Patagonian Steppes on a XR250 rental

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Grey Hound
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
OK, so we were in Bariloche, Argentina, and from sheer withdrawal of not riding a bike for a month, I spotted this pamphlet with bikes on it from across the room of the tourism office. The closer I got the more excited I got, and finally, with the pamphlet in my hand, I was nursing a semi. Patagonia Moto Aventuras (motorcycle adventures) to the rescue!! We phoned and booked for two for the following day. Turns out that they usually expect a longer notice period, but either way, we were set for a full-day trip, on XR250s, through the Patagonian Steppes. All kit was included - helmet, goggles, gloves, chest-, knee- and elbow-guards, and some boots that didn't quite look up to the job, but hey, I was happy to be on two wheels again!

Then, about 30 minutes' drive out from Bariloche (which is nestled in the Andes), and we were out in the middle of nowhere, where we met up with our guide for the day, Nicholas. We also had an interpreter, Joaquin, who would be piloting the kwat with the snacks, refreshments, and lunch. They off-loaded the bikes, and after a quick inspection and total-waste-of-time-explanation of how a bike works, we were off.

Mountain-goat-infested mountain:

Pretty much what the road looked like most of the way:

Pretty much what the scenery looked like most of the way...very jagged rocks:

Another road example...lots of loose sand - with some pretty rocky areas up and down hills:

Photo op next to the river. The water in these parts is incredibly clear, you can quite comfortably see pebbles on the bottom about 10m deep.

We had plenty of water crossings, of which this was by far the hassle :D

Photo stop - I'm the idiot with the thumbs-up

Then we left the road for about a 100m climb over some indigenous vegetation (like Kalahari bossies) to a lookout point, I was the only one to make it with pride intact 8)
The two turistos:

My trusty steed:

Andes in the background:

The way forward:

We then came across this little village with school. This is the entire compliment of pupils, with only a single teacher. These little kids came up to us one for one, shook us by the hand with a friendly 'ola' - VERY cute. The lightie (back left) kept on asking me stuff in Spanish and I kept on telling him "no intiendo, no hable espanol", but he didn't look like he believed me, until Joaquin told him we come from South Africa. I don't think he'd ever met anyone from another province, nevermind country, or continent.

I took off my helmet for this photo, and that's when the kids were REALLY flabbergasted! WHITE hair?!?!? BLUE eyes?!?!? This one girl started crying even. It made me realise just how much we take for granted. Class photo, inc. intrepid adventurers :)

Saw some llama on the way spitting though luckily...

Stopped for lunch in the shade next to this river, very peaceful and pretty.



Rowan had a tiny off as we pulled in for lunch...I couldn't get my camera out on time, so I made him pose at the scene...

Dirty, tired, but satisfied:

It was a great trip, and if you ever find yourself in the vicinity, I would highly recommend it! They also organise custom packages for those willing to spend the pesos...a trip on R1200GSAs down from Bariloche all the way to Ushaia, which is the Southern-most permanent settlement in the world. This is a 1500km trip, ALL on dirt - and they say if you want to do it by car you'd better take along lots of food and a tent, because if you break down it'll be days before someone comes past. They'll even organise a back-up truck. A group also passed us on the way there...Joaquin said they were on their way to Chile for a 7 day trip they organised. I'd LOVE to go back to do that Ushaia trip though!
What a ride man!
I'm totally envious.

Cool bikes, wish Honda SA brought them in but small 250 4T's are not for the South African pallette.
Like the KLX250S.
shark_za said:
...Like the KLX250S.

Was that a hint? :wink:

No, it was great...I would REALLY have liked a more powerful bike though, you can see in that one photo - I make it look like a KX60. But I can understand completely why they DON'T have more powerful bikes, probably specifically for hools like me. :twisted:
Great Report IDR

Nice to see a different report on here for a change.

Those Hondas look to be in quite good condition from the pictures.

Sweet! :thumbleft: But why you scareing the little girls? :lol:
Kev said:
Sweet! :thumbleft: But why you scareing the little girls? :lol:

Plus he thinks it was the white hair & blue eyes that scared them!!!

Nice one, IDR.

Welsh 8) 8) 8)
I took off my helmet for this photo, and that's when the kids were REALLY flabbergasted! WHITE hair?!?!? BLUE eyes?!?!? This one girl started crying even. It made me realise just how much we take for granted.

hehehe... or just one scary mutha! :lol: :lol: :lol: just kidding! You are one lucky dude, cool report! 8) 8) 8)
:thumbleft: nice one idr! i had a bit of a fright myself looking at the last pic :D
Nice report. If Honda SA brought those in I certainly would have bought one.
Awesome IDR!

Cool to ride in another country. Well done for doing it!

Hehe. Showing you how the bikes work! :lol: :lol:
Nice report.

:roll: What did the flight cost and to where?
:roll: What did it cost to rent the bikes?
:roll: How long did you go for and what was the weather like?
:roll: How were the locals towards you?
wino said:
:thumbleft: nice one idr! i had a bit of a fright myself looking at the last pic :D

aint that the truth... splendid ride tho.... what a blessing
FortyZA said:
Nice report.
Thanks!  :D

FortyZA said:
:roll: What did the flight cost and to where?
Our flights ran as follows:
JHB -> Sao PAolo, Brazil -> Buenos Aires, Argentina -> Bariloche, Argentina -> Buenos Aires -> Sao Paolo -> JHB

Total cost around R 10 000

FortyZA said:
:roll: What did it cost to rent the bikes?
It wasn't really full rental, it's a trip organised by Patagonia Moto Aventuras, they have several standard trips, half day, full day and 2 days, this was the full day trip, at $ 550 (Argentine Pesos), so more or less ZAR 1200.  And then they'll organise whatever trip you want, at a premium.

FortyZA said:
:roll: How long did you go for and what was the weather like?
Weather was fantastic - it was about a 5 hour trip.

FortyZA said:
:roll: How were the locals towards you?
The locals were....well...flabbergasted, to start with.  But polite and friendly.  Saw lots of gauchos (the Argentine equivalent of cowboys) and they were friendly...well as friendly as you would be if some bikers came past disturbing your llama herd and the horse you're sitting on.
Trailrider said:
How many people on that flight? 2?

4 to BA, 2 back. 3 week holiday for two - I was one of the lucky two on the 6 week trip :D They were full commercial flights thouhg - not ONLY 2 people on board :wink: