When you spend such a concentrated amount of time together, there’s far more to the adventure than just riding.
See Phillip and I in our tent on the left there? This picture of Kobus' in Palmwag has a much bigger story behind it…
At Winhoek, we were told that at some point, we would have to present a charitable humanitarian idea that would be worthy of being supported by Honda and Specialised adventures. Not a lot of detail was given other than that. On the rest day Phillip told me of his;
He was going to suggest supporting a kid with a specific cancer of the blood as he had a friend whose daughter was going through this. Maybe she could be the beneficiary of this cause?
It was laudable, but, I was anticipating that this exercise wasn’t just about a good idea. It would also contribute to our competition and count in ways that spoke to being a future brand ambassador. My thinking was, not only are they looking for the best team out here in the bush, but they would have to also become spokespeople for the brand after the fact. Being able to speak a clear corporate message that reflects passion and compassion would be a good thing. Towards this end I tried to be diplomatic, but using cold logic said, “realistically, I don’t see Honda getting behind one little white girl. It’s tragic but what’s the message? Can you somehow tie it to a bigger picture that Honda can use? Maybe a current cancer project that focuses on types often contracted by kids?”
Phillip grasped the message but seemed a little quiet. I presumed it had to do with empathy for his friends plight and left it at that.
So, we put up that tent there and I was busy doing whatever and finally got a moment to lay down and catch up with the WhatsApp group. Phillip came in, sat down heavily, clearly something was up; he's normally a pretty unflappable sort. The photo was taken right about here.
“Hey, what’s up?” I gently enquired,
He couldn’t speak for a few moments and was close to tears, my mind was racing whilst waiting for him to gather himself, “shit! he must have received some terrible news”.
Finally he manged to get it out; Due to his being close to his friends daughters cancer, some of her symptoms were also coming up in his daughter recently. His wife and he were greatly worried that she too may have it. They’d decided to have her checked out as soon as he had returned from Quest. Unbeknownst to him, whilst he was on Quest, his wife had managed to get some tests done and that day the results had come back. She’d typed out a very long message with the results only at the end. As he’d started reading it, and realising what the message was about, he’d gotten a huge fright and with mounting dread kept reading through the explanations and story. By the time he’d got to the end and finally the good news – she was clear - he was a wreck.
Such a rollercoaster of emotions! I was nearly in tears too after his retelling. I felt like a prize prick as well; just the day before, I’d shot down his idea, not realising that it was a LOT more personal for him.
I apologised for being insensitive. He would have none of it as how was I to know, and plus, I was right about the overall.
We had a good chat about life and stuff and much later had a few good beers. Such things happen on adventures, it’s not all about the bike but the stories and people one goes with that make the difference.
He’s a good man.