Playing in the sand pit that's Macassar - May 26th - Now with Video

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Grey Hound
Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
Western Cape
KTM 690 Adventure
Not really a ride report, just a few pics snapped off the GoPro from Sat ride at Macassar on the plastics. Myself & two mates, Adrian & Ian made the trip through. The weather cleared soon after we arrived and the sand was nice and firm from the rain which made for some great riding  :drif:

True to form a quad biker farked it up for us by riding on the beach all the way down to Macassar and causing sh!t with the fishermen.

As luck would have it the cops arrived via 4x4 and tjuned us we're not allowed to ride in the quarry coz it's private property... ja whatever. We listened and nodded our heads and then we left. Luckily it was at the end of our ride otherwise it would have put a damper on things.

Note to all: Please stay OFF dunes and beach in the future.


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1. It wasn't us officer, promise !!!  ::)

2. Bliksem, pushing bikes up dunes is hard work. Adrian knacked in the backround !!!

3. What a view  :thumleft:


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good memories those - i know from experience that the quarry bit is a lot steeper and longer than those photos suggest  as Kamanya says its better to apologise than ask permission just dont stuff it up for everyone behind you!!
I will continue riding there, we were chased away fom the area that is today Khayalitsha, because we were to ruin the dunes, plants and animal life :imaposer: fucking moron environmental idiots. They are mining the sand, and stuffing up everything, but the bikes will cause damage? Hulle fokken moere.
Buff...dit was ek en ETDrz wat op die twee KTMs rondgedonner het...en julle groet nie eens nie!

My vraag:

Hoe de donner vang n polisie man in n 4x4 jou op daai paadjies as jy op n dirtbike is???


Ons mag nie op die beach of duine ry nie maar Gatiep stap met sy beeste die hele plek fuctup?!

Fok hulle almal :thumleft:
Stroke Her said:
Buff...dit was ek en ETDrz wat op die twee KTMs rondgedonner het...en julle groet nie eens nie!
Sorry man, julle het nie julle name tags op gehad nie  ;)
Julle manne kan nogal baaik ry 

My vraag:

Hoe de donner vang n polisie man in n 4x4 jou op daai paadjies as jy op n dirtbike is???

Vra jy... Freakin Murphys law, we were riding back along the eastern ridge that runs parallel to the beach, basically heading back to leave when they stepped out from behind a blind little corner. Ian was stuck in a dune on the western side and he could see we were heading straight towards them but couldn't warn us.
My first thought was just to duck left down the dune and gap it but then I thought I'd stuff it up for future riders and the okes didn't look too aggressive so we decided to play it cool instead. 
They were very laid back and showed no signs of aggression. We just played ignorant dirt bikers and pleaded our case. They recon we need written permission to ride there, which ain't gonna happen.

I think the fishermen are working with the cops in controlling that beach because he mentioned that they got a call from the fishermen complaining about quad rider tearing up and down the beach. 


Ons mag nie op die beach of duine ry nie maar Gatiep stap met sy beeste die hele plek fuctup?!

Fok hulle almal :thumleft:

Ek stem, f0k hulle, ons maak niemand en niks seer daar nie. Like Dan says, they mine the entire dune structure in it's moer and then try lay down the law. What a joke. 
I was the one falling over on the white KTM, stroke her was the one performing unintentional backflips on the orange ktm...
Wragtig Buff...stel die polieste dan nou al ambushes in daai duine?! Dit was nou maar bad luck daai...

Julle het dit reg gespeel deur net kalm en onskuldig te pleit.

Daar is ook altyd n quad wat alles opfok...

Een van daai vissermanne het al n pencil flare in my pel se gesig gedruk op daai beach...daai manne sit en suip daar in hulle 4 x 4 dan dink hulle die plek is hulle sin. Bottom line is geen voertuie mag in SA op die beach wees hulle is net so skuldig soos ons.

As julle weer gaan ry laat weet...ek sal vir ETdrz saam bring, dan wys ons julle hoe om van n bike af te val...ons het laas naweek soos twee dronk bergies omgedonner. Was vrek snaaks...
Added a little vid, this time using the chest mount. I still need to do some work to get it at the right angle
