Right Around Africa

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Jolandie Rust
2 hours ago near Hectorspruit,
Mpumalanga ·
It's safer riding around Africa!
Ankle broken...my awesome
friend Shayne is rushing from
Joburg to fetch me and Hanret
has the hospital on standby.
Seeing orthopedic surgeon
tomorrow morning, suspected
they'll need to operate.
Het jou gese jy moet saam met ons kom...... :pot:
Sterkte, hoop dis nie te erenstig nie en dit word gou beter
Ag nee my donner man......hoop nou nie dit steek n stok in jou speke nie, ons soek jou om die Afrika :deal:
Wel nou het jy iets om te doen terwyl jy wag vir jou visums .... sit en groei jou bene vas ..... :biggrin: :biggrin:
Dankie julle! Thanks all!
Tans oppad terug Jhb toe van Malelane af. STUPID accident!!!
I was riding pillion on a BMW Adv, and we slipped in mud. My foot landed between the side pannier and a rock. I felt the bone snap. Fibula off...shattered. They couldn't help me in Malelane...hence the rush back to Joburg! We're currently 140 km from Witbank. Orthopedic surgeon says they'll probably have to operate. Bummer!!! Will keep you updated...
Ouch sterkte vir jou.....  :thumleft: ju moet maar n paar pain-killers neem
Bummer Jo -  :mad:

Pitty you couldn't be operated on yesterday. If swelling sets in, you may have to wait a few days for the swelling to go down before they will operate. Good luck and heal quick.  :thumleft:
Ag nee my donner dis nie lekker nie, maar bietjie raad: hul gaan defnitief opereer, moenie suinig wees en vir yster pen settle, laat hul titanium insit :deal:  :peepwall: en moenie kortpad vat met fisio nie, dit is simpel maar dt werk anders verkort daai (die kan ek nie spel :patch:) akilius tendon (nee vrouens het ook daai een en as hy kort is raak jy krupel vir gord, geen medesyne)

Sterkte antie :thumleft:
At the hospital now...waiting on the verdict...
Its catchy this leg thing...  ;)
Good Luck and I hope all goes well. Hopefully your recovery should go fairly quick. Hang in there and let us know!
Good luck Jo and my prayers are going out for you.
Not sure what boots you were wearing but hopefully it's a serious wake up call for all of us that ride big heavy bikes without wearing big heavy boots. I've seen it ruin 2 peoples peoples Africa excursions previously, I just pray that yours is quickly and properly fixable.
Be strong Hon  :thumleft:
Scheduled for surgery on Monday. :(
Wow Jo, hoop nie dit hou jou te lank van die fiets af nie.  Bad one. :(