RAW, a great 8 days riding

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Nice one dudes!!! Think i'll write that route in stone in my rides to do book!
Post trip...

A week or so ago, my wife says to me whilst chatting, “you’re funnier since you got back”.


“Yes, you’re funnier, happier I suppose” and then carried on about other stuff.

It got me to thinking;

I had never realised how important trips are for me. It is more than just getting on and going somewhere, taking pictures along the way and getting home. I like to fully soak in the experience, do some reflecting and sort out stuff. I need to feel I have accomplished something, been inspired, had a full range of emotions from good to the not so good, Hell, had a mini life I suppose. Maybe even, a validation. I suppose another way of looking at it is that any trip has potential to be an experience; the challenge is, was I up to it. Was I up to meeting the potential of what the trip has to offer?

If this is a goal of a trip, how would one know if the potential had been achieved? Sure, getting to aimed for destinations are one way – got the photo, left the tyre mark. But I think my wife was onto something; Did the trip leave some of itself in me?

Although I had never thought of it, a better test of a trip is, if once I’d done it, would people around me notice something different. Then, surely it is tangible feedback about the trip, other than just the photo’s, receipts and scars?

I loved this trip, and if a sign that it had left its tyre mark on me was that I was funnier and happier then I was very fortunate. Maybe that’s how trips take pictures of us as we pass? I wonder if trips were living beings, what would they say about us in their forums?

My wife tolerates my trips, they are purely me exercises. Her type of trip doesn’t involve getting dirty or inconvenienced. It has heated floors and hairdryers, service with a smile, sunshine and beaches, books and shops. But, if she got to reap some benefit from mine too, then I might be sent packing more often.

Something to think about, no?

Absolutely, Kamanya, couldn't agree more.

Sometimes I think I'm only really happy on my bike  ;)
Kamanya said:
Post trip...

A week or so ago, my wife says to me whilst chatting, “you’re funnier since you got back”.


“Yes, you’re funnier, happier I suppose” and then carried on about other stuff.

It got me to thinking;

I had never realised how important trips are for me. It is more than just getting on and going somewhere, taking pictures along the way and getting home. I like to fully soak in the experience, do some reflecting and sort out stuff. I need to feel I have accomplished something, been inspired, had a full range of emotions from good to the not so good, Hell, had a mini life I suppose. Maybe even, a validation. I suppose another way of looking at it is that any trip has potential to be an experience; the challenge is, was I up to it. Was I up to meeting the potential of what the trip has to offer?

If this is a goal of a trip, how would one know if the potential had been achieved? Sure, getting to aimed for destinations are one way – got the photo, left the tyre mark. But I think my wife was onto something; Did the trip leave some of itself in me?

Although I had never thought of it, a better test of a trip is, if once I’d done it, would people around me notice something different. Then, surely it is tangible feedback about the trip, other than just the photo’s, receipts and scars?

I loved this trip, and if a sign that it had left its tyre mark on me was that I was funnier and happier then I was very fortunate. Maybe that’s how trips take pictures of us as we pass? I wonder if trips were living beings, what would they say about us in their forums?

My wife tolerates my trips, they are purely me exercises. Her type of trip doesn’t involve getting dirty or inconvenienced. It has heated floors and hairdryers, service with a smile, sunshine and beaches, books and shops. But, if she got to reap some benefit from mine too, then I might be sent packing more often.

Something to think about, no?


Food for thought indeed. That is to say, if you have a hungry mind.
Nice ride and nice RR, Kamanya :thumleft: Like the tank on the Katoom!
Awesome , stunning read and pics ,thanks.Will do some of that still.
You so right Kamanya my wife also says that I come back more relaxed and happier,Ireally find my soul while ridding and work things out in my mind,pity that Ipinched a nerve on raw but never the less came back a much happier man ,had good fun with a good bunch of guys ,good laugh at your video , all made up a lekker trip. :thumleft:
Wise words, Kamanya ! If its in your blood, its in your blood !
I was very wound-up about work and life in general before I went to the RAW weekend.

After I go back I got the people I work for to buy into some of my ideas that they were not so sure about before. I suppose it makes you relax and gives you confidence in the fact that life is about more than work and just the fact that you faced the challenges on the ride. That "attitude" comes through in anything you do afterwards I suppose.

I never really though about it like that until I read you post Kamanya, thanks.
MJ had some photo’s that he had taken on our stretch before he headed north. He’s probably a bit Ride report’ed out, so more for my future reference here are some of the ones I have picked out of his gallery that cover the trip to Oranjemund.

I had taken us on some trails that were more fun than others.


West coast people,  you gotta love them


Just before Lutzville


The wild west coast





Miles and miles of this if very good for the brain.



This is not the easiest of stuff to ride, it moves about quite a bit, but has ok traction.


This is fun if you don't mind it but it sure does work up an appetite




We cheat sometimes. This was right after Jacko’s nose dive... with a cracked handle bar mount.


There are sharks on the west coast



I am sure we smelt very refreshing.

I cant remember who had it, but there was a game on one of our phones that was more addictive than crack cocaine. Another addict;




An abandoned farm that seemed very old. It was early in the morning. Amazing that people made the effort out here.

Soul food.


Henties. Brunch, this was the view. What a great little dorp.

Slumming it in Port Nolloth. We hired a self catering place for the evening. There is a piece of my liver in there somewhere.


I had mentioned the mining in the report. It is a bit sickening to see.

Just before Oranjemund. I like to travel using the pillions viewpoint from time to time. Kaoko throttle is piloting.

Thanks  E.


Hey Kamanya so lekker to read about the AWSUM RAWSUM weekend.... :thumleft: :thumleft:

and it is good for the soul one is so energised with all these breaks that one has in between work... 8)

and you do feel different, think different, do different, laugh more...shall I carry on...... :mwink: :mwink:
That looks like Lofty's spot.... stayed there, what a spot.......
A long overdue video....

Fantastic storytelling Andrew :thumleft:
Always a pleasure to read about your trips
I find the area and its people almost captures your soul
You just want to so not leave

That piece of coastal road from groenriviermond up towards Hondeklipbaai has always been on my bucketlist
Your solo trip down from the north looks awesome
I wouldvé joined you in a heartbeat
Wouldn't mind getting the tracs for your entire trip if you have it

The karoo crawls under your skin.
Man.........I so have to organise a west coast trip again

Well done having to keep house with Eric.......he can be a busy boy......but an awesome capable rider

Cheers until your next one :thumleft:

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