Sand, drops and the new camera

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Andrew to most
Staff member
Global Moderator
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Town, deep in the lentils
KTM 990 Adventure
Well, trying out the new helmet cam, this ride rport has no pictures but a biggish video. If you have bandwidth issues you may have to wait a while.

Macasser Sand

I figured out that this video camera, like most I suppose, doesnâ??t like flat batteries. Once that was rectified I had the opportunity to film some of the stuff that I was riding.

I had dropped it a couple of times earlier and was working up a sweat where the video starts. And not too long past that dropped it again â?? legs too short. I edited out about 10 minutes of sweating. It is really heard to pick these things up in places where the wheels are higher than the bike along with having no room to get under the bike. I still have to find the optimal position for the mic as it does sound as if I am one of those pesky heavy breathers on the line. The riding is behind Kayalitsha and towards Macasser. There are some stunning tracks to ride and a section of road that goes along the beach.

What does not show up so well is the gradient of some of the dunes and tracks that I rode. The new suspension is working a treat and there is one big hit that it just soaks up and floats over. Normally that would have been a jarring experience.

The last third is a track that was just so much fun and ends next to the sewage farm that is right next to the Denel Explosives factory.

If you would like to ride here, maybe next weekend I will take a few. If you are not comfortable on sand you may struggle. Also, you get to ride through a few townships - also might be an issue for some. I have never had any hassles and often stop and give the kids a quick ride. I have taken KTM Bigger here - he a had a ball.

A few pictures of the place from last year.




I watched the vid. Respect
excellent tracks but it looks like tough riding with such a big bike
I'd happily do it on a plastic bike but this looks too much like hard work

once again; respect
Sorry Kamanya, I don't mean to be a sour puss, but isn't it illegal to ride on the beaches...?  Purely a question out of curiosity, don't mean to point any fingers ;)
Ok I need to come ride out our side soon.

That camera works very well.  :thumleft: Good video and riding there.

As LS says....Respect  ;D
InsiderDirtRider said:
Sorry Kamanya, I don't mean to be a sour puss, but isn't it illegal to ride on the beaches...?  Purely a question out of curiosity, don't mean to point any fingers ;)


Although this has a section that has a road/track that runs along the beach. You can see the tracks that I cross over (ok, I did move a little far over at one point). The fishermen use it and it is heavily travelled, it runs just along the high water mark and when last I did it it was quite heavily cobbled, but with all the storms its now just sand.

But yes, technically I am in the wrong.
Surely makes for an interesting perspective!
The Vader-esque sound effects also add a lot!

Looks like lots of fun!
How does this type of riding compare to those tracks along the powerlines we did with Lito?

Very similar to Atlantis from the look of the photo's. For me I Atlantis was a matter of survival on Scorpion tyres, but definatley confidence building. Then I rode my friend's 640 Adventure with knoblies, and had a jol!!

Well done, and cool to have finally met you Kamanya!
MrBig said:
Looks like lots of fun!
How does this type of riding compare to those tracks along the powerlines we did with Lito?

The bit you can see in the video is I'd say slightly easier. There are less woops sections and the MX bikes haven't found it... yet, to tear it up. There are sections that have woops and are very similar to the Atlantic Beach section before the bit that I filmed, but it is possible to get to these bits without having to ride them. There is no mud either. Still, the same rules apply, speed is your friend.
Excellent as always Mr K! You've just volunteered to show me around next time I'm in Cape Town - whether it be on a big bike or not.
Brilliant vid, and nice report. You ride with confidence, it´s great to see.
Love the footage.... As always K well done... I rate the sound of that 950! :thumleft:

I'm in for next time,for sure......! ;D
Will give you a call closer to the weekend!

Thanks +100
Dude, thats seriously cool

After the fast, you gotta take me there -I wanna suffer!!! (I suspect fasting on a trip like this is prob not advisable :patch:)
mountainboy said:
Dude, thats seriously cool

After the fast, you gotta take me there -I wanna suffer!!! (I suspect fasting on a trip like this is prob not advisable :patch:)
