Saron Canal - Noob Ride

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He was to quick, i only caught his rear wheel in the pic and then had to dry the camera :)
What a cool looking ride.....Well done Mrs Le Cap...glad you were there...hope you had lotsa fun :biggrin: :biggrin:
Hi there. Thanks once again for all the effort that went into this trip.  I enjoyed the whole day, especially meeting all the DAWGS.  
Ja, ek was ook daar, maar net vir die drinks. Het te laat by die huis gekom Sondag oggend om die ride te maak.

Toe sit ek maar die tert-wiele op en gaan jaag deur Blouberg. Toemaar Wes, volgende keer doen ek 'n langer stoppie vir jou lazy trigger finger...

Terwyl ons by Doodles gesit het, het GoGirl en Andy950 toevallig daar verby gery. Soos gewoonlik, mis die brakke niks nie en daar is gefluit en geskree en hulle kon net nie verby ry nie...

Hey Doerengone... Sorry vir die "bier misverstand". Ek skuld jou een...

En Goose, lekker om jou te ontmoet. Sorry, ek het nie geweet jy is "Goose" nie. Eers toe jy waai, toe sê die mense wie jy is...

After the trail ride up into the little kloof , we had our snacks and chatted about the days riding.
Some of the guys , as mensioned went back down to do the ride back up.Others (Crossed-up) went for a walk through the bush in the kloof .
After Crossed -up returned , he told us he had found some rock paintings on a wall in the kloof.
So a few of us scrambled through the bushes to go have a look.
Sure enough were the faded remnants of Rock Art.Also , some prick had graffiti`d all over the rock art.
I think I`ll be looking out for more Rock Art myself , It was very interesting find.

The picnic spot
Steveho(325) , Camelman  and Mark Hardy



The Saronberg Kloof




Lekker ride!! Looks a lot wetter than 2 weeks ago.
Thanks XT660, WayneH and others for the route. Had lots and lots of fun!  ;D

I sincerely, out of the deepest part of my heart, apoligise for roosting anybody (if I did) or doing low level flying. I r so sorry. Normaly I'm quite rustig. But yesterday. Eish. The dark side won. I think its Giraffes's fault!

Nobody on this ride was a noob. If there were any, you rode like a pro. Thanks for all who came, and to Mark H, Bus and others who continued late enough at Doodles for me to catch up after my Parents Braai in Hopefield. (BTW: The Sandvlei road from Hopefield to Darling is a Grade 4. What a jol, river crossings, mud, sand, holes. Lots of fun!

Thanks again fpr planning the ride Andy! I'll post the pics I have asap.
Nice one guys. Sorry had to miss out, was in Overberg somewhere.

This is a serious pack of Dawgs....crumbs. The locals must think there was a rally on.  :)

Nice mix of bikes as well.
Hey guys what a super ride Why did I not know about it  ::)  :biggrin:
Awesome ride!!!  Great meeting some new (and some not so new  ;) ) Dawgs.

Even though we were such a large group, it was lekker to see everyone riding comfortably together, and managed to cover long distance quickly & safely over some varied terrain. Besides the 5km challenging jeep track, there was a few sections of tricky sand... And (on the route back via Darling) a couple of HUGE washouts running across the dirt roads - (Just grin tightly, twist the right wrist, and clench the butt cheeks)  >:D  ;D  ;D

Mmmmm I cud get lost in that picnic spot..... :ricky:

I like very much.... :)

and have no knew..... >:D >:D


Mrs LeCap & Mr LeCap bringing up the rear & sweeping

The mud/sand monster tried to hold onto Mrs LeCapâ?¦ but she handled it like a pro. Unfortunately the 3 previous pic of this incident is blurred â?? soz!

The lovely track to be negotiated â?? kindly â??churnedâ? up by the leaders of the pack!

Downhill return track negotiating���.. slowly!!!

Wilddogs in the distance���� in the wild!

Wild(dogs) baboons in the mountains���

and the unmistakeable â?¦ Mr Hardy!!!

Notice the â??changeâ? in the trackâ?¦.

MarkHardy & Giraffeâ?¦ looking very, very pleased with himself!

Thanks goose for posting, that track did start to get mushed up in places after the last ride up  >:D