Road to Van Der Kloof.

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WD Vendor
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Southern Cape
I only decided the Monday before the bash that I would be going. Apie saw my name on the list and phoned me and
said he is joining me. We picked a route of roads that would keep us busy for two days up and two down.

Thursday morning 8:00 ready to roll. Had to meet Apie in George. Some dirt some tar to get there. 140kms.
Ja even the dog is happy to see me leave!!


Monague Pass. There was a fine drizzle. Everything looked bright and clean.


Through Herold and took the Buffilsdrift or Paardepoortroad to Uniondale.



Farmers are putting old car tyres on the fences to protect the ostriches against hurting themselves.



These two ladies said they  do not know any Wilddogs only wild hogs :thumleft:


Between Uniondale and Willowmore the heavens opened. Stopped at the hotel and had something to eat while
the rain passed. Took the cementroad to Steytlerville and turned off left to Klipplaat later.


Some slower traffic.


Long and strait roads. The last 30km before Klipplaat was muddy. We both had a scary moment or two.


This little church is one of two. Its in a sad state.


The main attraction in Klipplaat for me was this guy. Fiited a scrambler frontend to his bike!!
Explained to me in detail how he did it.
I asked but why did you do it?( silly question I should have known the aswer)!! :biggrin:
Ma mr hy loop baie lekkerder op die grondpad!!! was the answer. :thumleft:



Custom backbrake!!!


So I ask but does the brake work?
He promptly made a run that resulted into this!!


We had to do the 40kms of tar and some dirt between Klipplaat and Jansenville.
Why they are building a brandnew tarroad to Klipplaat is beyond me. There is nothing!!
On this trip we saw a lot of empty houses and derelict railwaybuildings. Sad how times have changed.
From Jansenville we took a dirt shortcut to Pearston.
What a nice little town close to a mountainridge. It was getting late and we found a tiny room to stay in.


We had a braai and talked a lot. It was a great first day bad weather and all.

To be continued.

Cool pics and interesting people. That bicycle conversion is very cool, impressive work for a real backyard mechanic. :thumleft:
Lekker Chris, nou't ek lekker gelag... daai bicycle se abs is defnitief af....
chrisL said:
The main attraction in Klipplaat for me was this guy. Fiited a scrambler frontend to his bike!!
Explained to me in detail how he did it.

Nice work there.  And the back brake mod works! I reckon Kawa should put this guy on the design team for the next generation KLR!  :biggrin:
Lekker Chris. Soos gewoonlik is jou foto's uitstekend.
Naby my "Hometown" verbygery . . . .


Thanks Chris, lekker report and photo's as usual  :thumleft:

Ek gaan nog eendag vir jou kom kuier om saam met jou al daai mooi paaie in jou omgewing te ry.
Im not the best sleeper in the world but why the toilet had to be so close to me I dont know!
For some reason Apie went to the toiler twice during the night!! Sadist!! :biggrin:
I was feeling dof the next morning.


Did some maintenance on the bike. People have to see my signals you know.


Had some coffee and pap and were out of there at 7.30


Stunning church. Pity about the Yamaha blue spoiling the photo!


We were aiming strait for the mountains. This woke me up from  my sleep deprived state.


Ontop of this little pass.(ofcourse the Yamaha had to sqeeze into the photo!!


Heres a better pic I think! :mwink: Looking back towards Pearston.


Beautiful old farmhouse in ruins. We saw this a lot during the few days on the road. Sad.


That damn Yamaha again. These things are so quick!!


Love  all the trees around all the farmhouses in the area.


A twisty road.


Still cannot figure out what this rock looks like. Some animals head. Baboon?




Swaershoek Pass.
Blarry Yamaha beat me again!


Ontop of Swaershoek Pass.


This gate goes to a celltower up on a hill. Seems someone wanted the gate closed. I counted 16 locks!!


Cradoch below. This road made me decide to ride more of the Eastern Cape in the future.


Church in mainstreet Cradock. The town was very busy it being Friday and the agricaltural show was on AND the circus
was in town!!


We had a bite to eat on the mainstreet. I remebered there is a carmuseum in town I wanted to see but had no
contactdetails. Phoned Stofdonkie. No problemo he said. Phone you back. He did 2 minutes later!!
Piet Coetzee 048 881 3362. He is 80 years old and still practises law in town and restores anything old with an
engine in his spare time. We stayed two and a half hours and could not get away and he did not want us to leave!!
He came from his office to show us everything.
I will add a few of the 30+ pics I took.

Ruston 1915. Is used to pull a windmill when the wind stops for long periods of time.


Ransom bulldozer.


Farmall Cub.


One of my favourites.



The man himself in a Citroen that he uses in vintage car rallies.


