lunch at the Dam Fine Cafe.
At this point we said our farewells and parted ways,me back to Melkbos over Du Toits and Jupiter towards Robertson.

We had a lekker trip and was good to kuier with a lot of the Oumanne again. Thanks to all. I did not take many pics,but I know others did so hopefully the will add their stories and photos. I know Fuzzy and Gwild got some cool pics.



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Thanks Boet, had a most enjoyable ride there and back.
No mention of the most elegant dismount  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Divot said:
No mention of the most elegant dismount  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

It is called a graceful dismount you ignoramous.

I pulled up to my tent,trying to get the bike in some shade. Stop ,put my foot down and there is fokkol ground,just a hole. Gracefully stepped off to the amusement of those close by. It could have been worse,it could have been later when there were more people there  :)
whitedelight said:
Divot said:
No mention of the most elegant dismount  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

It is called a graceful dismount you ignoramous.

I pulled up to my tent,trying to get the bike in some shade. Stop ,put my foot down and there is fokkol ground,just a hole. Gracefully stepped off to the amusement of those close by. It could have been worse,it could have been later when there were more people there  :)
:spitcoffee:  :lol8:
Hentie @ Riders said:
whitedelight said:
Divot said:
No mention of the most elegant dismount  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

It is called a graceful dismount you ignoramous.

I pulled up to my tent,trying to get the bike in some shade. Stop ,put my foot downtown  and there is fokkol ground,just a hole. Gracefully stepped off to the amusement of those close by. It could have been worse,it could have been later when there were more people there  :)
:spitcoffee:  :lol8:

Ja lag lekker jou drol
whitedelight said:
Hentie @ Riders said:
whitedelight said:
Divot said:
No mention of the most elegant dismount  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

It is called a graceful dismount you ignoramous.

I pulled up to my tent,trying to get the bike in some shade. Stop ,put my foot downtown  and there is fokkol ground,just a hole. Gracefully stepped off to the amusement of those close by. It could have been worse,it could have been later when there were more people there  :)
:spitcoffee:  :lol8:

Ja lag lekker jou drol
Toemaar soutie my bike het ook al daar om geval maar ek was darem nie op hom nie  :imaposer:  :lol8:
Didn’t realize that was you sir, saw the “dismount” out of the corner of my eye.

We went up on Friday, have a very nice chilled ride up, and got there midafternoon more or less.

Friday night I was saved from a hangover Saturday by Mike Adendorff, who had left Cape Town at 4pm and contacted us via the Oasis at about 18H30 to say he had a puncture on Gydo Pass but was making a plan. At 21H15 we decided that we were going to look for him, and had not had anything to drink due to this probability. So as we are about to kit up, we see a lonely light coming over the pass in the distance, and Mike arrived. By then I was too tired to partake.

Saturday morning my wife wanted to go walk, so first it was to the top of the mountain behind the Oasis, then to the top of the mountain in front of the Oasis, then to look at Gerrit’s new campsites. It felt like I had walked further then we had ridden for the weekend by then.

It was nice to finally put some faces to names, although trying to remember everyone’s forum name and real name all at the same was a bit difficult.

I really enjoyed Saturday evening, and haven’t laughed like that for quite a while; referring to the incident when Gerhard sent his girlfriend to get him a single brandy. Unfortunately for him, Cocky was manning the bar and he was called out, kakked out, and made to have a double.

It was very interesting learning some detailed aspects of the Amageza navigation system from Andrew & Co as well.

Had lots of nice chats with a lot of people, the ear plugs for sleeping worked like a charm and the wife stressed me out completely on the way home by getting lost making me go back 30 km to find her, and Mike.

It was my first time attending something like this I have got to say it was a lot of fun.

Thank you very much to Gerrit and Chantelle for all their effort in making it all work.
My son , a pal and I
Day 1--Prieska, Vosburg,Loxton, Fraserburg,Theekloofpas, Merweville, Rammelkop, Sutherland.  568km
unfortunately Hentie was there.... He went to bed early and sober.

Day 2- Sutherland, Oubergpas, Tankwa Padstal. At !! the boys were rired and had to consume liquid. Were joined by Stoetie and Cocky.
From there onwards i was called a verniet n@@i a lot.

We proceeded up SkitteryPass, butt had to stop at the top of Katbakkies as the riding was long and tiring for the boys.
Then we turned left and had to stop at a Perdeplaas were the words pertaining to a lady's genitals were used to the irk of the people there already...

Thereafter the long road to the Oasis was taken on. After hardships of 11km we arrived to the Oasis. Gerrit and Co put on a wonderful afternoon and evening. The "verniet"word was banded freely... Buttt a wondeful time was had by all. 168 gruelling km's for the day.

Sunday early i made the mistake of talking too loudly outside Missy's tent and gat shat out. My apologies again.....
We left down Eselbank and Wupperthal up Botterkloof to Calvinia. Tar through Williston until Carnarvon and a gravel highway from there to Prieska with speeds usually bantered around by the riding gods(160 ..... and more) 593km's for the day

A wonderful weekend all in all.
ETS said:
My son , a pal and I
Day 1--Prieska, Vosburg,Loxton, Fraserburg,Theekloofpas, Merweville, Rammelkop, Sutherland.  568km
unfortunately Hentie was there.... He went to bed early and sober.

Day 2- Sutherland, Oubergpas, Tankwa Padstal. At !! the boys were rired and had to consume liquid. Were joined by Stoetie and Cocky.
From there onwards i was called a verniet n@@i a lot.

We proceeded up SkitteryPass, butt had to stop at the top of Katbakkies as the riding was long and tiring for the boys.
Then we turned left and had to stop at a Perdeplaas were the words pertaining to a lady's genitals were used to the irk of the people there already...

Thereafter the long road to the Oasis was taken on. After hardships of 11km we arrived to the Oasis. Gerrit and Co put on a wonderful afternoon and evening. The "verniet"word was banded freely... Buttt a wondeful time was had by all. 168 gruelling km's for the day.

Sunday early i made the mistake of talking too loudly outside Missy's tent and gat shat out. My apologies again.....
We left down Eselbank and Wupperthal up Botterkloof to Calvinia. Tar through Williston until Carnarvon and a gravel highway from there to Prieska with speeds usually bantered around by the riding gods(160 ..... and more) 593km's for the day

A wonderful weekend all in all.
Was lekker om die manne te ontmoet, ek en Blinkes was kort op jul hake maar dit smaak my ek het Sondag al wat 'n klip is raakgery.. :peepwall:
VaalBaas said:
Did you better Jeff's attempt😁

Spelfoute agv dikvingers😀
Hey !!! how did I get pulled into this.......
Sorry I missed this one . But hopefully next time