Port Elizabeth to Kareedouw and back.

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Race Dog
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Total distance: 350km
Avg. Speed: ± 50km/hr
Duration: 7hrs

Stage 1:

It was quite a chilly Sunday morning, round about 10°C, a bit overcast and a rain forecast was predicted for the evening. I know its warm weather for you Gautengers, but since I moved to PE five years ago, I became a real softie with regards to cold weather.
RS and I got together round about 07:00 at the filling station at Mike’s Kitchen in Mount Pleasant, PE. We rode all along the coastline till we reached Maitland mouth, climbed onto the R102 and on our way to Jeffery’s Bay.  Before we got to J-Bay, RS took me to the Gamtoos river mouth where he gave me my “dirt road initiation”. It’s a left turn off the R102, follow the tar road for a while and turn right onto a dirt road.(Photos attached) This road takes you directly to the old Gamtoos river bridge. 


Check the worry in my eye.


The road was full of ramps and bumps. RS made a few jumps with his Katoom 990R, and I just followed blindly. Don’t know if I got airborne but at least it sounded like it when the revs went up and the suspension bottomed out on landing.
Our first stop was at the Walskipper restaurant in J-Bay.  We didn’t go in but I visited before. It’s a very primitive restaurant with beach sand for a floor, tin cups and plates. The heating system is a “koolstoof” in the centre of the restaurant with a chimney that branch out all over the roof. The light shades are turned over milk buckets.  On that centre “koolstoof” is fresh home baked bread with butter and homemade apricot jam. All the food is cooked on firewood. A definite try if you haven’t done it yet. The food is very tasty.

Parking area in front of the Walskipper. (Dolphin Street, Marina Martinique, Jeffereys Bay.)


From there we went over the low water bridge into Paradise beach and took the dirt road to Humansdorp. On our way to Humansdorp we came across one of the most spectacular antelope in the animal kingdom. A big Sable Antelope bull. He was sleeping next to the fence where he was rudely awakened by the grunting of an “orange” V-Twin. We stopped and were surprised at how close we got to him. It was then that we realized why he was not in a mood to run off. Across the road on the other side was another big Sable Bull with about thirty ladies laying down 100m from the fence.  These two were facing each other off and to their dismay were separated by two game fences and a dirt road. I suppose it’s a good thing because they are an endangered species and is probably part of a breeding program. Knowing a Sable’s character, they would definitely go at each other, probably to the death of one of them. They are very proud and aggressive by nature.

Bull on the left


Bull on the right. I turned around to get a good look at him.


Humansdorp was the next stop for a breakfast at the Wimpy.

Travel distance: 95km(Mostly Tar)
Average speed: 80km/hr
Duration: ± 1hr
Stage 2:

After breakfast it was on the dirt toward Oyster Bay. About 6km’s in we hit the first rain. (So much for the rainless forecast!!!) It didn’t matter that much as I was thoroughly enjoying myself.  Accept for a few slips and slides on the wet clay, it was quite an uneventful stretch to Kareedouw. After filling up in Kareedouw we were off to the mountains. We took the R62 out of Kareedouw and turn left into the Assegaaibos turnoff.  It is a gravel pass and one to be taken cautiously. (Especially if you’re still lacking loose gravel experience). Quite a few anxious moments for me but thank God, no off’s. I was learning very fast as I was going along. I’m glad somebody was there to help out with a few pointers as we were progressing otherwise it could have been a different report. We stopped just before we hit the pass and took some pics of the scenery.

A few mountains at the back. Not what you’re thinking, I came out of the long grass after I took a photo of the bikes.


RS repositioning his buff to brave the chills.


The R62 out of Kareedow.


Low clouds on the mountain peaks.


A caution sign that can be taken to heart.


Not completely overcast but surely wet.


This is where we’re heading.


RS’s Katoom.  


My beemer. Still have to get my number plates.


Distance: ±85km (almost all on gravel)
Average speed: ±50km/hr
±3hrs (Including Breakfast)
Stage 3:

This picture shows the surface we mostly rode on during the last stage. At some places the road were covered with about 10cm of these loose pebbles but with the right advice I managed to get through all the bad patches.


