Op soek na De Watervalt

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Race Dog
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Kawasaki KLX 400SR

Well this is Saturday and this is big city called George. Moer baie karre today on the road. just karre and karre everywhere.Joburg we had you this morning!!! Today it's very cold and the spietkops is orals today. My kop felt like if a skaffelplank daarop geval het. Groot Kopkramp. So i decided to lê betjie skuins for a hour before i took off. We decided that we have to go for a swim because it's so cold outside. Me, Johann, Christine and Dirk was planning to ride to De Vlugt because there is a waterfall nearby and we can go for a swim. But to our misfortune Dirk had so stay behind so we decided not to go to De Vlugt. We decide if we cannot go to De Vlugt, De Vlugt must come to us then. We decided to searth for a Waterfall and I will call it De Waterfalt

The Previous night ( Friday Night) we went in the darkness over the montagu pass to search for Ghosts. Well if there are any? On the night trip Dirk, Johann, Christine and me joined forces to go and see if we can find any ghosts. We decided to ride to somewhere with the tente and if we decide to stay we can make kamp.

Me and Dirk went to Johann's house to get together for the ride


Here Dirk is wondering where he will lay his head tonight. He was really stressed because we did not plan this night ride at all.


Me and Dirk getting ready to go.

No we off to the Montagu pass. We stopped at the spar in Heather Park for a quick brekfessie before the night ride towards the montagu pass
Johann decided to buy a pizza and "maak dit vas aan die bike"

I was little bit moeg that night and my kop felt like a skaffelplank. or a skaffelplank that landed op my kop was more the case. But I woerred woerred myself in 'n ding and now i must deliver on the promise to go camping. Now with my moerse kopkramp we took off. Good company was awaiting.


We head off into the pass and decided to stop at the Old Tolhuis. By now it started raining kats and doggies so we had to turn around back home. Mabe next month we will walk the pass at night hoping for some action. Except ape what frightened me with his white teeth earlier when we stopped at the Tolhuis.
Well we made kamp and then had to unkamp duo to the rain that falled so hard that we thought it was haal that fell on the dak of the tent.


Here Christine is wondering how we are going to cope with the rain.  You can see the druppels op da kamera

Now it's Saturday and we got a good night sleep and is ready to search for the waterval. We decided to meet each other at Pick a Pay in George going via Wilderness passing Hoogekraal river going first to Karatara. Today was a good day to see what Karatara looked like from 'n couple of angles. So with no time to waste we were shooting straight thru to Karatara op soek na die waterval



Our bladders was so full that we decided to do a quick stop in Karatara.  We couldn't a pee plek so we had to go into the bush !!  iWe took some pictures of the little church and we found that a enthusiastic biker local to Karatara came riding past us for a couple of times and asking us if he can tag along. We welcomed a local and asked him if he knew where the waterfall was? He took us to a local oom and he showed us directions towards the waterfall



Suddenly out of Karatara we found this lekker "looks like the old george dam trail route" type of route that we took to get to the waterval. As you can see we got a local that decided to join us in the group with his road bike.


we found some trail routes that we took to get to the waterfall. But we had to leave the bikes behind because the route became a very technical challenge and we did not know if we would be able to get the bikes out again



We found the river. And it was time for a swim. There was a waterfall and we reached our target for the day!!



We spend a lot of hours in the water and to my surprise the time was running out and I had to take out a meisie for a Vliek and we had to cut the trip short


Back at Karatara we stopped at a local supermarket to buy some sweets and chips to keep our lywe warm during the windy and cold trip back to George. We kept our swembroeke aan because it was still nat.


Now it's time to say goodbye and the paths changed. I went to my aantrekkamer to change and Johann and Christine went to the skoonouers "well not yet"
Baie dankie julle it was baie lekker. Tommorrow it's me and Dirk and Lovain

Louvain op Woensdag? Nee man ek wil saam.
TR Trust my Loevein op Woensdag werk nie.  Daai Kite sal nooit vlieg nie
Ja Die riviere loop weer oor van die water gelukkig.  Nou is daar watervalle om weer in te swem.  maar dit raak baie koud deesdae
Awesome Cassie!

Hopelik ry ek die naweek saam met jou!
Miepels en Jd Dakar julle moet saam kom ry !!
Onthou net 80 KM/h.  Ek het gekyk of my bike morph into a speedqueen as ek die garage imoboliser druk maar die ding bly net stadig and don't turn into any queen.  so 100KM/h is my max... Eish tog :drif:
Dis reg, as ek weer afkom dan bring ek my bike saam.
Ek sal saam jou 100km/h ry en gesig trek asof ons 200km/h ry.
