Ouplaas? Never heard of it!

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Race Dog
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
East London
Planning, thinking, waiting and counting the days down one by one to do a trip with wives came and went so fast, Iâ??m already thinking about the next one. :drif:

I decided it was time to take Mrs Fixit on a lekker long ride around the Cape, so together with the Gotcharator and Mrs G we left PE, heading in the general direction of Prince Albert as a first night stop.
It was freezing cold in PE with a bit of rain just to get us in the mood for riding.
Of course, for those that know the Gotcharator, no matter where you go, it feels like a race,â?¦.. and he always wins. So we were the dust-suckers for the rest of the trip.
First stop Steytleville and then a bit of a detour on some real rough piece of dirt (past Kevinsâ?? farm). Donâ??t know who Kevin is, but anyway G assured me we were on the right road. Of course I knew I was being conned as usual. Just bit on my back teeth and hung in there. Took some getting used to with a pillion on rough stuff.
Soon after G got his own back with a nice hole in the back tire once we got back on the gravel highway. (the wheel turns boet!â?¦..) :biggrin:

The next stop was Willowmore. Usual T-boner at the Royal.



From there it was off to Klaarstroom and then a quick flip through Meiringspoort just to get the adrenalin going.
Had a bit of a moment there with the big GS all over in my mirrors trying to put pressure on me�� ran a bit wide on one tight corner. Of course I got punched in the ribs a few times. Nothing unusual. ;D
Through De Rust and hit the turn off to the Oude Maragie. This was an interesting road!
Still freezing cold, we stopped for a quick mocca and some wiskey at the Rustenvrede waterfall.
Check out those cool â??Vukaâ? rain suits! :ricky:




Then onto the Swartberg pass. Whoopee! Farking cold man! Even had a few snowflakes falling.


Check how frozen the grass was!




Stayed over at some self catering duck farm where Mrs G, being the good negotiator she is, managed to get us bedded for 100 ronts each. Bargain!
We got some chunks of steak from the local shop which G, being the professional biker he is, grilled over a fire made entirely from twigs and two huge fence poles he got from somewhereâ?¦.donâ??t ask?
Check this weird goose we found there. Looks like someone had sewn his wings on upside down...duh? :imaposer:


Next morning up bright and early for the next leg. Back over the Swartberg�.brrrrrr��


And then onto Calitzdorp.

On the road to Calitz.



From there it was onto the Rooiberg pass heading for Vanwyksdorp.

Cousin G in the pass having a look at the praying spot, where you supposed to place a rock after youâ??ve prayed. :peepwall:


Picnic spot on Rooiberg


From there we went on down to Heidelberg and then cross over the pont at Malgas.
Gravel highways of the Western Cape! Man you can fly on them! :ricky:


Really a nice spot. Malagas Pont.


The excitement was growing. We were planning on meeting up with our friends, Mr & Mrs Fidel from CPT at a farm near Ouplaas.
Course we got lost and with a bit of frustration creeping in I made a bit of an oops going up a hill. Giving a bit too much throttle with a top box loaded to the hilt with booze and meet. The bike jumped up into the wheelie stance, causing me to get the usual punch in the ribs again. Sorry Doll! Promise I wonâ??t do that again.

Op die plaas!


G up to his antics again!


Next morning we took a gravel cruise down to Agulhas for the day.

The manne!





To be continued��. The long way home.
HA, good to know I'm not the only puncher around  :biggrin:

Lovely stuff !
Thanks Moena ......great to see ya guys again. It was also a solo getaway for me and misus F. Just us and the bike, no bambinos.

Just some background, Moena is the nick name ive had for Fixit for some 15 years. I moved to East London in the early '90s to do my Engineering trade in the Auto Ind. Here we met and pretty much spent every weekend together in those days.

This name i use in varying degrees of sincerety.......Moena, Moena jou Vark and sometimes just - Jou VARK.

Well, mama and I did all the neccesary backroads there, Botriver, BlackEagles, past GlenOaks, Napier and onto Bredarsdorp.


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Fidel, shame on you taking your wife with for the sole purpose of opening gates!! :p

Nice one guys!
.....and not only gates, stopping out in the wonderfull wilderness for some 'quality time' is as essential as strolling into the bush for a bossie.  ;)...afterall, isnt it all part of basic nature.

