Riverside & a Rite of Passage

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I dont have kids and won't be getting any either. But a thread like this creates some misgivings around that decision.

Really nice ride.

What comunication signals did you work out before the trip?
Kamanya said:
What comunication signals did you work out before the trip?

I was less nervous about this trip than the first one with my eldest, knowing more or less what to expect. Also, unlike the first one, we'd always have cell phone coverage which is good. Not only could he have a mishap, but something could happen to me leaving him to cope with the situation. My dad knew the route we were going to take and my son knew how to phone him should something happen.

As for the riding itself, he had to stay on the left ALWAYS. I rode just of his shoulder and while the going was slow at first I could literally speak to him. We were on roads used by other traffic as well so every time I'd see a car approaching from the front or behind I'd hoot once and he'd pull off the road and come to a complete halt. I'd stop next to him and make sure the car passes safely. Luckily we had very little traffic.
TR, you're definitely a dad in a million!!!! You're making the rest of us look pretty ordinary! I'm gonna have to get out there & do the same with my son.

.....P.S....... Seeing as the young man did so well on his first out ride, I think a new set of boots are in order!?
Yep. He's got boots, but forgot them in the hurry to get to the farm :-\ Luckily we dodged that bullet this time. As a rule they only ride with ATGATT - Helmet, goggles, chest protector, elbow guards, gloves, knee guards and water boots. The real kiddies biker's boots costs as much as the big boots and only fit for 6 months :eek: :-\
This is really cool. I just love the pack on his bike, I'm sure that must have meant a lot to the little guy
:thumleft:  Just watch the garage at night ... some okkie is going to try dad's toy the moment his feet can touch the floor.
sharka said:
:) We need more positive stories like this , brilliant well done !!

Hi TR ek stem saam met Sharka. Dis wragtig lekker. TR ek wil nie jou RR highlack nie maar die storie het my nou weer so laat terugdink aan ek en my laaitie se 1ste adv trip saam. Hy was 9 gewees. Nou nie sy eie bike gery nie, maar agterop gesit vir 'n week lank. Hier is 'n link. https://www.klr650.net/forums/showthread.php?t=37027. Jou storie en ander met jou kids laat 'n man sommer verlang en beplan na meer overnight trips met die kids

Well done DAD
Nice TR ek is seker hy sal daai trip vir altyd onthou  :thumleft:  :headbang:
Nice one Niekie :thumleft:

I am already planning the next kiddies ride for the school holidays. I call it "The Blair Witch Project" and it's been in the making for a while now. They will have to pack their own bikes, bring their own tents and cooldrink, ride a beautiful route, camp in the wild, braai their own food and experience nature. And with "camp in the wild" I mean camping "out there" in the forest. No resorts & facilities.


Can there be a better way for kids to spend a weekend? All boys should grow up like this. I sure wish I did!

Trailrider said:
Nice one Niekie :thumleft:

I am already planning the next kiddies ride for the school holidays. I call it "The Blair Witch Project" and it's been in the making for a while now. They will have to pack their own bikes, bring their own tents and cooldrink, ride a beautiful route, camp in the wild, braai their own food and experience nature. And with "camp in the wild" I mean camping "out there" in the forest. No resorts & facilities.


Can there be a better way for kids to spend a weekend? All boys should grow up like this. I sure wish I did!

I agree all boys should grow up like this.

Julle het net al die lekker ry plek sommer op die voorstoep. Maar waar daar 'n wil is, is daar 'n weg

Lekker kamp met die kids in die vakansie :ricky:
Goosebumps Bro - what an awesome thing to do - My son has been pressing for ages for a small bike - rides his mums scooter at the moment - gonna have to do something as soon as pos.

Great stuff