ravingDIODE's F800GS 2013 LED Headlight Conversion with 3D printed extended caps

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Race Dog
WD Vendor
Jun 21, 2021
Reaction score
I see there is already a similar thread, but wanted to share my experience. The thread regarding the 2010 F800GS is exactly the same as this but the later F800GS models seems to have a smaller cap behind the headlight unit.

I imported the LED lights, first round had the black extended decoder / filter which took up too much space. So I ordered another set (or two) of LED lights but this time with the decoder built in. This resulted in a slightly larger bulb. You can see the difference below:

The high beam had some issues, which I will show at a later stage. So to get the extended cap, I downloaded a file I found online and 3d printed the extended caps with CPE. CPE has better temp resistance and properties than the usual PLA or PETG.

Here is the 3d printed cap. I reused the rubber seal from the original cap:

I want to make these caps available with the LED lights that I am selling but the original user uploaded them with non-commercial rights, so I decided to make my own version from scratch, using the original cap for the dimensions. The white one is my first try at drawing it, but when I tried fitting it now I realised I misread the internal diameter  :dontknow: So sitting here now busy redrawing it and thought let me share the progress with you guys while I am at it. O0


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