Apie says he can feel the wind blowing through his hair cruizing in this one.
Thats of course figuratively speaking looking at his hairstyle!! :imaposer:


Lincoln V12.


Opel bakkie.


Lister 1930 two handshearingmachine. Perfect working order. Started first swing. Max rpm 600!!



Original upholstery and only done 30 000 miles!!


All this picture needs is for Al Capone to get out of one of those cars with a fat cigar in mouth shouting orders!


I enjoy the company of older people because they have interesting stories to tell.
Oom Piet Coetzee's company I really enjoyed. He had a lot of bikes aswell when he was younger.
He said he gave them all to his son when the law said he should wear a helmet!! Took the fun out of rideing
he said!!
We had lost a lot of time and had to step up our speed. River just outside Cradock.


Grassridge Dam



Sad old ruines of farmhouses.


It seems they had good rain here.


The trainsideing of Schoombee. Just the night before we had talked at lenght about the reasons of the rural areas
loseing its population. The closeing of little sideings like these were a big reason. The trains transported people. livestock,
mail, food, and daily pickups of fresh dairyproducts to towns. The tracks are still there but overgrown.




We passed beautiful farms and livestock. The roads never boring and all new to us.



Those trees around the farmhouse again.


We had a Aarbeimelkskommel in Colesburg each and saw some of the first bashers go by.


Nearly there!!


Just before Petrusville my bike hit the 60 000kms mark.


940 kms later we rode into Van Der Kloof. Bikes everywhere. Old faces, new faces and all because of DS bikes.
Pitched our tents and talked a lot about the roads we did.
I did not take many pics at the bash as I new there would be hundreds.
Have these two to prove we were there!!



Fridaynight we had a great time and Apie spent some quality time with his duaghter that came from Bloem for the weekend.

Sarurdaymorning there were some groupoutrides to Orania. I decided to ride there on my own taking as much dirt as possible.



Took the first dirtturnoff I got marked Rust. The road went through the farms.
Now this is a canal!!


Wheat being irrigated by centrepivots.


I followed this road untill it turned into a tweespoor sandy track. I knew by now I was on somebodies property.
I turned around.


Rode back untill I saw a farmer busy welding in his workshop. Pulled in. Asked for dirtdirections to Orania.
Talked a bit and his wife said we should come and have some coffee. They have two Harleys. I did try and
convert them in the three hours I ended up staying there!! I now know everything I wanted to know about the area.
Even some local skinder!!! And I have new friends in Van Der Kloof!!
Rode back to the campsite and just chilled in the shade.
Saturdayevening was spent eating too much meat and drinking 2 liters of Iron Brew all by myself!!
Ek raak rof en onbeskof at the bashes!! :imaposer:

Tomorrow were are going home.

To be continued.
Aaahhhhhh ...lekker Chris  :thumleft: :thumleft:

Soos altyd ry jy die lekkerste paaie en nou is ek effol lus vir werk en wonder hoe ver ek op die Dakar gaan kom as ek nou dros by die werk en begin ry.

Dankie ....eendag gaan ek ook saam met jou ry.
Baie nice Chris, was lekker om julle te ontmoet by die bash.
Lekker man ............ in tipiese ChrisL styl .............. :thumleft: :thumleft:
Nice Chris. Ek geniet jou foto's

Daai hek met die baie slotte - dis gewoonlik oor 'n klomp verskillende mense elkeen sy eie sleutel het om daar deur te gaan.
ChrisL - As always - the best to come!!  I am homesick now, 'cause I want to go to Cradock.    :'( :'( 

On the gravel road from Cradock to Pearston I had my first flat tyre many moons ago and as if that wasn't enough, I had a second a few kilo's from there.  :mad:

Oom Piet Coetzee is a well known and respected Cradocker.  My dad worked with / for him in +/- 1970 and he treats everybody with respect.  When he was 55 / 60 he still beated the younger guys with squash.  ;D  When we were still in Cradock, he used to walk everyday to his morther's house and helped her - that was 5 in the morning.  Later when she moved to the old age home, he used to visit her every day . . .

If anybody drives out of Cradock towards Middelburg, have a look at the houses on your left just before you go out of town.  Oom Piet's house is the last house just before the bridge.  Have a look at his garages.  There is a "Flood Mark" above the doors.  That is what the height of the water was during the flood of 1972.  I'm not sure what Oom Piet lost during that flood, but his sons told me when we were still latjies: "My pa het baie karre in die rivier af".

His friend, Danie Gerber who owns the "Supa Quick" in Cradock also has a lot of vintage cars.  BTW, Danie bought ny house when we left Cradock.

Sorry for the hijack, sorry, but nice so far!!