...and for those KTM bashers, there are advantages to riding a bike that vibrates like nobodies business.  :)

Daai overberg is darem mooi jong. Small dorpies with pleasant people.

We met our chinas a few km from the sleepover spot (OuPlaas), and where all extatic to see each other.

Needless to say,within the first 3 km, the Gotcharator and I where already competing to the first turn. :D ......Boyz!

The next day we shot down to LAgulhas and had the best fresh seafood ive had in a moer-of-a long time, at ANGELO's.

Frikken Excellent! - try it.



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+1000 Moena

Some nice pics there! Will post the rest of the trip today.
The long way home:

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to Fidel and Frou and head back to the plaas. On the way we stopped at De Hoop nature reserve. There must have been about 50 Eland standing next to the road. It was late afternoon, so the pics didnâ??t come out clear. Itâ??s a must stop for anyone going through that area.


Next morning back over the Malgas pont and down to Port Beauford and Whitesands.




In the bay at Whitesands, there were a lot of whales frolicking in the surf. Apparently the locals counted 162 whales in total!
We were so amazed that everyone forgot to take pics! :mad:

From there it was off to Still Bay via Vermaaklikheid. Some nice gravel roads.
Quick stop for breakfast.


After breakfast we made our up to Johnsons post across the Gourits river, then down to Vlees bay. What a strange place! The whole area is blocked off to visitors. :xxbah:


From there it was off to Mosselbay for well deserved beer. :thumleft:


Next stop would be knysna.
The women had gotten so used to the gravel by now that they werenâ??t keen to ride any tar. Just the whole idea of being back in reality among the traffic was so depressing.

We overnighted at Woodbourne near the Heads in Knysna.
The Tannie at reception was not going to tolerate and form of price negotiation so we had to pay â??in seasonâ? rates, even though it was out of season. Go figureâ?¦.

So of course, G & I made the most of the stay��..as usual! >:D


Morning after things looked a bit fuzzy! :ricky:


The next morning G, decided to take us on a real scenic ride, headed north out of Knysna to meet up with the Prince Alfred pass & then work our way back to Plet.
On the way we passed some dudes on GSâ??s. One of the guys took a tumble on a loose corner. He seemed too embarrassed to chat. Just got back on his bike and rode off?
Anyone know who he was? (R80 G/s 23rd Sept) Close to Prince Alfred pass.

Have to watch for logging trucks on these roads!



Top of Prince Alfred


On the road. Natures valley and through Bloukrans pass. The road is only closed for carsâ?¦ >:D




From there on, we belted the tar all the way back to P.E. via the old road.

Last stop, Vanstadens.



And then it was back to reality. :-\

Total distance was 1860 Km of which about 1500 being gravel. The old G/s never missed a beat. Itâ??s a really nice trip for taking a pillion.

Next long trip in planning. The Okavango Delta June/July 2009. :thumleft:

Herms said:
Flippen nice guys, something of every thing.

Glad to see the R80/S stood its ground.......

Beleive me even a 150 in Mr G's hands will be hard act to follow.  ;D That is one crazy mohter Fcuekr on 2 wheels and on the dirt. :peepwall:
Beleive me even a 150 in Mr G's hands will be hard act to follow.  ;D That is one crazy mohter Fcuekr on 2 wheels and on the dirt. :peepwall:

What beats me, is the way his wife just parks off on the back without any complaints. :thumleft:

I would be a bundle of nerves, sipping scotch all the way :peepwall:
Moena Jou Vark....  :)

Very nice. Shite, ment to visit the De Hoop reserve myreself but didnt get to it. Will go next time.

Looks like youre stuck with the vrou on the back from now on. No more boyz alone trips there China.  ;D

G-rator must have, erm.....smoked it through those forests.  ;)
Very Nice Guys!

Will catch up on the finer details in the week
Fidel said:
Moena Jou Vark....  :)

Very nice. Shite, ment to visit the De Hoop reserve myreself but didnt get to it. Will go next time.

Looks like youre stuck with the vrou on the back from now on. No more boyz alone trips there China.  ;D

G-rator must have, erm.....smoked it through those forests.  ;)

Yip, the vrou is already asking when's the next trip....... ???