Pics from September ride - CT - Hondeklipbaai and back via Cedarberg

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Pack Dog
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town
KTM 950 SE
This is a bit overdue...

With my lady recently pregnant we decided one last good ride before it won't be possible.

Cape Town via the gravel coast road to Lambert's Bay, DoringBaai, Lutzville, Hondeklipbaai, Citrusdal hot springs, Algeria, Cedarberg Oasis and back home. Due to Haidee being pregnant and there not being traffic or cell reception (and not trusting the fuelpump at the time)  we decided against going back via the sand road to Groenrivier but did ride about 30km along the road that goes there - best looking riding in the Cape it looks like. I'm definitely going back there to do Groenrivier to Port Nolloth sometime.
Cedarberg Oasis was officially closed as gerrit was away and Dawn was stuck home with a sick daughter - no problem - she gave us the run of the establishment, kitchen, bar etc. Great!

Anyway - the pics are on link below... We missed many good 'road' shots as we were enjoying simply riding together... The bike handled everything like a dream - except for one time 15km outside of HKlipbaai where the fuelpump gave a bit of a hiccup, stalled the bike, vloek vloek vloek, started again and no further issues...
At least the fuel pump should be sorted now...

Hope you have the wires right way round.  :thumleft:
Yup - it didn't inspire confidence on that trip but now i have KNOWLEDGE. Not much technique but KNOWLEDGE nontheless. And a spare pump  :D