Round the World - Do you have beer we are coming to visit?

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Andre E said:
michnus said:
Andre E said:
Wonder as ek vir die kinders se dat universiteit gekanselleer is, dan vat ek hulle maar saam op so 'n trippie.

Miskien leer hulle meer..... :p

wat is fout met die weeshuis?  :lol8:


Jy't hulle heel duidelik lanklaas gesien, groter kans dat hulle my in 'n outehuis gooi...... :biggrin:

okay bliksem! Wel ek stem saam hulle sal meer leer om saam te travel.  :biggrin:
okay bliksem! Wel ek stem saam hulle sal meer leer om saam te travel. 


They will be attending the 'University of Life' - nothing wrong with that!! :laughing4:
Taking about learning, this is the book of my old friend Rene, he did 4 years around the world.  :deal:

Short video clip from France

Michnus, i am reaaly enjoying your stories. thank you for making the effort. it is inspiring and informative.
well done ol chap
Boys, girls and the rest, here's the thing. Sunday we are leaving for the USA. Plan is to buy 2 DR650's in Texas and then travel the US till Oct when we will be heading down to Mexico and South America. Eventually if all goes well back up again and up to Canada and Alaska. Might take 3 or so years, that is if bikes, limbs, money and health last that long.  :lol8:  :ricky:

From our experience WiFi and internet is but a miss and hit affair, more mis than affair.  :lamer:

This was part of the reason I got badly behind on updates, okay slapgatgeit ook maar. Most part is the utter frustration with uploading pictures and forum hosting software and such shit, and with travel it's all about pictures. Which you know eats data like nothing else. Not knowing what to expect, I have to limit the places where to share and post. I think for now will add updates and stories on our blog You can also subscribe here and receive the updates we post on the blog. The blog post also include reviews and products stuff.
Just for kak praat and a quick know where we are Facebook as Michnus but really it's just for kak praat nothing much more than that. Forums on Advrider and on RoamAfrica purely because the software is much easier to use for post. If all goes to plan maybe I can do some updates here but do not want to promise and then won't be in a position to do so.

Cheers for eers  :thumleft:

Jô! Jy skuld my 'n hele Vrydagoggend. Moes eers bietjie opvang met al julle gatskuurdery. Sal nog so-iets moet doen eendag!
Sterkte vir julle twee in die nuwe wereld!!!

Ek hoop julle ry veilig en geniet alles. :ricky:
Geen papwiel, skoon brandstof en mooi weer!


Avontier boek die biere op my ek skuld jou  :biggrin:

Thanks Silberfucks, sal ons beste  try!  :thumleft:
Wow Michnus!!!

Thanks for the enormous effort you are putting in to show us how life can be lived!!!

Do post a teaser here every now and again to remind us to check out out Pikipiki :thumleft:
I&horse said:
Wow Michnus!!!

Thanks for the enormous effort you are putting in to show us how life can be lived!!!

Do post a teaser here every now and again to remind us to check out out Pikipiki :thumleft:

Thanks much I&Horse, and I will when possible try and update. I have finally be able to create a Facebook page. You can check there for in-between updates  :deal: ;)
1ougat said:
What happened to your Dakars?

We stored them in Germany. It is stupidly expensive to ship bikes around the world, and we are not nearly finished with Eu. We will go back to the Eu to go to Turkey and East after the USA, Canada and South America. Also I need simpler bikes, running GS's get bliksems expensive. And they are heavy, we love the backroads and hauling a 230kg around is no fun.

Got our new, well new 2nd hand bikes this week, and got them registered on our names. We are taking over the ha ha ha.  >:D :lol8:


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Baie netjies, en eenvoudige lugverkoelde thumpers - way to go!
And still sold in the states brand new for around 5400us.  ;)
Thanks StuartC, ye it does. I bought a screen the other bike had a screen and then saw this low tech option. Would have costed me way less than R1000.  :lol8: