Rain in the Richtersveld Two.0 - Desolation & Dunes

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In the valley we crossed several streams. All with perfect decorum.

However, young Henry started to look like he was drifting off with this smooth, slow, undulating ride. Seeing yet another stream approaching, I thought it would be well suited to doing Henry a favour by providing him with a little spritz of nice fresh water.


The line up looked fine. a sharp growl of my Akro and i was alongside him at exactly the right time.
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It clearly did the job, Henry was wide awake. I have never seen the usually mild-mannered Henry so animated. He waved most of his fingers in varying combinations at me, drew his hand across his throat, held them up in handcuffs and much more.

Here I thought I was doing him a favour.

It clearly did the job, Henry was wide awake. I have never seen the usually mild-mannered Henry so animated. He waved most of his fingers in varying combinations at me, drew his hand across his throat, held them up in handcuffs and much more.

Here I thought I was doing him a favour.

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Boris lies. He tried to drown me..