Old Houwhoek Pass

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Race Dog
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
Honda CRF-1100L Africa Twin
So Sunday morning I wake up and realise that I have nothing to do. It's a beautiful day and i want to go riding. There's been some talk on the forum about the old Houwhoek Pass, and I decide to go find it. Call my reliable riding buddy, and 20 minutes later we're off. Through Stellenbosch, past Strand and onto the Rooiels road. A quick stop at Dappat se Gat, where a group of more or less 50 bikes pass us.

From here into the wind past Betty's Bay and into Kleinmond for breakfast in the harbour. With full bellies and full tanks we rode the 14km to the Valley road turnoff and hit the dirt. This is really a nice scenic ride. What surprised me was the amount of bikes on this rode. We must have passed at least 5 different groups of riders.

Onto the tar, and then right onto the dirt again. Here Erdwurm (on the GS) dropped his bike while trying to disengage the ABS. We joined the N2 going towards Botrivier, missing the old pass turnoff. Instead, we rode the old pass up from Botrivier. Its a beautiful ride, with some tricky loose sand and rocks. Erdwurm again dropped the GS, but luckily in soft sand, so no damage.

Just after I took this photo he rode off the road into some bushes. No photos of that, unfortunately. The GS took some light body damage, but we extracted it from the trees and pushed on to the end. Its a short pass, but really nice to ride. At the top we again joined the N2 into Botrivier.

From there we hit the van der Stell pass and then the dirt road to the R321 at the Theewaterskloof dam.

Erdwurm still wanted to go kite surfing, so from here we went straight back to Stellenbosch
The 235km kept us busy from 08:30 to about 14:00. All in all a good ride.