Saturday morning HSK and I decide to errr, sleep in a bit :biggrin: It was a big night after all! We spend the day having a few cold ones in the sun. I brave the water and take a quick dip in the pool. We have a really rustige day.
In the evening we get together for the prize giving. Both me and HSK are so lucky! I win a tool tube. Now I'm not good at the tool stuff, so I'll probably just use the tool tube for my lady things. A bottle of vodka also seems to fit in there no problem
HSK wins 2 nights accommodation in Sutherland! Wow, now that is an awesome prize! We will definitely plan a trip around that one soon.
We have a lekker braai after the prize giving. Everyone has a fun time socializing and just having a good time.
At some stage ETS decides to grace us with his dingly bits... Now I don't have any photographic evidence of this occurrence, so it will have to stay as one of those "what happens at the bash, stays at the bash" moments