Oh what have you done to Sani (and lower Petsong) My trip from Cullinan to Sani

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Thanks for the postings...will finish during the week.  Next posting, hopefully, will be the ride to the top of Sani....oh what have they done to Sani!!!
Nice!!  I have the same challenge with my dog btw - and yes, he's also a Yorkie!

The plan for today was to ride to Himeville and do Sani early the following morning. Once I crossed the R351 onto the R67 towards Queenstown the KTM had no choice but to ride tar. A quick ride through Queenstown towards Dordrecht did not help much – all tar.
Filled up at Dordrecht and , while eating breakfast, tried to plot a course missing tar roads to Himeville.  Roads became Rhodes and a new adventure began – Naudes Nek….lower Pitseng  pass and dirt from Dordrecht all the way to Rhodes. My KTM was in heaven and my responsible self was sulking (promised I would buy it some Green Cross shoes to sit in front of the TV when we got home)

Arrived lunch time (was becoming a pleasant, if not a bit lazy, habit of arriving so early at a destination).
I once again enjoyed a lazy afternoon sleep.
Next morning I headed out to Himeville along the most scenic of all mountain passes in the country – Naudes Nek.

Wild Blue said:
Nice!!  I have the same challenge with my dog btw - and yes, he's also a Yorkie!

Yip - so intelligent and they melt one's heart. When I got back he followed be like a shadow. Need to design a little crash helmet for him !!!
Passed through the Dordrecht / Rhodes area in December and some really stunning scenery.  Some good dirt out that way!

Woke up to a stunning sunny day - perfect for Naudes and Petsong pass.

Once again reached Himeville lunch time (seriously making a habit of reaching a destination so early). After lunch the boredom started setting in and before long Sani was calling.

Oh what have they done with Sani !!​

I was looking forward to a beer on top of Sani but Sani has been turned into a dirt highway (until the next rains).
Last year Nov I went up with some crazy KTM 690 riders and suffered arm pump. This year I could not even justify drinking a beer on top of Sani.
Up and down, including dropping the bike on a switch back because of lack of concentration and in 35 minutes - it's just not right !
Need to wait for the next rains.

The next day my “responsible side” needed to kick in. It was home time. Awesome roads to Harrismith, 

From Harrismith  I had to ride a bit of N3( with the KTM snarling and spurting out flames in disgust every time we need to throttle back due to  some crazy truck turning in front of us)  After 20km’s on the N3,  it just became too much and the KTM headed for the mielie lands.

This time it seemed that I would reach my destination (home), once again at lunch time. (four days in a row). Just not enough saddle time for a day.

Approaching near Delmas my KTM starting to misbehave. I could not work out what was going on as we had a great trip together. The KTM was fantastic – no problems and such awesome power and handling. And then it made sense. We were passing RED STAR RACEWAY on the way home !!!!
My Super Enduro wanted to see what his brother got up to on a Wednesday afternoon !!!

Planet Bike – I love it !!!!​

punisher said:
Very nice.  Well done girl

Need to change my forum name of "Baglady" that was given to me because of overloading the bike.  - Trying to get rid of the reputation so used the credit card instead of the tent, mattress and sleeping bag. Wine however remained a priority, one in the left pannier, one in the right pannier and one on the top to balance.

Baglady said:
The RR's take some time but such a cool way to preserve one's memories - will be great for my 2 grand children.
Did a trip to Namibia last year and already, without documenting the trip, my memories of this trip are fading. Think I must re-kindle
the brain and write a RR for this as well.
KTM Jargermeister aka Johan  PLEASE HELP

Doing just fine - only problem is that I had to stay at home (Work) :-(
Cave Girl said:
Very cool report - and hey way buy a big bike if you can't load it  :thumleft:
True but one must remember that KTM's have minds of their own.  I want to turn left, the KTM turns right. I see a dirt highway,the KTM wants to ride along a donkey track. Best to carry  as little as possible.

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