On top of the world in the Baviaans..........

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Zeff Cowboy

Living the American Dream
Feb 1, 2007
Reaction score
Indiana USA
A friend of mine invited me to ride up to his little cabin on a mountain in the Baviaans.

I didn't think it was actually in the Baviaans but thats what the map says.

So at 08:30 he gives me a call to tell me he is on his way. He drives a big 4x4 Toyota Higlux by the way. I check the KLR and head off to the Elands river road.

On the Elands river road you go past the Sandriver dam and then turn right onto a farm trail. I passed one or two farm houses and then i reached the trial to take me onto the mountain.

I passed a suspicous looking sign saying "4x4 vehichles only".

To my surprise the road was incredible steep. It climbes 800 meters high in 3 kilometers. The road is nonexistant. Its basically a 4x4 route as the sign suggested.

All i can say is "man was it a battle to get that KLR ontop of that mountain". I didn't take it out of 1st gear once. If i ever wondered if my cooling system was working properly. Well it does.

Luckily i only crashed once. hehe. The throttle was stuck from the fall and i had to fix it on the spot.

I spent about an hour ontop of the mountain. I was stressing alot about the decent.

I got back onto the bike and rode down the moantain. 1st gear all the time and back brakes burning from overheating.

Overall it was a great day with very nice views. Just a pity it was so haizy.

On my way back i stopped at "Out of Africa" bikers pub. I met a few friendly bikers there and there was another KLR there too.

At the moment i'm sitting here typing this report i've got lots of mucle and joint pain. But thats mainly because i'm so unfit. I'm going to have a lekker sleep tonight. :icon_thumright:

About the bike, jeeeezzzzz if i was only as tough as the KLR. :oops:

I asked my friend in the Highlux what he uses to go up the hill, he said: "1st and 2nd low range 4x4" :icon_thumright:

Deflating the tyres to go through warp speed on the gravel. :lol:

I was pushed for time on my way up so no photos going up. This is ontop, next to the cabin.

Nice view.

The cabin. Its nice i wish i had one of those. But i'll need a 4x4 to go up. gie gie gie

I wish you guys and girls could see how steep this is. This is on my way down.

Nice view.

Taking a break. I needed one.

The track. This is the best part.

Nice view.

Nive view.

I wonder what that sign is for. :lol:
Nicely done Cap'! :thumbleft:

Maybe we need a photography workshop on how to capture steep accents and decents on "film" so we can see the actual gradient in the pics. Its a problem I have myself... :scratch:
Great man.

That cabin looks like a good place to hang out..with the wife of course.

Imagine a few Wild Dogs stuck there on a winters night! Something about things that happens stays on the mountain or something. :shock: :D

You Capies are one up on us Gauties regarding scenery. 8)
Wow that cabin looks nice
next time you go can some of us come with?
I'll be happy to pitch my tent outside

great trip!
JourneyMan said:
Great man.

That cabin looks like a good place to hang out..with the wife of course.

Imagine a few Wild Dogs stuck there on a winters night! Something about things that happens stays on the mountain or something. :shock: :D

You Capies are one up on us Gauties regarding scenery. 8)

The cabin will make a nice Wilddogs Baviaans bende huis. :D
Nice one CS. What went wrong, don't see any mud in the pics? :twisted: :twisted: Must go back to the Bav next year (without the mud) to see the other parts.
Lekker trip........Eks mal oor die " Cabin " sal nie omgee om so n wegkomplekkie te he nie :!:
Geoff my wrist is sprained. Woke up this morning, lotsa pain. Hand is lekker swolen up.

Bike damage, Man its a KLR it crashes well. :D Some damage to the hand guard. Throttle was stuck i had to fix it on the spot. No further damage.

Lucky Striker: ons sal maar a chopper moet reel om jou 1200GS tot by die cabin te airlift. :lol: Ek glo nie hy sal dit maak tot da bo nie. Baie styl en los klippe, forkall traction.

Ja manne daai cabin sit op 'n bleddie nice plek. As ek Trailrider se klein 200 Honda gehad het so ek baie daar opry.

Modder, die enigste modder wat ek kon sien was in die dam en ek was nie lus vir vassit nie. :shock:

Hoekom is die bike so skoon, wel hy is gepolish net voor ek gaan ry het. :D
Super pics,
I would be a little nervous to get caught with Kilroy on a cold night on that cabin

Het jy nie miskien die ko�¶rdinate van die plek? Sal graag wil gaan kyk met Google Map of EarthWind hoe lyk dit daar.
Watty said:

Het jy nie miskien die ko�¶rdinate van die plek? Sal graag wil gaan kyk met Google Map of EarthWind hoe lyk dit daar.

Ek het die koordinate op Google Earth. Sal hulle vanmiddag post. Netwerk is te besig nou by die werk. :D
Nice report. Hope the wrist heals well.

Is that cabin for hire?

If so, do you have contact details?

Kaboef said:
Nice report. Hope the wrist heals well.

Is that cabin for hire?

If so, do you have contact details?


Nope its not for rent as far as i know.

I'll ask the owner.
Hoop jy het verversings, van watter aard ookal, in die "topboks" (nuwe Afrikaanse woord) gehad!

Ai, ons bly maar net in die mooiste land!

Wonder hoe die forum sonder digitale kameras sou gelyk het?

Nice report :)
Google Earth Coordinates as asked for.

lat=-33.6870715583, lon=25.1006790842

Hope it works.

Zoom in you can easily see the little cabin. :D