Slent Road - June 2012. Who has been there lately?

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Gentleman Dog
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Nov 4, 2007
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Today I decided to test my left arm. I am planning a trip to Verneukpan en June and wanted to know if it has healed after the biceps tore off in March.

Firtsly - I have to disappoint you. I took no pics. I was having too much fun.

After leaving Durbanville, I took Vissershok, Malanshoogte en then the Occultdale road. My bike has been standing for three months. Us both needed warming up a bit.

Slent is interesting thoroughout the year. Corrugated most of the time, sandy and potholed late in the summer season. Always a loose surface somewhere

Today it was a long muddy corrugated adventure, with deep potholes in rows behind one another, in some places there is no line where you can miss them.

One had to carefully pick a line and then just go for it.

I took it toward PaardeBerg, turned around and came back to the Wind Farm.

Then I got this GRIN  :biggrin:

And I did it again.

My first time on the bike in 4 months and it was WOWEEEE!!!  :biggrin:

The arm is a bit weak but not painful. I am happy
Jammer ons het nie mekaar "raakgeloop" nie.  Ons het ook daarlangs gery en tot so klein bietjie alternative route gedoen.

Slent pad was nogals avontuurlik ja.  :biggrin:

Bly jy is weer op jou bike! 

Mag daar baie paaie met n belowende skaapkop op die horison vir jou wag.  :thumleft:
As jy dink Slent Rd is iets moet jy gaan kyk hoe lyk daai stuk grondpad wat langs die N1 loop vanaf die Stellenbosh afdraai na die Klapmuts afdraai  :eek7: dit lyk soos pothole heaven!!!
Pote said:
As jy dink Slent Rd is iets moet jy gaan kyk hoe lyk daai stuk grondpad wat langs die N1 loop vanaf die Stellenbosh afdraai na die Klapmuts afdraai   :eek7: dit lyk soos pothole heaven!!!

Klink my hy's volgende  ;)
Bly jy ry weer baaik Oupa Heimie!!
i agree! slent road after the rain can either put you on your ass or put a grin on your face! I usually take my subaru through there when its this muddy... man thats a lot of fun!!
roxenz said:
Good to hear you're back to "normality" again, Heimer!   :thumleft: ;D


I am still due to see the doctor in 2 weeks time. I have some issues still with the arms and hope none of it is permanent
Ian in Great Brak River said:
Heimer said:
roxenz said:
Good to hear you're back to "normality" again, Heimer!   :thumleft: ;D


I am still due to see the doctor in 2 weeks time. I have some issues still with the arms and hope none of it is permanent

What happened to your arm ?

Daai was weer 'n ander strontspul:
Ek het ook Sondag daai pad gery maar toe agter Riebeeck Wes om met daai grondpad wat in Malmusbury uitkom.  Hy het plek plek water gehad.  Vir 'ma' moerig gehad van deur die water jaag...maar was lekker na die reen.  Hoop jou arm herstel gou. Sterkte


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Lekker  Jan , ek kan nog goed onthou toe ek my fiets laas jaar vir die eerste keer na 6 maande se doktersgelde weer opgestart het .  :thumleft: