Day 10 Palmwag - Brandberg
The goal for the penultimate day was to get to Brandberg, and I thought that the technical riding was behind us, I mean , we are probably only going to do gravel highway from here as we are almost ending the trip right? right? wrong!
There was still another surprise headed our way and in my eyes the organising crew left the best for last!
First part of the day went exactly as I thought the rest of the day would go, Gravel highways to Twyfelfontein where you can have a look at some rock art.
Everyone was in good spirits. we were making good time, however the crew seemed edgy and wanted to keep going. in hindsight that should have been a clue as to what is waiting for us.
Rock art:
This one looks like a pig...... on wheels? were there BMs back then as well?

From Twyfelfontein we went to Verbrande berg, and from there the road was awesome! 2 spoor gravel with rocks here and there winding through spectacular scenery, I really enjoyed this part! And everyone was still in high spirit! (exept the crew that wanted to push on)
watch the first video for this part, it really is awesome riding area!
Verbrande berg:
Welwitschia Mirabilis:
Soon however we hit a sandy riverbed again and it took us quite a while to get past it. This was not sand like we have seen before, The two riverbeds that we rode in on the day before Purros had some grit inbetween that made it easier. This however was loose sand only.
After crossing the sandy bit, Minxy came to me and said how disappointed she was that the sand was over as she wanted more! Tau however came to her rescue and informed us that the sand only just started! and that we can expect 40-50kms more of it before we would end the day. (later on Minxy withdrew her comment and said that she had enough sand for one day :imaposer
So it all clicked! that was why the crew seemed edgy and kept pushing us on in the beginning of the day on the gravel highway.... they knew what was still to come.
The further we went the softer and deeper the sand seemed to get! however as soon as you get your momentum going you are ok...... you just need to keep going.
At this stage I was really thankful for the sand lessons that I received from Kamanya in the previous days. I think if the whole event route was reversed and I had to get this sand on day 2, It would have been a completely different ballgame and I would have suffered bigtime!
Here is another video starting with the climb known as Land cruiser hill and through the sand to where Brandberg can be seen in the distance.
View of the road we came from.
Because the difficult part of this riding was to get your momentum up, the orders came that once you got going you need to keep going. There was a couple of guys including Tau , Kamanya and Scrat that would sweep and help anyone that was struggling.
I would be lying if I said I didn't fall. In fact I believe I fell 3 times in this sand, once being hard enough to almost knock my wind out. I was cruising along in a mid 3rd gear when my front wheel washed out and I went flying...... and with my luck my fall found the only piece of hard dirt for a 10km radius :imaposer: I was quickly up again though and we pushed on to where the front running guys waited for everyone to catch up.
waiting in the sand for the others:
The direction we came from:
From here it was about 10 -15 kms of sand before we started hitting hard gravel again. And if I remember correct, it was during this part that Charliepappa had his big tumble as shown on the professional footage.
I was standing next to the camera crew at that stage, having a bit of a breather when Ian (the drone pilot) turned around wide eyed and shouted " he went over the handlebars! "
This sounded bad! and I decided to get over to where he fell to check on him. By the time I got there a couple of the other guys already picked up the bike and CP gave the thumbsup to show he was ok and we continued on :thumleft: :thumleft:
Now I have seen people comment on his fall that he should have been riding in the road. I can tell you that the road was way worse than picking lines in the veld. everyone of us took an offroad line at some stage, he was just unlucky to get not only one but two successive "aartvark gate" that caused the tumble.
Just as we got close to Brandberg though, Johannes got a puncture, but this time it actually damaged the sidewall of the tyre as well. If pressed we could probably have fixed it well enough to continue but luckily there was a spare tyre on one of the cruisers and soon we had him up and running again.
Tired and with sand in places it should not be we rode into camp to set up.
That night it was my turn to do my presentation.... like I said, the crew saved the best for last
I could not however think of a better place to do my presentation on Kilimanjaro (highest mountain in Africa), than right next to Brandberg (the highest mountain in Namibia).
After my presentation, Hardy told us that the scores are so close at that moment, that they decided to add a quick written test to spread out the field a bit.
So we had to answer 40 questions about the presentations the contestants gave, questions about the trip, as well as other general knowledge questions about Namibia.
Then later that night we were all given 5 minutes to do another presentation, about a charity or humanitarian project that you are either involved with or would like to be involved with.
I will elaborate more about my presentation in another post because it also had some effects on me the night at palmwag that I still need to share.
That night after all the formalities were done, we sat around the fire, with Kamanya showing us his method of keeping warm by moving some of the coals of the fire under your chair. (yes it was a cold night in Namibia)
Sharing another round of beers that some of the guys were so generous to go buy for us.
That night sleep came easy and in fact I think I might have already dozed off while sitting around the fire.