Setting up our bikes in Perú!

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Bachelor Dog
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Nov 14, 2007
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Our bikes are here, Our bikes are here! :ricky:  :ricky:  :3some: YEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAA

Okay, hang on a second, they´re still at the airport. But im still helluva excited so I had to write something about it. Its been a 8 months wait for the bikes to arrive in SA. Theyve been ridden in and serviced, all gremlins sorted out, and its been another month now since we got back waiting for the paperwork on the South African side to be finalized. That was mission impossible 4 accomplished. Just in case you ever wanted to fly a  a bike worth over R50K here is what you have to have for our blinking customs people before it is released  :deal::

  • Around R20K, for clearing and shipping (airfreight) fees. This took the bike 1st to Amsterdam, and then on to Perú
  • A police clearance certificate,
  • A dangerous cargo airfreight application form
  • Clearance certificate stating the bikes have been drained of fuel and oil and will not explode from BMW,
  • Proof that the bikes have been paid for from the dealers bank nogal, countersigned by the seller,
  • Proof of ownership (green papers),
  • Proof of registration, copies of ID´s,
  • Copies of passports,
  • Copies of residents permits where you are living,
  • Original invoices,
  • One bottle of prozac to help to keep you patient, pleasant and kind when dealing with bozo officials, banker boys with self image issues and dumb blonde shipping agents.

Why go through all the hassle? Because you dont get them here, I like that 800GS and Ive worked my ass off for long enough to finally spoil myself with something thats Ive really wanted for a long time. Call it stubborn mindedness stupidity if you prefer, but I know I am gonna love it. And believe it or not, SA is the cheapest place in the world to buy a BMW motorbike.

I have to thank my great friend JP (Some of you may know him from country trax) who went to great lengths to do most of the SA organising for us without charging us a cent.  :thumleft:

Now they still have to go through customs over here and then there´s new the paperwork issues: I was emailed this afternoon and was told that the Airway Bill (as apposed to the Air Waybill) was addressed to the wrong import agent. Horror-shock-drama. Anyway keep calm, apparently its being sorted out sorted out. Peruvians love their paperwork, so there are probably another 5 forms that have to be filled out in triplicate, thats ok.

Just as long as we have our bikes.

Think of me later this afternoon wandering around with a spanish speaking, scaley, dodgey customs type with a chip on both shoulders trying to convince him that everything is going to be allright, that I really am who I say I am, the bikes in the paperwork really belong to these particular bikes and that we have authorization to take them from all and sundry, including Joe Soap drummer of the nearby bass band. It sounds simple, but believe me its not with these people.  :BangHead:

Then the crates go onto a truck and to our house. Now because they were flown they had to be drained of fuel and oil and who knows what else so its simply a matter of bolting the wheels back on, filled them up and away we go!

I have some 20W50 oil here for the engines, but I see the manual says 10W40 oil. What do you guys think? Can I use this oil, its not that different, or should I go and buy the right stuff?

Photees and more on this laterz.