While in the pass, we came across a wooden cross, next to the road, indicating that someone went over the side. It happened during April this year. I’m disappointed we did not take more pictures while going through the mountain. It was raining and difficult to stop/start while climbing out the slippery road. Promise a lot more photos next time.

These few pictures were taken after we went through the rougher stuff.


The general condition of the road was good.


We pulled over as a bakkie was approaching from the front.


The road as it winds out of the mountains


This patch was quite dry, but about 6km later the rain started to bucket down.


We came to a part of the road where we had to go through a couple of gates. Myself and RS made turns to open and close the gates. On our third gate I had my first and last mishap for the day. This happens when you become a habitual creature!!! I always (used to) ascend and descend a bike from the left.

The road was hard surfaced covered with loose pebbles of about 10mm in diameter. It was raining and everything was wet and slippery. The road sloped down from right to left, so the low point of the road was on the left. When I got on the bike it was resting on the side stand. I tried to get the side stand in, forgetting that the suspension was set to an off-road setting, making the bike higher than what I normally ride. Next minute bike is off the side stand and down we came.

Lesson learned. ALWAYS accent your bike from the elevated side of the road, especially if you haven’t got the longest legs and/or  your bike is not the lightest around. 

I was behind RS when it happened. Was really hoping to pick-up the bike before RS saw me, but $h!t he is faster on a camera draw than John Wane in those old western movies. This is me picking up myself, the bike and somewhere my dignity.


Had to do a damage inspection.


Fortunate there were only two or three pebble marks on the side cover and very lucky that it was just RS to witness me coming down in fashion. This is one of those    “OK, OK I messed up”  grins.


After I had a good “uit#@#” session with myself, and RS a good chuckle in his helmet, we were on the road again toward Humansdorp, got on the R 102, hit a couple of  dirt roads on our way back, did a bit of veldt riding and arrived back home just after 14:00.

It was a very enjoyable ride and looking forward to a next one. We did about 350km’s of which about 140km was on tar. The ±210km on dirt was awesome. Thanks to RS for taking me on my first dirt road experience.

Distance        170km (± a third on tar)
Ave Speed:  ±60km/hr
Duration:        3 hrs.

Here’s a map of our trip. I’ve got the “.gdb” file available if somebody is interested.


Thanks for the nice RR. We have some great rides around PE. I'd like to do Zuurberg next.
Kewl one J  :thumleft: Next time take myself and Jughead with we'll show you some more kewl places!
TornadoF5 said:
Kewl one J  :thumleft: Next time take myself and Jughead with we'll show you some more kewl places!

You guys are to secretive with your routes.
Hey Jeronimo I had the same happen to me on Sunday. My previous bike was a Honda CTX 200 with side stands that had footprints as big as saucers. Getting to a lekker spot next to a stream in Baviaans I parked against a slight incline not thinking about soft soil and how far the stand will go. Oops, next moment Ironman was entertained to me doing a two-step and dropping my bike front wheel rising high into the air. I know it has happened to many but damn one feel a real poepol when it happens  :-[
Hey RS, looks like a nice trip! Hopefully as as I get my "ducks in a row"...or should I say "bucks in the bank" I will be joining you guys!
vellies said:
Hey Jeronimo I had the same happen to me on Sunday. My previous bike was a Honda CTX 200 with side stands that had footprints as big as saucers. Getting to a lekker spot next to a stream in Baviaans I parked against a slight incline not thinking about soft soil and how far the stand will go. Oops, next moment Ironman was entertained to me doing a two-step and dropping my bike front wheel rising high into the air. I know it has happened to many but damn one feel a real poepol when it happens  :-[

And feeling like a real poepol I did. :angry9:
melvman said:
Thanks for the nice RR. We have some great rides around PE. I'd like to do Zuurberg next.

I also want to do the Zuurberg at some stage, but will see how it pans out.
I have a nice route that can be done as an overnighter over Zuurberg, Ann's Villa and on in direction of Somerset-East where you can sleep over on a farm with lekker cabins and lapa. Next day you come back via Rossouw's Poort and Paardepoort and can come out at Glenconnor, cross the road and then on to Cockscomb. Lekker baie gravel travel
TornadoF5 said:
Kewl one J  :thumleft: Next time take myself and Jughead with we'll show you some more kewl places!

Sounds great, nothing beats an new venture. This weekend belongs to me and my, but next weekend is open season again.