Pretoria - Zinkwazi - Pretoria

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Born head first and brought up ankle deep
WD Supporter
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Triumph (all models)
Did a solo ride down to Zinkwazi last week. Around 700kms down on Monday, about the same distance back on Saturday with IDR and bud500.

The 'packed  and ready' pic

I didn't really plan a route so I just headed east to get out of Gauteng as fast as possible.

First stop, the entrance road to the farm where my grandparents used to live just outside of Delmas

From there I just set the GPS on shortest route to Memel and it took me on some awesome tweespoor and some good gravel.



I probably did 90% gravel and only saw one town between Delmas and Memel.
I think the church was in that town. Possibly Leandra


I had a quick couple of beers at the Memel hotel and then headed for Dundee. Riding was a mix between gravel and tar.

Wish I had time for the other passes in the area

A superbiker approached me while I was refueling in Dundee and asked if he could ride with me. He then proceeded to pass me, slow right down and started giving me hand signals like he was my personal safety marshall. Even riding through the potholes on purpose didn't give him a clue. So I left him at the first stop and go a couple of kays down the road.

From there I hit the first dirt I could. I think it was somewhere after Tugela Ferry.


The riding got slow but spectacular. It was hours of this:




It's hard to believe how densely populated some of these remote areas are. Suppose it wasn't as remote as it felt. The surfaces were awesome but with the traffic/animals/kids all over the place, pace dropped right down. The only road I recall riding on for some time was the P381. Possibly, I really had no idea where I was. Anyway, it was pretty

I hit the tar about 50kms inland from Zinkwazi and loved the last twisty bits down on the newly fitted T63s. They really do tar well for a knobbly. It was also my first time riding my 690 at sea level and it pulled like a train.

For the time at the beach, I traded my bike and my buddy Natmuis traded his car for these sick puppies. It was honestly the most fun I'd had on two wheels in years



IDR and bud500 joined us a couple of days later


We did a bit of this


And way too much this


The beach bar in Zinkwazi is by far one of my favorites in the country

So, a couple of days later I rode back with IDR and bud500. We stuck to tar all the way, not something you want to do with a 690 but still a very memorable ride on B roads with good friends.

That's me, maybe the others feel like adding a bit.
Nice  :thumleft:
Nou moet ek eers gaan google waar is Zinkwazi  :ricky:
Must say I get a bit irritated if somebody is riding in front of me pointing with legs and arms to holes and things. I do my own thing when I ride.
Nice, Dwerg! Looks like an awesome trip.

Do you perhaps have a gpx of your route you can share with us?
Dankie manne. Nie seker hoekom daai paar fotos so klein is nie. Sal dit vanaand probeer fix
OomD said:
Nice, Dwerg! Looks like an awesome trip.

Do you perhaps have a gpx of your route you can share with us?

I don't unfortunately. I managed to screw up my GPS so it still navigates but can't connect to a PC. I'm quite keen to do the route to Memel again some time though
Lyk of Bud500 kwaai ge-diet het  :ricky:
Goed om te sien hy ry rond. Sal altyd onthou die man het my en bike  kom haal toe ek my gat afgeval het verlede jaar.  :thumleft:
man dit lyk sommer lekker -
Yea Cool, Some of my friends saw your bikes down there in Zinki...  :thumleft:
PVS pics Dwergie  :thumleft:
En julle kon sit en suip / perv sonder om te sweet  :drif:

great pic,s must have enjoyed
Master Glitter said:
PVS pics Dwergie  :thumleft:
En julle kon sit en suip / perv sonder om te sweet  :drif:

Dis nou nie Clifton nie so die talent was maar skaars  :lol8:

Daar het een dag 'n skool dolfyne kom jag in die baai. Dis was pretty awesome

sidetrack said:
Nice, to the seaside via some dirt - sounds like a plan !

As ek moes raai sal ek sê ten minste 400km van wat ek gery het was grond en ek het nie eers hard probeer nie. Eks seker mens kan dit heel pad af doen en net dorpe slaan vir sous
Lekker Boeta!
Ai ek mis daai plek..... :(
Noneking said:
Lekker Boeta!
Ai ek mis daai plek..... :(

Ek het dit super baie geniet. Seker een van die beste beach bars wat ek nog by was. Ek moes seker darem ten minste my tone in die water gaan druk het maar ek het nie daarby uit gekom nie  :lol8:

Draadwerk said:
Lekker trip Dwerg. Post nog fotos as jy het

Ek sal op my kamera kyk maar ek dink nie daar is veel meer nie. Ek moes 'n punt maak daarvan om te stop vir die paar wat ek het. Meeste van die tyd ry ek maar net en vat nie eers 'n kamera saam nie
Dis nogal my ding ook- ek ry so lekker dat ek nie wil stop nie of sommer heeltemal vergeet om te stop vir fotos. 😳
Lekker trip Dwerg. Thats my sort of riding. No planing, just go in general direction and see what happens.
Nice Dwerg thanks for the ride  :ricky: