Oh what have you done to Sani (and lower Petsong) My trip from Cullinan to Sani

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Pack Dog
Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
KTM 950 SE
My trip to Sani via Bethlehem, Venterstad, Steynsberg, Takarastad, Katberg Pass, Hogsback, Dordrecht, Barkley East, Rhodes, Naudes Nek and finally to Sani
I love Planet Bike and “ on the spur decisions”  – I was reading Chrissies planned solo trip to Cape Town on the WD forum and decided to link up with her until Venterstad.  Quick packing on Sunday, took one look at my overpacked bike and  decided that the credit card was much lighter than the tent, mattress and sleeping bag… and the adventure was ready to start.

Had to explain to my dog why he could not come with !!

Tuesday was a crazy day at work trying to justify my  “galavanting”  but eventually at 1.30pm I headed out on my adventure.  Back dirt roads from Cullinan to Villiers and then onto R26. The only thing that kept my KTM happy on the tar was pining it all the way.

Woke up to some serious thunderstorms and rain but the excitement was still there so I was not in the least perturbed by the weather.

Bike lightened, met up with Chrissie and rode mostly tar roads to Ladybrand. (My KTM was not
impressed  and sulked most of the way)

We intended to ride the dirt roads skirting the border from Ladybrand to Hobhouse but the roads had become rivers. My responsible side decided to follow Chrissie (after all this was her trip) and at long last we found a dirt highway to Venterstad.
At this stage my KTM was coughing and spluttering, every now and then throwing out flames in anger,  and screaming at me to get off the tar !!

Had a very good night’s rest near Venterstad  on a horse breeding farm and had an early night after pacifying my KTM by promising more dirt roads the next day.

I think the horse was laughing at my KTM

The following morning we said our goodbyes in Steynsburg (thanks Chrissie for hijacking your trip for 2 days) and immediately rode the dirt on the R390 / 401 and R61 to Tarkastad.  Quick coffee and then onto R344 to the control boom of the Winterberg Conservancy.

Little did I know that the “Groot K*k” was too start…the 2 track road slowly disappeared, the mist came in and it started to rain. My KTM was in heaven, my hooligan side agreeing with my KTM but my responsible side was saying … what the hell are you doing !!!!  It was obvious that this route had not been used very often and if my trusty KTM was going to let me down, my bones would have fed the ground

Your getting in way more riding than me  !!
The RR's take some time but such a cool way to preserve one's memories - will be great for my 2 grand children.
Did a trip to Namibia last year and already, without documenting the trip, my memories of this trip are fading. Think I must re-kindle
the brain and write a RR for this as well.
KTM Jargermeister aka Johan  PLEASE HELP
I think I was supposed to have turned left once through the gate but the KTM turned right along the more adventurous looking route...oh why why why. (my bones are getting tired!!)

I felt much better once I joined up with the R357 on Katberg Pass. Absolutely stunning.

I arrived at the T junction at the bottom of Katberg and then the big fight started. My “responsible self” said –turn right to Hogsback while my KTM shouted back – “no no Michel’s Pass - with all the rain this way  will be awesome”. The KTM won,  the inner battle with the KTM getting quite nasty “ well you might as well buy Green Cross shoes and a soft adventure bike “.

Managed to arrive in Hogsback at 1.00 and had a great lunch. After lunch (and a glass of wine) it was off to the backpackers and with the  soft drizzle of rain on the corrugated roof I only lasted a few minutes until the zzzz’ss disturbed the tranquillity of Hogsback.

The next day it was serious decision time – do I take the dirt road (it had rained the entire night and Hogsback is known for that shi**y red mud) to the R67 or the long way round on the tar. The KTM has a mind of it’s own and not even having mentioned tar, the KTM refused to turn left coming out the backpackers. Dirt (mud) it was !!!

:thumleft: :thumleft:
Winterberg, darrie plek kan baie koud word innie winter!  A must ride area on bucket list for all wilddogs.

Nice rr

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